本帖最后由 gagmeng 于 2015-11-30 07:42 编辑
GhostDocSimplify your XML Comments! GhostDoc is a Visual Studio extension that automatically generates XML documentation comments for methods and properties based on their type, parameters, name, and other contextual information. When generating documentation for class derived from a base class or for interface implementation (e.g. .NET Framework or your custom framework), GhostDoc will use the documentation that Microsoft or the framework vendor has already written for the base class or interface. Benefits- Save keystrokes and time; simplify documenting your code
- Automatically generate a starting point for your help documentation
- Benefit of the base class documentation
- StyleCop compliant documentation templates
- (Pro) Documentation quality and maintenance
- (Pro) Code Spell Checker
- (Pro) Build Help File
- (Pro) Take control of your help files with Help Configurations and Template Libraries
If you follow good naming conventions in your code, then you will get very decent results on the summary GhostDoc generates. When I see code that is not documented, it is as simple as hit Ctrl-Shift-D to have GhostDoc document it. 软件各版本功能比较:
破解后: 软件及补丁下载、补丁使用说明:(仅供个人学习和交流,其他用途请购买正版!)