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[PYG成员作品] Source insight 4.x大白补丁图文破解教程

  • TA的每日心情
    2018-7-9 08:20
  • 签到天数: 869 天


    发表于 2017-2-17 08:19:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    本帖最后由 gagmeng 于 2017-2-17 08:22 编辑

    1、 IDA加载sourceinsight4.exeshift+F12查找所有字符串,并搜索字符串“BEGIN PUBLIC KEY”,定位到pszString
    2、 右键Jump to xref to operand,
    点击OK定位到int __cdecl sub_507B70(BYTE *pbData, DWORD dwDataLen, BYTE *pbSignature, DWORD dwSigLen)
    [Asm] 纯文本查看 复制代码
    .text:00507B70                               ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
    .text:00507B70                               ; int __cdecl sub_507B70(BYTE *pbData, DWORD dwDataLen, BYTE *pbSignature, DWORD dwSigLen)
    .text:00507B70                               sub_507B70      proc near               ; CODE XREF: sub_508790+108p
    .text:00507B70                               hHash           = dword ptr -818h
    .text:00507B70                               phProv          = dword ptr -814h
    .text:00507B70                               pvStructInfo    = dword ptr -810h
    .text:00507B70                               phKey           = dword ptr -80Ch
    .text:00507B70                               pcbBinary       = dword ptr -808h
    .text:00507B70                               pcbStructInfo   = dword ptr -804h
    .text:00507B70                               pbBinary        = byte ptr -800h
    .text:00507B70                               pbData          = dword ptr  4
    .text:00507B70                               dwDataLen       = dword ptr  8
    .text:00507B70                               pbSignature     = dword ptr  0Ch
    .text:00507B70                               dwSigLen        = dword ptr  10h
    .text:00507B70 81 EC 18 08 00 00                             sub     esp, 818h
    .text:00507B76 6A 00                                         push    0               ; pdwFlags
    .text:00507B78 6A 00                                         push    0               ; pdwSkip
    .text:00507B7A 8D 44 24 18                                   lea     eax, [esp+820h+pcbBinary]
    .text:00507B7E 50                                            push    eax             ; pcbBinary
    .text:00507B7F 8D 4C 24 24                                   lea     ecx, [esp+824h+pbBinary]
    .text:00507B83 51                                            push    ecx             ; pbBinary
    .text:00507B84 6A 00                                         push    0               ; dwFlags
    .text:00507B86 6A 00                                         push    0               ; cchString
    .text:00507B88 68 50 42 63 00                                push    offset pszString ; "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIIBIjANBgk"...
    .text:00507B8D C7 44 24 1C 00 00 00 00                       mov     [esp+834h+hHash], 0
    .text:00507B95 C7 44 24 28 00 00 00 00                       mov     [esp+834h+phKey], 0
    .text:00507B9D C7 44 24 2C 00 08 00 00                       mov     [esp+834h+pcbBinary], 800h
    .text:00507BA5 C7 44 24 20 00 00 00 00                       mov     [esp+834h+phProv], 0
    .text:00507BAD FF 15 A8 20 5C 00                             call    ds:CryptStringToBinaryA
    .text:00507BB3 85 C0                                         test    eax, eax
    .text:00507BB5 75 0C                                         jnz     short loc_507BC3
    .text:00507BB7                               loc_507BB7:                             ; CODE XREF: sub_507B70+7Aj
    .text:00507BB7 B8 D8 01 00 00                                mov     eax, 1D8h
    .text:00507BBC 81 C4 18 08 00 00                             add     esp, 818h
    .text:00507BC2 C3                                            retn
    .text:00507BC3                               ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    .text:00507BC3                               loc_507BC3:                             ; CODE XREF: sub_507B70+45j
    .text:00507BC3 8B 4C 24 10                                   mov     ecx, [esp+818h+pcbBinary]
    .text:00507BC7 8D 54 24 14                                   lea     edx, [esp+818h+pcbStructInfo]
    .text:00507BCB 52                                            push    edx             ; pcbStructInfo
    .text:00507BCC 8D 44 24 0C                                   lea     eax, [esp+81Ch+pvStructInfo]
    .text:00507BD0 50                                            push    eax             ; pvStructInfo
    .text:00507BD1 6A 00                                         push    0               ; pDecodePara
    .text:00507BD3 68 00 80 00 00                                push    8000h           ; dwFlags
    .text:00507BD8 51                                            push    ecx             ; cbEncoded
    .text:00507BD9 8D 54 24 2C                                   lea     edx, [esp+82Ch+pbBinary]
    .text:00507BDD 52                                            push    edx             ; pbEncoded
    .text:00507BDE 6A 08                                         push    8               ; lpszStructType
    .text:00507BE0 6A 01                                         push    1               ; dwCertEncodingType
    .text:00507BE2 FF 15 AC 20 5C 00                             call    ds:CryptDecodeObjectEx
    .text:00507BE8 85 C0                                         test    eax, eax
    .text:00507BEA 74 CB                                         jz      short loc_507BB7
    .text:00507BEC 68 00 00 00 F0                                push    0F0000000h      ; dwFlags
    .text:00507BF1 6A 01                                         push    1               ; dwProvType
    .text:00507BF3 6A 00                                         push    0               ; szProvider
    .text:00507BF5 6A 00                                         push    0               ; szContainer
    .text:00507BF7 8D 44 24 14                                   lea     eax, [esp+828h+phProv]
    .text:00507BFB 50                                            push    eax             ; phProv
    .text:00507BFC FF 15 28 20 5C 00                             call    ds:CryptAcquireContextW
    .text:00507C02 85 C0                                         test    eax, eax
    .text:00507C04 75 0C                                         jnz     short loc_507C12
    .text:00507C06 B8 D9 01 00 00                                mov     eax, 1D9h
    .text:00507C0B 81 C4 18 08 00 00                             add     esp, 818h
    .text:00507C11 C3                                            retn
    .text:00507C12                               ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    .text:00507C12                               loc_507C12:                             ; CODE XREF: sub_507B70+94j
    .text:00507C12 8B 54 24 08                                   mov     edx, [esp+818h+pvStructInfo]
    .text:00507C16 8B 44 24 04                                   mov     eax, [esp+818h+phProv]
    .text:00507C1A 8D 4C 24 0C                                   lea     ecx, [esp+818h+phKey]
    .text:00507C1E 51                                            push    ecx             ; phKey
    .text:00507C1F 52                                            push    edx             ; pInfo
    .text:00507C20 6A 01                                         push    1               ; dwCertEncodingType
    .text:00507C22 50                                            push    eax             ; hCryptProv
    .text:00507C23 FF 15 B8 20 5C 00                             call    ds:CryptImportPublicKeyInfo
    .text:00507C29 85 C0                                         test    eax, eax
    .text:00507C2B 75 0C                                         jnz     short loc_507C39
    .text:00507C2D                               loc_507C2D:                             ; CODE XREF: sub_507B70+EEj
    .text:00507C2D B8 DA 01 00 00                                mov     eax, 1DAh
    .text:00507C32 81 C4 18 08 00 00                             add     esp, 818h
    .text:00507C38 C3                                            retn
    .text:00507C39                               ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    .text:00507C39                               loc_507C39:                             ; CODE XREF: sub_507B70+BBj
    .text:00507C39 8B 4C 24 08                                   mov     ecx, [esp+818h+pvStructInfo]
    .text:00507C3D 51                                            push    ecx             ; hMem
    .text:00507C3E FF 15 8C 22 5C 00                             call    ds:LocalFree
    .text:00507C44 8B 44 24 04                                   mov     eax, [esp+818h+phProv]
    .text:00507C48 8D 14 24                                      lea     edx, [esp+818h+hHash]
    .text:00507C4B 52                                            push    edx             ; phHash
    .text:00507C4C 6A 00                                         push    0               ; dwFlags
    .text:00507C4E 6A 00                                         push    0               ; hKey
    .text:00507C50 68 04 80 00 00                                push    8004h           ; Algid
    .text:00507C55 50                                            push    eax             ; hProv
    .text:00507C56 FF 15 50 20 5C 00                             call    ds:CryptCreateHash
    .text:00507C5C 85 C0                                         test    eax, eax
    .text:00507C5E 74 CD                                         jz      short loc_507C2D
    .text:00507C60 8B 8C 24 20 08 00 00                          mov     ecx, [esp+818h+dwDataLen]
    .text:00507C67 8B 94 24 1C 08 00 00                          mov     edx, [esp+818h+pbData]
    .text:00507C6E 8B 04 24                                      mov     eax, [esp+818h+hHash]
    .text:00507C71 6A 00                                         push    0               ; dwFlags
    .text:00507C73 51                                            push    ecx             ; dwDataLen
    .text:00507C74 52                                            push    edx             ; pbData
    .text:00507C75 50                                            push    eax             ; hHash
    .text:00507C76 FF 15 48 20 5C 00                             call    ds:CryptHashData
    .text:00507C7C 85 C0                                         test    eax, eax
    .text:00507C7E 75 0C                                         jnz     short loc_507C8C
    .text:00507C80 B8 DB 01 00 00                                mov     eax, 1DBh
    .text:00507C85 81 C4 18 08 00 00                             add     esp, 818h
    .text:00507C8B C3                                            retn
    .text:00507C8C                               ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    .text:00507C8C                               loc_507C8C:                             ; CODE XREF: sub_507B70+10Ej
    .text:00507C8C 8B 4C 24 0C                                   mov     ecx, [esp+818h+phKey]
    .text:00507C90 8B 94 24 28 08 00 00                          mov     edx, [esp+818h+dwSigLen]
    .text:00507C97 8B 84 24 24 08 00 00                          mov     eax, [esp+818h+pbSignature]
    .text:00507C9E 56                                            push    esi
    .text:00507C9F 6A 00                                         push    0               ; dwFlags
    .text:00507CA1 6A 00                                         push    0               ; szDescription
    .text:00507CA3 51                                            push    ecx             ; hPubKey
    .text:00507CA4 8B 4C 24 10                                   mov     ecx, [esp+828h+hHash]
    .text:00507CA8 52                                            push    edx             ; dwSigLen
    .text:00507CA9 50                                            push    eax             ; pbSignature
    .text:00507CAA 51                                            push    ecx             ; hHash
    .text:00507CAB FF 15 44 20 5C 00                             call    ds:CryptVerifySignatureW
    .text:00507CB1 8B 54 24 04                                   mov     edx, [esp+81Ch+hHash]
    .text:00507CB5 52                                            push    edx             ; hHash
    .text:00507CB6 8B F0                                         mov     esi, eax
    .text:00507CB8 FF 15 40 20 5C 00                             call    ds:CryptDestroyHash
    .text:00507CBE 8B 44 24 08                                   mov     eax, [esp+81Ch+phProv]
    .text:00507CC2 6A 00                                         push    0               ; dwFlags
    .text:00507CC4 50                                            push    eax             ; hProv
    .text:00507CC5 FF 15 3C 20 5C 00                             call    ds:CryptReleaseContext
    .text:00507CCB F7 DE                                         neg     esi
    .text:00507CCD 1B C0                                         sbb     eax, eax
    .text:00507CCF 25 FA FE FF FF                                and     eax, 0FFFFFEFAh
    .text:00507CD4 05 CE 01 00 00                                add     eax, 1CEh
    .text:00507CD9 5E                                            pop     esi
    .text:00507CDA 81 C4 18 08 00 00                             add     esp, 818h
    .text:00507CE0 C3                                            retn
    .text:00507CE0                               sub_507B70      endp

    [C] 纯文本查看 复制代码
    int __cdecl sub_507B70(BYTE *pbData, DWORD dwDataLen, BYTE *pbSignature, DWORD dwSigLen)
      int result; // eax@2
      BOOL v5; // esi@11
      HCRYPTHASH hHash; // [sp+0h] [bp-818h]@1
      HCRYPTPROV phProv; // [sp+4h] [bp-814h]@1
      struct _CERT_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO *pvStructInfo; // [sp+8h] [bp-810h]@3
      HCRYPTKEY phKey; // [sp+Ch] [bp-80Ch]@1
      DWORD pcbBinary; // [sp+10h] [bp-808h]@1
      DWORD pcbStructInfo; // [sp+14h] [bp-804h]@3
      BYTE pbBinary; // [sp+18h] [bp-800h]@1
      hHash = 0;
      phKey = 0;
      pcbBinary = 2048;
      phProv = 0;
      if ( CryptStringToBinaryA(pszString, 0, 0, &pbBinary, &pcbBinary, 0, 0)
        && CryptDecodeObjectEx(1u, (LPCSTR)8, &pbBinary, pcbBinary, 0x8000u, 0, &pvStructInfo, &pcbStructInfo) )
        if ( CryptAcquireContextW(&phProv, 0, 0, 1u, 0xF0000000) )
          if ( CryptImportPublicKeyInfo(phProv, 1u, pvStructInfo, &phKey)
            && (LocalFree(pvStructInfo), CryptCreateHash(phProv, 0x8004u, 0, 0, &hHash)) )
            if ( CryptHashData(hHash, pbData, dwDataLen, 0) )
              v5 = CryptVerifySignatureW(hHash, pbSignature, dwSigLen, phKey, 0, 0);
              CryptReleaseContext(phProv, 0);
              result = v5 != 0 ? 200 : 462;
              result = 475;
            result = 474;
          result = 473;
        result = 472;
      return result;

    4、因此只需将result = v5 != 0 ? 200 : 462;修改为result = v5 != 0 ? 462 : 200即可破解;或者CryptVerifySignatureW返回值为true亦可破解。
    v5 != 0 ? 200 : 462部分对应的汇编代码为:
    [Asm] 纯文本查看 复制代码
    .text:00507CCB F7 DE                                         neg     esi
    .text:00507CCD 1B C0                                         sbb     eax, eax
    .text:00507CCF 25 FA FE FF FF                                and     eax, 0FFFFFEFAh
    .text:00507CD4 05 CE 01 00 00                                add     eax, 1CEh
    .text:00507CD9 5E                                            pop     esi
    .text:00507CDA 81 C4 18 08 00 00                             add     esp, 818h
    .text:00507CE0 C3                                            retn


    5、使用神器大白进行补丁,只需在特征码定位到neg esi处,使esi的值为true,大白设置界面如下:


    source insigth 4大白补丁.rar (711.7 KB, 下载次数: 311)

    si4-lic.rar (731 Bytes, 下载次数: 176)

    来自群组: 我们都爱月姐姐


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    wgz001 + 1 表哥,求带玩IDA



  • TA的每日心情
    2022-8-18 19:11
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    发表于 2017-2-17 08:58:05 | 显示全部楼层
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  • TA的每日心情
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