一款简单的视频水印删除工具,使您能够提高图像在视频文件,通过删除水印插入,如标识,签名或字幕。该软件可以让你清晰的图像,以享受观看视频/电影没有被分心的屏幕上的标志。 下面是官方的售价
Easy Video Logo Remover is a simple tool that enables you to improve the image in a video file, by removing watermark insertions, such as logos, signatures or subtitles. The software allows you to clear the image, in order to enjoy watching the video/movie without being distracted by the logo on the screen.
Video Logo Remover is small, lightweight and user-friendly. All you need to do is load the video file into the program, then select the area where the logo is placed. You may preview the frames in the video, by moving the playback slider to the desired moment. This action can help you identify the mark you wish to remove from the image, for example.
Home Page - http://www.dandans.com/
