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[原创] UltraSnap PRO 3.3 屏幕扑捉工具注册信息2组

  • TA的每日心情
    2019-3-25 15:21
  • 签到天数: 487 天


    发表于 2015-4-1 09:48:50 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    本帖最后由 Rooking 于 2015-4-1 11:03 编辑

    UltraSnap PRO 一个强大的屏幕捕捉工具,提供多种截取方式及自定义快捷键功能。UltraSnap PRO 对捕捉的截图提供强大的修饰工具,包括裁剪、更改大小、边框、阴影、亮度等功能。还可以自由输入文字及加入鼠标指标。截取的图像更可选择自动储存于剪贴簿或硬盘,也可调整图像输出的品质。它并支持 BMP、JPG、GIF、PNG 等多种图形文件。
      在新版的 UltraSnap PRO 中融合了图像编辑工具 RealDraw 的部分功能,可以自由向截取的图像中添加各种元素、更改透明度、更改边缘、加入阴影效果等。使 UltraSnap PRO 在图像编辑功能的易用性也非常出色,各种效果只要轻点鼠标即可完成!

    UltraSnap PRO, our graphic clipboard processor and a screen capture, has full non-destructive WYSIWYG editor, with multiple anti-aliasing for perfect output, with many effects like shadows, bevels, objects and more.
    Just spin it for a test drive and you will love it. We build it for ourselves and It took almost 10 years to perfect the workflow.

    "Our UltraSnap was originally written for the internal purpose, to speed up process of creating multimedia presentations, training, manuals and web pages and to simplify sending digital photos by e-mail. Because it performed beyond any expectations we decided few years ago to make it available for public."

    UltraSnap is an excellent tool not only for office application such as preparing tutorials, manuals, web graphics and screen shots but also for everyday use for example to quickly create a little scrapbook postcard or collage from few photos and then sending them by e-mail or post it to blog.
    The main idea is that all is done quickly, without opening or saving files. Just go to Edit Mode, then simply use a shortcut to capture few photos one after another from your image viewer like Google Picasa or Windows Image Viewer, arrange them, add text, sharpen the whole thing (try the new Crisp slider!) and then paste it to or drag it to your email or save it as a file. All is done directly inside the clipboard and using comfortable WYSIWYG editing.
    Quick mode
    Press Hot-key to capture single image even on multiple-monitors, adjust the size, the sharpness, add drop shadow, add a text below the image. You don't have to create intermediate files, all the changes are back in the windows clipboard ready to be pasted in your application. At this point you may paste it to your application, save it to disk or switch to full editing mode.

    Batch Processor
    The best thing is that the quick effects are like a properties. Once you set them you don't have to repeat these steps for the next image again! The next image you capture will automatically have applied the resizing, sharpness and all the effects. As soon as you capture the screen, the new processed image is in clipboard and it can be automatically saved to disk as well. This is a huge time-saver for number of similar screen captures for tutorials or manuals.
    Full WYSIWYG Editing mode
    We were tired of going to editing program to combine multiple captures or photos into one image, adding cursors, texts, captions or arrows. So we build full WYSIWYG editor directly into UltraSnap.

    With a click of a button you can anytime switch to the editing mode where you can continue to capture more images to create a composition, add various texts, cursors, arrows, draw lines or curves etc. Each object can be then customized with drop shadow, transparency, color, bevel, glow, resized, rotated, even apply perspective transformation. The result is sharp and professional because UltraSnap PRO uses combination of vector and bitmap anti-aliasing in its editor.

    Multiple Projects
    On top of this, you can work on multiple "projects" at the same time. Still working on one capture, but quickly need to do another one? Or do you want to try few captures in a row, then decide which one to keep? Click New and you can start working on a different capture without disturbing the previous one, then simply switch back when you need to.

    (The image above shows the power of UltraSnap editor where you can easily apply linear transparencies to captures, add cursors and labels.)
    This may not look like a big deal, but the fact that you can work simultaneously on few captures in composite editing mode and/or in the "single capture" mode, each with its own properties opens a whole new dimension into the capturing.

    New in v. 3 are our most popular NPR (Non Photo Realistic) Styles. You can spice up your screen captures with vector text or shapes using natural looking pencils, paints or crayons. (Click for Larger image)

    We eat our own dog food
    This expression become popular during dotcom era and it means the company is using their own product for day-to-day tasks because they actually believe it is the best.
    Ultrasnap is a prime example of us "eating our own dog food" as we use it for everything from images in manuals and on our web site, to resizing photos for email and for our own software.
    For us there is no other single software that would give us all what we need in such easy way. And we are not talking only about the usability factor.
    For example look at the simple task of capturing a screen shot and saving it as a thumbnail. It may sound very easy but not all software is made equal. Consider this:

    • We use 2 pass bilinear down-sampling as this is the best algorithm for extreme resizing. Other classical resizing filters are better for normal photography and will either shatter or thin very small and contrast details (such as very fine text, thin lines etc..)
    • Our Crisp slider will add the most agreeable natural sharpening that will not over-power the image yet create crispy sharp feel to it. Unlike other classical sharpening methods (Sharpen, Unsharp mask, etc..) our Crisp will sharpen only the highest frequency of the image and absolutely leave everything else 100% intact. This is best for giving your image great sharp look without it being actually sharpened.
    • Saving image to JPG is not usually made equal either. Our Subsampling option will preserve the fine and sudden solid chroma changes (typical for screenshots of software with text, graphs, web pages etc...) unlike normal JPG which will turn those detail into a mush even in the highest quality settings.




    参与人数 2威望 +4 飘云币 +44 收起 理由
    飞天 + 4 + 4 赞一个!
    GGLHY + 40 PYG有你更精彩!


  • TA的每日心情
    2019-3-25 15:21
  • 签到天数: 487 天


     楼主| 发表于 2015-4-1 09:51:27 | 显示全部楼层


    算你狠~~~哈哈!  发表于 2015-4-1 09:58
  • TA的每日心情
    2025-1-14 16:07
  • 签到天数: 1093 天


    发表于 2015-4-1 12:11:22 | 显示全部楼层

  • TA的每日心情

    2016-12-29 21:52
  • 签到天数: 2 天


    发表于 2015-4-1 12:15:38 | 显示全部楼层
    本帖最后由 wangwei1978 于 2015-4-1 13:14 编辑

  • TA的每日心情
    2015-12-21 08:11
  • 签到天数: 8 天


    发表于 2015-4-1 12:47:06 | 显示全部楼层
  • TA的每日心情
    2024-3-10 19:49
  • 签到天数: 473 天


    发表于 2015-4-1 16:22:51 | 显示全部楼层
  • TA的每日心情
    2025-1-14 01:16
  • 签到天数: 1905 天


    发表于 2015-4-1 19:36:32 | 显示全部楼层
    这个软件真心不错 支持了
  • TA的每日心情
    2025-1-14 21:29
  • 签到天数: 2320 天


    发表于 2015-4-1 20:19:50 | 显示全部楼层


    发表于 2015-4-1 20:23:14 | 显示全部楼层
    真心不错 支持了                                    
  • TA的每日心情
    2025-1-14 09:31
  • 签到天数: 1785 天


    发表于 2015-4-2 08:20:02 | 显示全部楼层
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