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视频编辑软件 MAGIX Vegas Pro 14.0.0 Build 161 X64 汉化版中文版 破解版 官方价值 449.00英镑 BY-lx7d
Vegas 是一个专业影像编辑软件现在被制作成为Vegas Movie Studio™ ,是专业版的简化而高效的版本。将成为PC上最佳的入门级视频编辑软件。Vegas 为一整合影像编辑与声音编辑的软件,其中无限制的视轨与音轨,更是其他影音软件所没有的特性。在效益上更提供了视讯合成、进阶编码、转场特效、修剪、及动画控制等。不论是专业人士或是个人用户,都可因其简易的操作介面而轻松上手。此套视讯应用软件可说是数位影像、串流视讯、多媒体简报、广播等用户解决数位编辑之方案。
Innovative editing tools
Edit SD, HD, 2K, and 4K material in 2D or stereoscopic 3D, with drag-and-drop functionality or traditional 3-point and 4-point editing modes. The Vegas Pro 13 interface provides an impressive array of innovative tools and thoughtful touches, with a fully customizable workspace for accomplishing a wide range of production tasks. Nest Vegas Pro projects within the timeline, customize and save keyboard commands, and use application scripting to automate repetitive tasks.
Powerful effects and compositing engines
Combine up to 32 high-quality, keyframeable effects per effects chain and apply them at the event, track, media, or project level. Vegas Pro 13 uses an advanced plug-in architecture based on the OpenFX standard to assure compatibility with hundreds of cutting-edge effects designed by leading video effects VFX developers. Parent/child tracks and 2D and 3D modes provide a powerful, flexible, and sophisticated compositing environment. Shape Masking tools and FX Masking make panning, cropping, and targeted effects treatments easy. The Color Match plug-in along with a wide range of other color-correction tools enable you to quickly match color characteristics from one clip to another.
Project interchange
Import and export a wide range of project files to and from Vegas Pro 13. Project Interchange can convert between native .veg files and AAF for Avid® ProTools®, XML for Apple® Final Cut Pro® 7, Final Cut Pro X (export only), DaVinci Resolve 10, and .prproj for Adobe® Premiere® Pro CC and After Effects® CC.
New! Vegas Pro Connect - Vegas Pro 13 collaboration enhancement app for iPad
To solve the collaboration challenge on video productions, Vegas Pro Connect replaces tedious written spreadsheets and notes with efficient online and offline review workflows. The app provides a comprehensive review system within a gesture-driven control surface and represents a genuine breakthrough in project collaboration and control. Easy to set up and use, Vegas Pro Connect provides the kind of collaborative edge that will make your clients feel like they have well-channeled editorial control as well as a more direct and meaningful involvement in the creative process.
GPU acceleration
Working with OpenCL™ -supported devices from AMD and NVIDIA, Vegas Pro 13 leverages GPU acceleration for video FX, transitions, compositing, pan/crop, track motion and encoding, providing a significantly faster workflow. GPU acceleration provides playback performance gains and faster rendering times to streamline the video editing experience in Vegas Pro 13—ideal for industry professionals who work on tight deadlines where every second counts.
Stereoscopic 3D editing
Create breathtaking stereoscopic 3D projects with the same ease and agility found in the Vegas Pro 2D workflow. Vegas Pro 13 provides the ability to easily import, adjust, edit, preview, and output stereoscopic 3D media—all using industry-standard professional delivery formats including single or dual files with side-by-side, top/bottom, or line-alternate encoding. Anaglyphic monitoring and output are also supported. The 3D Link feature allows bulk pairing of stereoscopic 3D subclips on the timeline, with the ability to automatically pair stereoscopic 3D media from the Sony PMW-TD300 or a pair of PMW-F3 cameras.
Superior audio control
Use unlimited audio tracks, high-resolution 24-bit/192 kHz audio recording and playback, punch-in recording, 5.1 surround mixing, effects automation, and time compression/expansion. Shape your audio with customizable, real-time audio effects like EQ, reverb, delay, and more. Expand your audio processing and mixing options with supported third-party VST audio plug-ins. Vegas Pro 13 includes support for 64-bit versions of Sony Creative Software Noise Reduction 2.0, Wave Hammer, Acoustic Mirror, and more. Enjoy comprehensive mixdown functionality with full console capabilities.
New! Loudness meters
Open the new Loudness Meters and tweak your mixes to maximize audio dynamic range while you maintain consistent -23 LUFS Integrated levels and create EBU R-128/CALM Act compliant renders that will pass unattenuated through every stage of any contemporary broadcaster's signal path. The result: perfection, with your audio delivered to viewers in a state as dynamic and pristine as when it was rendered—exactly as you intended—regardless of playback system.
Powerful Blu-ray Disc authoring
Burn movies to Blu-ray Disc directly from the Vegas Pro 13 timeline or with the included DVD Architect Pro 6 where you can author DVD and Blu-ray Disc projects with subtitles, multiple languages, and numerous playback menus. Preview and test your work in real time. Import layered Photoshop® .PSD files for buttons and other graphical elements. The MainConcept AVC encoder supports variable bit rates up to 40 Mbps and average bit rate of 25 Mbps, for top-of-the-line HD quality.
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