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[Debuggers] OllyDumpEx 1.4汉化

  • TA的每日心情
    2024-12-31 00:26
  • 签到天数: 77 天


    发表于 2014-12-19 20:45:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    == Known Issue
    - Incorrect memory attribute
      OllyDbg 1.10 and Immunity Debugger Image type memory is always readonly.
      IDA Pro cannot detect Mapped type, Guard, CopyOnWrite attribute.
    - All Memory Search mode hit listed module
      OllyDbg 1.10 and Immunity Debugger not refresh t_memory table automatically.
      Open Memory window and refresh (ALT+M) before search.
    - Cannot search memory address greater than 0x7FFFFFFF
      OllyDbg 2.01h seems to be 0x80000000-0xFFFEFFFF memory range as kernel memory
      even if debuggee compiled with LARGEADDRESSAWARE option.
    - 64bit Limitation
      ImageBase change not supported.
    - Dumped UPX binary not work (FAQ)
      Disable "Prefer Original Characteristics" option before dump.
      Problem is PE characteristics and memory access permission inconsistency.

    == Changelog
    - v1.40 / 2014-12-17
      Add: Support x64_dbg plugin interface (both 32bit and 64bit)
      Improve: Enable NXCOMPAT and DYNAMICBASE for plugin binaries
    - v1.30 / 2013-06-28
      Add: Support WinDbg plugin interface (both 32bit and 64bit)
      Improve: Add plugin name and version directory to archive file
      Bugfix: Data after section headers in PE Header has been ignored
      Bugfix: Fix SizeOfHeaders inconsistency
    - v1.20 / 2013-05-27
      Add: Support IDA Pro plugin interface (both Retail and Freeware version)
      Add: Support native 64bit process dump (IDA Pro only)
      Improve: Change dialog position to center of parent window
      Improve: Add debug toggle menu to dialog system menu
      Improve: Section size handling single section belongs to multiple memory segments
      Bugfix: Zero virtual size section handling
    - v1.12 / 2013-04-02
      Improve: Update to OllyDbg 2 latest version PDK (2.01h, PLUGIN_VERSION 0x02010001)
      Improve: Tested with latest version of debuggers (OllyDbg 2.01h and Immunity Debugger 1.85)
      Bugfix: Search greater than 0x7FFFFFFF memory address failed (IMAGE_FILE_LARGE_ADDRESS_AWARE)
    - v1.10 / 2013-03-24
      Add: Search type All Memory
      Add: Binary dump mode (no rebuild PE header, for before load image)
      Add: PE32+ support (Binary dump mode only)
      Add: Memory Address/Size parameters editable (dump source address)
      Improve: Add info message for Relocation Flag and EXE/DLL type
      Improve: Large PE Header handling (larger than 0x1000)
      Improve: Check SectionAlignment and FileAlignment consistency
      Improve: Reduce search memory usage (not depend on target memory size)
      Improve: Detect PE Header across different type pages (parse and search)
      Bugfix: Improper owner window handle
      Bugfix: Section not listed when belong memory range not exists
      Bugfix: Almost features broken when memory window sort order changed
    - v1.00 / 2013-03-12
      Add: Selectable Base PE Header (Module/Memory/Address)
      Add: Search PE Header from memory
      Improve: PE Source default change Disk to Memory
      Improve: ASLR aware (except PE Source from Disk mode)
      Improve: Clear DynamicBase DllCharacteristics flag with Disable Relocation option
      Improve: PE Header parse and modify more carefully (corrupt PE handling)
      Improve: Inherit selected address from memory window
      Bugfix: Fix Virtual Offset feature cause crash (divide by zero)
      Bugfix: Parse invalid sections cause crash
    - v0.92 / 2012-10-09
      Improve: Support OllyDbg version 2 plugin new interface
    - v0.90 / 2011-08-24
      Add: Support OllyDbg version 2 plugin interface (EXPERIMENTAL)
      Improve: Rewrite Wide/Multibyte-Character support code
      Improve: Decode CopyOnWrite page attribute
      Bugfix: Detect working directory (Wide-Character only)
    - v0.80 / 2011-08-01
      Add: Support Immunity Debugger version 1.8x or higher
      Improve: Data Directory rebuild option (check rewrite range)
      Improve: Always round up PE header size to 0x1000 (ImportRec not extend itself)
      Bugfix: TLS Data Directory ignored
    - v0.70 / 2011-07-07
      Add: Support Immunity Debugger version 1.7x or lower
      Improve: Data Directory rebuild option (support ImportTable)
      Improve: Image Base Address alignment checking
      Improve: Virtual Offset Address alignment checking
    - v0.60
      Improve: DeSelect is too slow when Auto Adjust Image Base option enabled
      Add: Virtual Offset Address overlap checking
    - v0.50
      Improve: Data Directory rebuild option (support ResourceDirectory)
      Add: Auto Adjust Image Base Address option
    - v0.40
      Add: Data Directory rebuild option for RVA Adjust (support ExportTable)
      Improve: Invalid Image Base checking
      Improve: Virtual Offset overlap checking
    - v0.30
      Add: Section sort by Virtual Offset
      Add: Fill Virtual Offset Hole option
    - v0.20
      Bugfix: Fix many bugs
    - v0.10
      Initial version

    == Bug Report
      Please try latest version before report.
      With your environment detail, logs and way to reproduce.
       MAIL: lowprio20/_at_/gmail/_dot_/com


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    参与人数 7威望 +56 飘云币 +48 收起 理由
    zbx91 + 4 神马都是浮云
    jolly_800 + 4 + 4 赞一个!
    Dxer + 8 + 8 淡定
    cfc1680 + 8 + 8 很给力!
    Nisy + 20 + 20 赞一个!
    l0v3cr4ck + 8 + 8 很给力!
    sndncel + 4 很给力!谢谢汉化呀。。。。


  • TA的每日心情
    2024-6-28 20:47
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    发表于 2014-12-19 21:02:19 | 显示全部楼层
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    发表于 2014-12-20 00:20:03 | 显示全部楼层
  • TA的每日心情
    2025-1-14 22:05
  • 签到天数: 2300 天


    发表于 2014-12-20 00:20:38 | 显示全部楼层
  • TA的每日心情
    2025-1-13 20:33
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    发表于 2014-12-20 08:29:16 | 显示全部楼层
  • TA的每日心情
    2024-3-10 19:49
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    发表于 2014-12-20 09:12:59 | 显示全部楼层
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    发表于 2014-12-20 09:35:29 | 显示全部楼层
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