- 3725

TA的每日心情 | 无聊 2024-12-26 09:55 |
签到天数: 88 天 [LV.6]常住居民II
- Option Explicit
- Dim w1 As String, w2 As String, w3 As String, w4 As String
- Function MD5F(ByVal tempstr As String, ByVal w As String, ByVal X As String, ByVal Y As String, ByVal z As String, ByVal Xin As String, ByVal qdata As String, ByVal rots As Integer)
- MD5F = BigMod32Add(RotLeft(BigMod32Add(BigMod32Add(w, tempstr), BigMod32Add(Xin, qdata)), rots), X)
- End Function
- Sub MD5F1(w As String, ByVal X As String, ByVal Y As String, ByVal z As String, ByVal Xin As String, ByVal qdata As String, ByVal rots As Integer)
- Dim tempstr As String
- tempstr = BigXOR(z, BigAND(X, BigXOR(Y, z)))
- w = MD5F(tempstr, w, X, Y, z, Xin, qdata, rots)
- End Sub
- Sub MD5F2(w As String, ByVal X As String, ByVal Y As String, ByVal z As String, ByVal Xin As String, ByVal qdata As String, ByVal rots As Integer)
- Dim tempstr As String
- tempstr = BigXOR(Y, BigAND(z, BigXOR(X, Y)))
- w = MD5F(tempstr, w, X, Y, z, Xin, qdata, rots)
- End Sub
- Sub MD5F3(w As String, ByVal X As String, ByVal Y As String, ByVal z As String, ByVal Xin As String, ByVal qdata As String, ByVal rots As Integer)
- Dim tempstr As String
- tempstr = BigXOR(X, BigXOR(Y, z))
- w = MD5F(tempstr, w, X, Y, z, Xin, qdata, rots)
- End Sub
- Sub MD5F4(w As String, ByVal X As String, ByVal Y As String, ByVal z As String, ByVal Xin As String, ByVal qdata As String, ByVal rots As Integer)
- Dim tempstr As String
- tempstr = BigXOR(Y, BigOR(X, BigNOT(z)))
- w = MD5F(tempstr, w, X, Y, z, Xin, qdata, rots)
- End Sub
- Function MD5_Calc(ByVal hashthis As String) As String
- ReDim buf(0 To 3) As String
- ReDim Xin(0 To 15) As String
- Dim tempnum As Integer, tempnum2 As Integer, loopit As Integer, loopouter As Integer, loopinner As Integer
- Dim A As String, b As String, c As String, d As String
- tempnum = 8 * Len(hashthis)
- hashthis = hashthis + Chr$(128) 'Add binary 10000000
- tempnum2 = 56 - Len(hashthis) Mod 64
- If tempnum2 < 0 Then
- tempnum2 = 64 + tempnum2
- End If
- hashthis = hashthis + String$(tempnum2, Chr$(0))
- For loopit = 1 To 8
- hashthis = hashthis + Chr$(tempnum Mod 256)
- tempnum = tempnum - tempnum Mod 256
- tempnum = tempnum / 256
- Next loopit
- buf(0) = "67452301"
- buf(1) = "efcdab89"
- buf(2) = "98badcfe"
- buf(3) = "10325476"
- For loopouter = 0 To Len(hashthis) / 64 - 1
- A = buf(0)
- b = buf(1)
- c = buf(2)
- d = buf(3)
- ' Get the 512 bits
- For loopit = 0 To 15
- Xin(loopit) = ""
- For loopinner = 1 To 4
- Xin(loopit) = Hex$(Asc(Mid$(hashthis, 64 * loopouter + 4 * loopit + loopinner, 1))) + Xin(loopit)
- If Len(Xin(loopit)) Mod 2 Then Xin(loopit) = "0" + Xin(loopit)
- Next loopinner
- Next loopit
- ' Round 1
- MD5F1 A, b, c, d, Xin(0), "d76aa478", 7
- MD5F1 d, A, b, c, Xin(1), "e8c7b756", 12
- MD5F1 c, d, A, b, Xin(2), "242070db", 17
- MD5F1 b, c, d, A, Xin(3), "c1bdceee", 22
- MD5F1 A, b, c, d, Xin(4), "f57c0faf", 7
- MD5F1 d, A, b, c, Xin(5), "4787c62a", 12
- MD5F1 c, d, A, b, Xin(6), "a8304613", 17
- MD5F1 b, c, d, A, Xin(7), "fd469501", 22
- MD5F1 A, b, c, d, Xin(8), "698098d8", 7
- MD5F1 d, A, b, c, Xin(9), "8b44f7af", 12
- MD5F1 c, d, A, b, Xin(10), "ffff5bb1", 17
- MD5F1 b, c, d, A, Xin(11), "895cd7be", 22
- MD5F1 A, b, c, d, Xin(12), "6b901122", 7
- MD5F1 d, A, b, c, Xin(13), "fd987193", 12
- MD5F1 c, d, A, b, Xin(14), "a679438e", 17
- MD5F1 b, c, d, A, Xin(15), "49b40821", 22
- ' Round 2
- MD5F2 A, b, c, d, Xin(1), "f61e2562", 5
- MD5F2 d, A, b, c, Xin(6), "c040b340", 9
- MD5F2 c, d, A, b, Xin(11), "265e5a51", 14
- MD5F2 b, c, d, A, Xin(0), "e9b6c7aa", 20
- MD5F2 A, b, c, d, Xin(5), "d62f105d", 5
- MD5F2 d, A, b, c, Xin(10), "2441453", 9
- MD5F2 c, d, A, b, Xin(15), "d8a1e681", 14
- MD5F2 b, c, d, A, Xin(4), "e7d3fbc8", 20
- MD5F2 A, b, c, d, Xin(9), "21e1cde6", 5
- MD5F2 d, A, b, c, Xin(14), "c33707d6", 9
- MD5F2 c, d, A, b, Xin(3), "f4d50d87", 14
- MD5F2 b, c, d, A, Xin(8), "455a14ed", 20
- MD5F2 A, b, c, d, Xin(13), "a9e3e905", 5
- MD5F2 d, A, b, c, Xin(2), "fcefa3f8", 9
- MD5F2 c, d, A, b, Xin(7), "676f02d9", 14
- MD5F2 b, c, d, A, Xin(12), "8d2a4c8a", 20
- ' Round 3
- MD5F3 A, b, c, d, Xin(5), "fffa3942", 4
- MD5F3 d, A, b, c, Xin(8), "8771f681", 11
- MD5F3 c, d, A, b, Xin(11), "6d9d6122", 16
- MD5F3 b, c, d, A, Xin(14), "fde5380c", 23
- MD5F3 A, b, c, d, Xin(1), "a4beea44", 4
- MD5F3 d, A, b, c, Xin(4), "4bdecfa9", 11
- MD5F3 c, d, A, b, Xin(7), "f6bb4b60", 16
- MD5F3 b, c, d, A, Xin(10), "bebfbc70", 23
- MD5F3 A, b, c, d, Xin(13), "289b7ec6", 4
- MD5F3 d, A, b, c, Xin(0), "eaa127fa", 11
- MD5F3 c, d, A, b, Xin(3), "d4ef3085", 16
- MD5F3 b, c, d, A, Xin(6), "4881d05", 23
- MD5F3 A, b, c, d, Xin(9), "d9d4d039", 4
- MD5F3 d, A, b, c, Xin(12), "e6db99e5", 11
- MD5F3 c, d, A, b, Xin(15), "1fa27cf8", 16
- MD5F3 b, c, d, A, Xin(2), "c4ac5665", 23
- ' Round 4
- MD5F4 A, b, c, d, Xin(0), "f4292244", 6
- MD5F4 d, A, b, c, Xin(7), "432aff97", 10
- MD5F4 c, d, A, b, Xin(14), "ab9423a7", 15
- MD5F4 b, c, d, A, Xin(5), "fc93a039", 21
- MD5F4 A, b, c, d, Xin(12), "655b59c3", 6
- MD5F4 d, A, b, c, Xin(3), "8f0ccc92", 10
- MD5F4 c, d, A, b, Xin(10), "ffeff47d", 15
- MD5F4 b, c, d, A, Xin(1), "85845dd1", 21
- MD5F4 A, b, c, d, Xin(8), "6fa87e4f", 6
- MD5F4 d, A, b, c, Xin(15), "fe2ce6e0", 10
- MD5F4 c, d, A, b, Xin(6), "a3014314", 15
- MD5F4 b, c, d, A, Xin(13), "4e0811a1", 21
- MD5F4 A, b, c, d, Xin(4), "f7537e82", 6
- MD5F4 d, A, b, c, Xin(11), "bd3af235", 10
- MD5F4 c, d, A, b, Xin(2), "2ad7d2bb", 15
- MD5F4 b, c, d, A, Xin(9), "eb86d391", 21
- buf(0) = BigAdd(buf(0), A)
- buf(1) = BigAdd(buf(1), b)
- buf(2) = BigAdd(buf(2), c)
- buf(3) = BigAdd(buf(3), d)
- Next loopouter
- For loopit = 0 To 3
- For loopinner = 3 To 0 Step -1
- Text2.Text = Text2.Text & (Mid$(buf(loopit), 1 + 2 * loopinner, 2))
- Next loopinner
- Next loopit
- End Function
- Function BigMod32Add(ByVal value1 As String, ByVal value2 As String) As String
- BigMod32Add = Right$(BigAdd(value1, value2), 8)
- End Function
- Public Function BigAdd(ByVal value1 As String, ByVal value2 As String) As String
- Dim valueans As String
- Dim loopit As Integer, tempnum As Integer
- tempnum = Len(value1) - Len(value2)
- If tempnum < 0 Then
- value1 = Space$(Abs(tempnum)) + value1
- ElseIf tempnum > 0 Then
- value2 = Space$(Abs(tempnum)) + value2
- End If
- tempnum = 0
- For loopit = Len(value1) To 1 Step -1
- tempnum = tempnum + Val("&H" + Mid$(value1, loopit, 1)) + Val("&H" + Mid$(value2, loopit, 1))
- valueans = Hex$(tempnum Mod 16) + valueans
- tempnum = Int(tempnum / 16)
- Next loopit
- If tempnum <> 0 Then
- valueans = Hex$(tempnum) + valueans
- End If
- BigAdd = Right(valueans, 8)
- End Function
- Public Function RotLeft(ByVal value1 As String, ByVal rots As Integer) As String
- Dim tempstr As String
- Dim loopit As Integer, loopinner As Integer
- Dim tempnum As Integer
- rots = rots Mod 32
- If rots = 0 Then
- RotLeft = value1
- Exit Function
- End If
- value1 = Right$(value1, 8)
- tempstr = String$(8 - Len(value1), "0") + value1
- value1 = ""
- ' 转换成二进制形式
- For loopit = 1 To 8
- tempnum = Val("&H" + Mid$(tempstr, loopit, 1))
- For loopinner = 3 To 0 Step -1
- If tempnum And 2 ^ loopinner Then
- value1 = value1 + "1"
- Else
- value1 = value1 + "0"
- End If
- Next loopinner
- Next loopit
- tempstr = Mid$(value1, rots + 1) + Left$(value1, rots)
- ' 转换为十六进制
- value1 = ""
- For loopit = 0 To 7
- tempnum = 0
- For loopinner = 0 To 3
- If Val(Mid$(tempstr, 4 * loopit + loopinner + 1, 1)) Then
- tempnum = tempnum + 2 ^ (3 - loopinner)
- End If
- Next loopinner
- value1 = value1 + Hex$(tempnum)
- Next loopit
- RotLeft = Right(value1, 8)
- End Function
- Function BigAND(ByVal value1 As String, ByVal value2 As String) As String
- Dim valueans As String
- Dim loopit As Integer, tempnum As Integer
- tempnum = Len(value1) - Len(value2)
- If tempnum < 0 Then
- value2 = Mid$(value2, Abs(tempnum) + 1)
- ElseIf tempnum > 0 Then
- value1 = Mid$(value1, tempnum + 1)
- End If
- For loopit = 1 To Len(value1)
- valueans = valueans + Hex$(Val("&H" + Mid$(value1, loopit, 1)) And Val("&H" + Mid$(value2, loopit, 1)))
- Next loopit
- BigAND = valueans
- End Function
- Function BigNOT(ByVal value1 As String) As String
- Dim valueans As String
- Dim loopit As Integer
- value1 = Right$(value1, 8)
- value1 = String$(8 - Len(value1), "0") + value1
- For loopit = 1 To 8
- valueans = valueans + Hex$(15 Xor Val("&H" + Mid$(value1, loopit, 1)))
- Next loopit
- BigNOT = valueans
- End Function
- Function BigOR(ByVal value1 As String, ByVal value2 As String) As String
- Dim valueans As String
- Dim loopit As Integer, tempnum As Integer
- tempnum = Len(value1) - Len(value2)
- If tempnum < 0 Then
- valueans = Left$(value2, Abs(tempnum))
- value2 = Mid$(value2, Abs(tempnum) + 1)
- ElseIf tempnum > 0 Then
- valueans = Left$(value1, Abs(tempnum))
- value1 = Mid$(value1, tempnum + 1)
- End If
- For loopit = 1 To Len(value1)
- valueans = valueans + Hex$(Val("&H" + Mid$(value1, loopit, 1)) Or Val("&H" + Mid$(value2, loopit, 1)))
- Next loopit
- BigOR = valueans
- End Function
- Function BigXOR(ByVal value1 As String, ByVal value2 As String) As String
- Dim valueans As String
- Dim loopit As Integer, tempnum As Integer
- tempnum = Len(value1) - Len(value2)
- If tempnum < 0 Then
- valueans = Left$(value2, Abs(tempnum))
- value2 = Mid$(value2, Abs(tempnum) + 1)
- ElseIf tempnum > 0 Then
- valueans = Left$(value1, Abs(tempnum))
- value1 = Mid$(value1, tempnum + 1)
- End If
- For loopit = 1 To Len(value1)
- valueans = valueans + Hex$(Val("&H" + Mid$(value1, loopit, 1)) Xor Val("&H" + Mid$(value2, loopit, 1)))
- Next loopit
- BigXOR = Right(valueans, 8)
- End Function
- Private Sub Command1_Click()
- MD5_Calc (Text1.Text)
- End Sub
- Private Sub Command2_Click()
- Text1.Text = ""
- Text2.Text = ""
- End Sub
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