- 44482
 
软件:通用数据格式转换工具dct v1.1
下面是注册按钮的响应函数:- CODE:0055176C _TFrmRegPass_Button1Click proc near ; CODE XREF: _TFrmRegPass_Edit1KeyPress+5p
- CODE:0055176C ; DATA XREF: CODE:00551697o
- CODE:0055176C
- CODE:0055176C var_24 = dword ptr -24h
- CODE:0055176C pszInputKey = dword ptr -20h
- CODE:0055176C pszMachineId = dword ptr -1Ch
- CODE:0055176C pAryTempKey_1 = byte ptr -18h
- CODE:0055176C pszTempKey_2 = dword ptr -8
- CODE:0055176C pszRealKey = dword ptr -4
- CODE:0055176C
- CODE:0055176C push ebp
- CODE:0055176D mov ebp, esp
- CODE:0055176F mov ecx, 4
- CODE:00551774
- CODE:00551774 loc_551774: ; CODE XREF: _TFrmRegPass_Button1Click+Dj
- CODE:00551774 push 0
- CODE:00551776 push 0
- CODE:00551778 dec ecx
- CODE:00551779 jnz short loc_551774
- CODE:0055177B push ecx
- CODE:0055177C push ebx
- CODE:0055177D mov ebx, eax
- CODE:0055177F xor eax, eax
- CODE:00551781 push ebp
- CODE:00551782 push offset loc_551837 ; 异常处理
- CODE:00551787 push dword ptr fs:[eax]
- CODE:0055178A mov fs:[eax], esp
- CODE:0055178D lea eax, [ebp+pszMachineId]
- CODE:00551790 call __get_machine_id ; 获得文本框的硬件ID
- CODE:00551795 mov eax, [ebp+pszMachineId] ; 传入参数
- CODE:00551798 lea edx, [ebp+pAryTempKey_1] ; 传出参数
- CODE:0055179B call __account_key_1 ; 第一次key计算
- CODE:005517A0 lea eax, [ebp+pAryTempKey_1] ; IN
- CODE:005517A3 lea edx, [ebp+pszTempKey_2] ; OUT
- CODE:005517A6 call __account_key_2 ; 第二次是把第一次计算得到的int n[4]数组转成字符串
- CODE:005517AB mov eax, [ebp+pszTempKey_2] ; IN
- CODE:005517AE lea edx, [ebp+pszRealKey] ; OUT
- CODE:005517B1 call __account_key_3 ; 最终注册码
- CODE:005517B6 lea edx, [ebp+pszInputKey]
- CODE:005517B9 mov eax, [ebx+304h]
- CODE:005517BF call __get_user_input ; 获得用户输入
- CODE:005517C4 mov eax, [ebp+pszInputKey]
- CODE:005517C7 mov edx, [ebp+pszRealKey]
- CODE:005517CA call __strcmp ; 假码和真码比较
- CODE:005517CF jnz short Jmp_To_False
- CODE:005517D1 mov eax, offset _str_________________4.Text
- CODE:005517D6 call __Dialogs_ShowMessage
- CODE:005517DB lea edx, [ebp+var_24]
- CODE:005517DE mov eax, [ebx+304h]
- CODE:005517E4 call __get_user_input
- CODE:005517E9 mov eax, [ebp+var_24]
- CODE:005517EC call @TIdTCPConnection@GetInternalResponse_0 ; TIdTCPConnection::GetInternalResponse
- CODE:005517F1 mov dword ptr [ebx+24Ch], 1
- CODE:005517FB jmp short loc_551807
- CODE:005517FD ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- CODE:005517FD
- CODE:005517FD Jmp_To_False: ; CODE XREF: _TFrmRegPass_Button1Click+63j
- CODE:005517FD mov eax, offset _str___________.Text
- CODE:00551802 call __Dialogs_ShowMessage
- CODE:00551807
- CODE:00551807 loc_551807: ; CODE XREF: _TFrmRegPass_Button1Click+8Fj
- CODE:00551807 xor eax, eax
- CODE:00551809 pop edx
- CODE:0055180A pop ecx
- CODE:0055180B pop ecx
- CODE:0055180C mov fs:[eax], edx
- CODE:0055180F push offset loc_55183E
- CODE:00551814
- CODE:00551814 loc_551814: ; CODE XREF: _TFrmRegPass_Button1Click+D0j
- CODE:00551814 lea eax, [ebp+var_24]
- CODE:00551817 mov edx, 2
- CODE:0055181C call __LStrArrayClr
- CODE:00551821 lea eax, [ebp+pszMachineId]
- CODE:00551824 call __LStrClr
- CODE:00551829 lea eax, [ebp+pszTempKey_2]
- CODE:0055182C mov edx, 2
- CODE:00551831 call __LStrArrayClr
- CODE:00551836 retn
- CODE:00551837 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- CODE:00551837
- CODE:00551837 loc_551837: ; DATA XREF: _TFrmRegPass_Button1Click+16o
- CODE:00551837 jmp unknown_libname_75 ; BDS 2005-2006 and Delphi6-7 Visual Component Library
- CODE:0055183C ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- CODE:0055183C jmp short loc_551814
- CODE:0055183E ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- CODE:0055183E
- CODE:0055183E loc_55183E: ; CODE XREF: _TFrmRegPass_Button1Click+CAj
- CODE:0055183E ; DATA XREF: _TFrmRegPass_Button1Click+A3o
- CODE:0055183E pop ebx
- CODE:0055183F mov esp, ebp
- CODE:00551841 pop ebp
- CODE:00551842 retn
- CODE:00551842 _TFrmRegPass_Button1Click endp
复制代码 逆向代码:- void Account_Key(string sId,string& sRealKey)
- {
- int nAry[16] = {0};
- Account_Key_1(sId, nAry);
- string si2a;
- Account_Key_2(si2a,(char*)&nAry);
- Account_Key_3(sRealKey,si2a);
- }
复制代码 __account_key_1函数怀疑是某算法库里的算法,可惜我算法太白菜。所以不知道是什么算法。- CODE:0054C80C __account_key_1 proc near ; CODE XREF: sub_54DE3C+39p
- CODE:0054C80C ; _TFrmRegPass_Button1Click+2Fp
- CODE:0054C80C
- CODE:0054C80C stMachine = byte ptr -5Ch
- CODE:0054C80C pszInStr = dword ptr -4
- CODE:0054C80C
- CODE:0054C80C push ebp
- CODE:0054C80D mov ebp, esp
- CODE:0054C80F add esp, 0FFFFFFA4h
- CODE:0054C812 push ebx
- CODE:0054C813 mov ebx, edx ; pOut
- CODE:0054C815 mov [ebp+pszInStr], eax
- CODE:0054C818 mov eax, [ebp+pszInStr]
- CODE:0054C81B call __LStrAddRef ; 引用计数
- CODE:0054C820 xor eax, eax
- CODE:0054C822 push ebp
- CODE:0054C823 push offset loc_54C872 ; 注册异常函数
- CODE:0054C828 push dword ptr fs:[eax]
- CODE:0054C82B mov fs:[eax], esp
- CODE:0054C82E lea eax, [ebp+stMachine]
- CODE:0054C831 call __Struct_Init ; st_machine结构体初始化 = {0x61234509,0xEFCD5B89,0x13BA7CFE,0x18325476,0,0,""}
- CODE:0054C836 mov eax, [ebp+pszInStr]
- CODE:0054C839 call __get_str_lenth ; delphi字符串格式是:字符串长度+字符串
- CODE:0054C83E push eax ; string lenth
- CODE:0054C83F mov eax, [ebp+pszInStr]
- CODE:0054C842 call __LStrToPChar
- CODE:0054C847 mov edx, eax
- CODE:0054C849 lea eax, [ebp+stMachine]
- CODE:0054C84C pop ecx ; 字符串的长度
- CODE:0054C84D call __Struct_Edit_1 ; 结构体中数据运算
- CODE:0054C852 mov edx, ebx
- CODE:0054C854 lea eax, [ebp+stMachine]
- CODE:0054C857 call __Matrix_Account ; 第一次返回的key的计算函数
- CODE:0054C85C xor eax, eax
- CODE:0054C85E pop edx
- CODE:0054C85F pop ecx
- CODE:0054C860 pop ecx
- CODE:0054C861 mov fs:[eax], edx
- CODE:0054C864 push offset loc_54C879
- CODE:0054C869
- CODE:0054C869 loc_54C869: ; CODE XREF: __account_key_1+6Bj
- CODE:0054C869 lea eax, [ebp+pszInStr]
- CODE:0054C86C call __LStrClr
- CODE:0054C871 retn
- CODE:0054C872 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- CODE:0054C872
- CODE:0054C872 loc_54C872: ; DATA XREF: __account_key_1+17o
- CODE:0054C872 jmp unknown_libname_75 ; BDS 2005-2006 and Delphi6-7 Visual Component Library
- CODE:0054C877 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- CODE:0054C877 jmp short loc_54C869
- CODE:0054C879 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- CODE:0054C879
- CODE:0054C879 loc_54C879: ; CODE XREF: __account_key_1+65j
- CODE:0054C879 ; DATA XREF: __account_key_1+58o
- CODE:0054C879 pop ebx
- CODE:0054C87A mov esp, ebp
- CODE:0054C87C pop ebp
- CODE:0054C87D retn
- CODE:0054C87D __account_key_1 endp
复制代码 逆向代码:- void Account_Key_1(string sId, int* pAry)
- {
- //初始化结构体
- tagKey stKey = {0x61234509,0xEFCD5B89,0x13BA7CFE,0x18325476,0,0,""};
- int nLenth = sId.length();
- Struct_Edit_1((char*)&stKey,(char*)sId.c_str(),nLenth);
- Matrix_Account(stKey,pAry);
- memcpy(pAry, &stKey, 16);
- }
复制代码- CODE:0054C880 __account_key_2 proc near ; CODE XREF: sub_54DE3C+44p
- CODE:0054C880 ; _TFrmRegPass_Button1Click+3Ap
- CODE:0054C880
- CODE:0054C880 var_18 = dword ptr -18h
- CODE:0054C880 var_14 = dword ptr -14h
- CODE:0054C880 pnAry = byte ptr -10h
- CODE:0054C880
- CODE:0054C880 push ebp
- CODE:0054C881 mov ebp, esp
- CODE:0054C883 add esp, 0FFFFFFE8h
- CODE:0054C886 push ebx
- CODE:0054C887 push esi
- CODE:0054C888 push edi
- CODE:0054C889 xor ecx, ecx
- CODE:0054C88B mov [ebp+var_14], ecx
- CODE:0054C88E mov [ebp+var_18], ecx
- CODE:0054C891 mov esi, eax
- CODE:0054C893 lea edi, [ebp+pnAry]
- CODE:0054C896 movsd ; 数组拷贝
- CODE:0054C897 movsd ; dword ptr:[esi] -> dword ptr:[edi]
- CODE:0054C898 movsd
- CODE:0054C899 movsd
- CODE:0054C89A mov edi, edx
- CODE:0054C89C xor eax, eax
- CODE:0054C89E push ebp
- CODE:0054C89F push offset loc_54C91B ; int
- CODE:0054C8A4 push dword ptr fs:[eax] ; int
- CODE:0054C8A7 mov fs:[eax], esp
- CODE:0054C8AA mov eax, edi
- CODE:0054C8AC call __LStrClr
- CODE:0054C8B1 mov bl, 10h
- CODE:0054C8B3 lea esi, [ebp+pnAry] ;
- CODE:0054C8B3 ; do
- CODE:0054C8B3 ; {
- CODE:0054C8B3 ; }while(--16)
- CODE:0054C8B6
- CODE:0054C8B6 loc_54C8B6: ; CODE XREF: __account_key_2+7Ej
- CODE:0054C8B6 push dword ptr [edi] ; int to string; int数组转成字符串
- CODE:0054C8B8 lea eax, [ebp+var_14]
- CODE:0054C8BB xor edx, edx
- CODE:0054C8BD mov dl, [esi]
- CODE:0054C8BF shr edx, 4
- CODE:0054C8C2 and edx, 0Fh
- CODE:0054C8C5 mov dl, ds:byte_557F54[edx]
- CODE:0054C8CB call __itoa ; BDS 2005-2006 and Delphi6-7 Visual Component Library
- CODE:0054C8D0 push [ebp+var_14] ; int
- CODE:0054C8D3 lea eax, [ebp+var_18]
- CODE:0054C8D6 mov dl, [esi]
- CODE:0054C8D8 and dl, 0Fh
- CODE:0054C8DB and edx, 0FFh
- CODE:0054C8E1 mov dl, ds:byte_557F54[edx]
- CODE:0054C8E7 call __itoa ; BDS 2005-2006 and Delphi6-7 Visual Component Library
- CODE:0054C8EC push [ebp+var_18]
- CODE:0054C8EF mov eax, edi
- CODE:0054C8F1 mov edx, 3
- CODE:0054C8F6 call __strcat ;字符串连接
- CODE:0054C8FB inc esi
- CODE:0054C8FC dec bl
- CODE:0054C8FE jnz short loc_54C8B6
- CODE:0054C900 xor eax, eax
- CODE:0054C902 pop edx
- CODE:0054C903 pop ecx
- CODE:0054C904 pop ecx
- CODE:0054C905 mov fs:[eax], edx
- CODE:0054C908 push offset loc_54C922
- CODE:0054C90D
- CODE:0054C90D loc_54C90D: ; CODE XREF: __account_key_2+A0j
- CODE:0054C90D lea eax, [ebp+var_18]
- CODE:0054C910 mov edx, 2
- CODE:0054C915 call __LStrArrayClr
- CODE:0054C91A retn
- CODE:0054C91B ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- CODE:0054C91B
- CODE:0054C91B loc_54C91B: ; DATA XREF: __account_key_2+1Fo
- CODE:0054C91B jmp unknown_libname_75 ; BDS 2005-2006 and Delphi6-7 Visual Component Library
- CODE:0054C920 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- CODE:0054C920 jmp short loc_54C90D
- CODE:0054C922 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- CODE:0054C922
- CODE:0054C922 loc_54C922: ; CODE XREF: __account_key_2+9Aj
- CODE:0054C922 ; DATA XREF: __account_key_2+88o
- CODE:0054C922 pop edi
- CODE:0054C923 pop esi
- CODE:0054C924 pop ebx
- CODE:0054C925 mov esp, ebp
- CODE:0054C927 pop ebp
- CODE:0054C928 retn
- CODE:0054C928 __account_key_2 endp
复制代码 第二次只是把第一次算key得到的一个4个int的数组转成字符串,所以我自己写了个功能一样的
逆向代码:- void Account_Key_2(string& sKey, char* pAry)
- {
- for (int n = 0; n < 16; n++)
- {
- char buffer[5] = {0};
- //itoa(unsigned char(pAry[n]),buffer,16);
- sprintf_s(buffer,"%02x",unsigned char(pAry[n]));
- sKey += buffer;
- }
- }
复制代码 第三次传入第二次返回的字符串,传出的是最后的key- CODE:0054D3FC __account_key_3 proc near ; CODE XREF: sub_54DE3C+4Fp
- CODE:0054D3FC ; _TFrmRegPass_Button1Click+45p
- CODE:0054D3FC
- CODE:0054D3FC var_C = dword ptr -0Ch
- CODE:0054D3FC pszTempBuffer = dword ptr -8
- CODE:0054D3FC pszInStr = dword ptr -4
- CODE:0054D3FC
- CODE:0054D3FC push ebp
- CODE:0054D3FD mov ebp, esp
- CODE:0054D3FF push 0
- CODE:0054D401 push 0
- CODE:0054D403 push 0
- CODE:0054D405 push ebx
- CODE:0054D406 push esi
- CODE:0054D407 push edi
- CODE:0054D408 mov edi, edx
- CODE:0054D40A mov [ebp+pszInStr], eax
- CODE:0054D40D mov eax, [ebp+pszInStr]
- CODE:0054D410 call __LStrAddRef
- CODE:0054D415 xor eax, eax
- CODE:0054D417 push ebp ; int
- CODE:0054D418 push offset loc_54D4AF ; char *
- CODE:0054D41D push dword ptr fs:[eax] ; int
- CODE:0054D420 mov fs:[eax], esp
- CODE:0054D423 lea edx, [ebp+pszTempBuffer]
- CODE:0054D426 mov eax, [ebp+pszInStr]
- CODE:0054D429 call __clean_letter_from_str ; 去除字符串中的字母(a b c d e f)
- CODE:0054D42E mov edx, [ebp+pszTempBuffer]
- CODE:0054D431 lea eax, [ebp+pszInStr]
- CODE:0054D434 call __LStrLAsg ; eax中字符串和edx做交换
- CODE:0054D439 mov eax, edi
- CODE:0054D43B call __LStrClr
- CODE:0054D440 mov eax, [ebp+pszInStr]
- CODE:0054D443 call __get_str_lenth
- CODE:0054D448 mov esi, eax
- CODE:0054D44A test esi, esi
- CODE:0054D44C jle short loc_54D482
- CODE:0054D44E mov ebx, 1 ;
- CODE:0054D44E ; do
- CODE:0054D44E ; {
- CODE:0054D44E ; //key算法
- CODE:0054D44E ; }while(--string_lenth)
- CODE:0054D453
- CODE:0054D453 loc_54D453: ; CODE XREF: __account_key_3+84j
- CODE:0054D453 mov eax, ebx
- CODE:0054D455 and eax, 80000001h ; % 2
- CODE:0054D45A jns short loc_54D461
- CODE:0054D45C dec eax
- CODE:0054D45D or eax, 0FFFFFFFEh
- CODE:0054D460 inc eax
- CODE:0054D461
- CODE:0054D461 loc_54D461: ; CODE XREF: __account_key_3+5Ej
- CODE:0054D461 test eax, eax
- CODE:0054D463 jnz short loc_54D47E ; % 2不等于0则跳
- CODE:0054D465 lea eax, [ebp+var_C]
- CODE:0054D468 mov edx, [ebp+pszInStr]
- CODE:0054D46B mov dl, [edx+ebx-1]
- CODE:0054D46F call __itoa ; BDS 2005-2006 and Delphi6-7 Visual Component Library
- CODE:0054D474 mov edx, [ebp+var_C]
- CODE:0054D477 mov eax, edi
- CODE:0054D479 call __LStrCat
- CODE:0054D47E
- CODE:0054D47E loc_54D47E: ; CODE XREF: __account_key_3+67j
- CODE:0054D47E inc ebx
- CODE:0054D47F dec esi
- CODE:0054D480 jnz short loc_54D453
- CODE:0054D482
- CODE:0054D482 loc_54D482: ; CODE XREF: __account_key_3+50j
- CODE:0054D482 push edi
- CODE:0054D483 mov eax, [edi]
- CODE:0054D485 mov ecx, 0Ch
- CODE:0054D48A mov edx, 1
- CODE:0054D48F call __LStrCopy
- CODE:0054D494 xor eax, eax
- CODE:0054D496 pop edx
- CODE:0054D497 pop ecx
- CODE:0054D498 pop ecx
- CODE:0054D499 mov fs:[eax], edx
- CODE:0054D49C push offset loc_54D4B6
- CODE:0054D4A1
- CODE:0054D4A1 loc_54D4A1: ; CODE XREF: __account_key_3+B8j
- CODE:0054D4A1 lea eax, [ebp+var_C]
- CODE:0054D4A4 mov edx, 3
- CODE:0054D4A9 call __LStrArrayClr
- CODE:0054D4AE retn
- CODE:0054D4AF ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- CODE:0054D4AF
- CODE:0054D4AF ; char loc_54D4AF
- CODE:0054D4AF loc_54D4AF: ; DATA XREF: __account_key_3+1Co
- CODE:0054D4AF jmp unknown_libname_75 ; BDS 2005-2006 and Delphi6-7 Visual Component Library
- CODE:0054D4B4 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- CODE:0054D4B4 jmp short loc_54D4A1
- CODE:0054D4B6 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- CODE:0054D4B6
- CODE:0054D4B6 loc_54D4B6: ; CODE XREF: __account_key_3+B2j
- CODE:0054D4B6 ; DATA XREF: __account_key_3+A0o
- CODE:0054D4B6 pop edi
- CODE:0054D4B7 pop esi
- CODE:0054D4B8 pop ebx
- CODE:0054D4B9 mov esp, ebp
- CODE:0054D4BB pop ebp
- CODE:0054D4BC retn
- CODE:0054D4BC __account_key_3 endp
复制代码 逆向代码:
//第三次key运算- void Account_Key_3(string& sRealKey, string sKey)
- {
- string sTempKey;
- int nLenth = sKey.length();
- int n;
- for ( n = 0; n < nLenth; n++)
- {
- switch (sKey[n])
- {
- case '0':
- case '1':
- case '2':
- case '3':
- case '4':
- case '5':
- case '6':
- case '7':
- case '8':
- case '9':
- sTempKey += sKey[n];
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- nLenth = sTempKey.length();
- if ( nLenth > 0)
- {
- int nTemp = 1;
- char* pTempKey = (char*)sTempKey.c_str();
- do
- {
- if ( (nTemp % 2) == 0 )
- {
- char c = *(char*)(pTempKey + nTemp - 1);
- sRealKey += c;
- }
- nTemp++;
- nLenth--;
- } while (nLenth);
- }
- }
复制代码 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//__account_key_1中调用的函数:- CODE:0054C718 __Struct_Edit_1 proc near ; CODE XREF: __Matrix_Account+42p
- CODE:0054C718 ; __Matrix_Account+50p ...
- CODE:0054C718 push ebx
- CODE:0054C719 push esi
- CODE:0054C71A push edi
- CODE:0054C71B push ebp
- CODE:0054C71C mov edi, ecx ; 参数,长度
- CODE:0054C71E mov ebp, edx ; 参数
- CODE:0054C720 mov esi, eax ; 参数,p
- CODE:0054C722 mov eax, [esi+st_machine.nUnknow_5]
- CODE:0054C725 shr eax, 3
- CODE:0054C728 and eax, 3Fh
- CODE:0054C72B mov edx, edi
- CODE:0054C72D shl edx, 3 ; * 8
- CODE:0054C730 add [esi+st_machine.nUnknow_5], edx
- CODE:0054C733 cmp edx, [esi+st_machine.nUnknow_5]
- CODE:0054C736 jbe short loc_54C73B
- CODE:0054C738 inc dword ptr [esi+14h]
- CODE:0054C73B
- CODE:0054C73B loc_54C73B: ; CODE XREF: __Struct_Edit_1+1Ej
- CODE:0054C73B mov edx, edi
- CODE:0054C73D shr edx, 1Dh ; >> 29
- CODE:0054C740 add [esi+14h], edx
- CODE:0054C743 mov ebx, 40h
- CODE:0054C748 sub ebx, eax
- CODE:0054C74A cmp ebx, edi
- CODE:0054C74C ja short loc_54C780 ; >
- CODE:0054C74E lea eax, [esi+eax+18h]
- CODE:0054C752 mov ecx, ebx
- CODE:0054C754 mov edx, ebp
- CODE:0054C756 call __memcpy
- CODE:0054C75B mov edx, esi
- CODE:0054C75D lea eax, [esi+18h]
- CODE:0054C760 call struct_account
- CODE:0054C765 jmp short loc_54C775
- CODE:0054C767 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- CODE:0054C767
- CODE:0054C767 loc_54C767: ; CODE XREF: __Struct_Edit_1+62j
- CODE:0054C767 mov edx, esi
- CODE:0054C769 lea eax, [ebp+ebx+0]
- CODE:0054C76D call struct_account
- CODE:0054C772 add ebx, 40h
- CODE:0054C775
- CODE:0054C775 loc_54C775: ; CODE XREF: __Struct_Edit_1+4Dj
- CODE:0054C775 lea eax, [ebx+3Fh]
- CODE:0054C778 cmp edi, eax
- CODE:0054C77A ja short loc_54C767
- CODE:0054C77C xor eax, eax
- CODE:0054C77E jmp short loc_54C782
- CODE:0054C780 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- CODE:0054C780
- CODE:0054C780 loc_54C780: ; CODE XREF: __Struct_Edit_1+34j
- CODE:0054C780 xor ebx, ebx
- CODE:0054C782
- CODE:0054C782 loc_54C782: ; CODE XREF: __Struct_Edit_1+66j
- CODE:0054C782 lea eax, [esi+eax+st_machine.szMachineId]
- CODE:0054C786 mov ecx, edi
- CODE:0054C788 sub ecx, ebx
- CODE:0054C78A lea edx, [ebp+ebx+0] ; user input string
- CODE:0054C78E call __memcpy
- CODE:0054C793 pop ebp
- CODE:0054C794 pop edi
- CODE:0054C795 pop esi
- CODE:0054C796 pop ebx
- CODE:0054C797 retn
- CODE:0054C797 __Struct_Edit_1 endp
复制代码 逆向代码:- //pv1 = eax, pv2 = edx, nLenth = ecx
- void Struct_Edit_1(char* pv1, char* pv2,int nLenth)
- {
- int v2 = (*(DWORD*)(pv1 + 16) >> 3) & 0x3F;
- *(DWORD*)(pv1 + 16) += 8 * nLenth;
- if ( 8 * nLenth > *(DWORD*)(pv1 + 16) )
- ++*(DWORD*)(pv1 + 20);
- *(DWORD*)(pv1 + 20) += nLenth >> 29;
- int v5 = 64 - v2;
- if ( v5 <= nLenth )
- {
- memcpy((void*)(pv1 + v2 + 0x18),pv2,v5);
- Struct_Account(pv1, pv1+0x18);
- //_memcpy();
- //ary_account();
- while ( nLenth > v5 + 63 )
- {
- Struct_Account(pv1, pv2 + v5);
- //ary_account();
- v5 += 64;
- }
- v2 = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- v5 = 0;
- }
- memcpy(pv1+v2+0x18, pv2+v5, nLenth - v5);
- }
复制代码 函数太长,省略一部分。- CODE:0054BFB4 struct_account proc near ; CODE XREF: __Struct_Edit_1+48p
- CODE:0054BFB4 ; __Struct_Edit_1+55p
- CODE:0054BFB4
- CODE:0054BFB4 push ebx
- CODE:0054BFB5 push esi
- CODE:0054BFB6 push edi
- CODE:0054BFB7 push ebp
- CODE:0054BFB8 add esp, 0FFFFFFA8h
- CODE:0054BFBB mov [esp+4], edx
- CODE:0054BFBF mov [esp], eax
- CODE:0054BFC2 lea ebx, [esp+8]
- CODE:0054BFC6 lea esi, [esp+0Ch]
- CODE:0054BFCA lea edi, [esp+10h]
- CODE:0054BFCE lea ebp, [esp+14h]
- CODE:0054BFD2 lea edx, [esp+18h]
- CODE:0054BFD6 mov ecx, 40h
- CODE:0054BFDB mov eax, [esp]
- CODE:0054BFDE call Account_Func_1
- CODE:0054BFE3 mov eax, [esp+4]
- CODE:0054BFE7 mov eax, [eax]
- CODE:0054BFE9 mov [ebx], eax
- CODE:0054BFEB mov eax, [esp+4]
- CODE:0054BFEF mov eax, [eax+4]
- CODE:0054BFF2 mov [esi], eax
- CODE:0054BFF4 mov eax, [esp+4]
- CODE:0054BFF8 mov eax, [eax+8]
- CODE:0054BFFB mov [edi], eax
- CODE:0054BFFD mov eax, [esp+4]
- CODE:0054C001 mov eax, [eax+0Ch]
- CODE:0054C004 mov [ebp+0], eax
- CODE:0054C007 mov eax, [ebp+0]
- CODE:0054C00A push eax
- CODE:0054C00B mov eax, [esp+1Ch]
- CODE:0054C00F push eax
- CODE:0054C010 push 7
- CODE:0054C012 push 0D76AA478h
- CODE:0054C017 mov eax, ebx
- CODE:0054C019 mov ecx, [edi]
- CODE:0054C01B mov edx, [esi]
- CODE:0054C01D call Account_Func_2
- ……(省略)
- CODE:0054C1B3 mov eax, [ebp+0]
- CODE:0054C1B6 push eax
- CODE:0054C1B7 mov eax, [esp+20h]
- CODE:0054C1BB push eax
- CODE:0054C1BC push 5
- CODE:0054C1BE push 0F61E2562h
- CODE:0054C1C3 mov eax, ebx
- CODE:0054C1C5 mov ecx, [edi]
- CODE:0054C1C7 mov edx, [esi]
- CODE:0054C1C9 call Account_Func_5
- ……(省略)
- CODE:0054C35F mov eax, [ebp+0]
- CODE:0054C362 push eax
- CODE:0054C363 mov eax, [esp+30h]
- CODE:0054C367 push eax
- CODE:0054C368 push 4
- CODE:0054C36A push 0FFFA3942h
- CODE:0054C36F mov eax, ebx
- CODE:0054C371 mov ecx, [edi]
- CODE:0054C373 mov edx, [esi]
- CODE:0054C375 call Account_Func_7
- ……(省略)
- CODE:0054C50B mov eax, [ebp+0]
- CODE:0054C50E push eax
- CODE:0054C50F mov eax, [esp+1Ch]
- CODE:0054C513 push eax
- CODE:0054C514 push 6
- CODE:0054C516 push 0F4292244h
- CODE:0054C51B mov eax, ebx
- CODE:0054C51D mov ecx, [edi]
- CODE:0054C51F mov edx, [esi]
- CODE:0054C521 call Account_Func_9
- ……(省略)
- CODE:0054C6B7 mov eax, [esp+4]
- CODE:0054C6BB mov edx, [ebx]
- CODE:0054C6BD add [eax], edx
- CODE:0054C6BF mov eax, [esp+4]
- CODE:0054C6C3 mov edx, [esi]
- CODE:0054C6C5 add [eax+4], edx
- CODE:0054C6C8 mov eax, [esp+4]
- CODE:0054C6CC mov edx, [edi]
- CODE:0054C6CE add [eax+8], edx
- CODE:0054C6D1 mov eax, [esp+4]
- CODE:0054C6D5 mov edx, [ebp+0]
- CODE:0054C6D8 add [eax+0Ch], edx
- CODE:0054C6DB add esp, 58h
- CODE:0054C6DE pop ebp
- CODE:0054C6DF pop edi
- CODE:0054C6E0 pop esi
- CODE:0054C6E1 pop ebx
- CODE:0054C6E2 retn
- CODE:0054C6E2 struct_account endp
复制代码 逆向代码:- void Struct_Account(char* pEdx, char* pEax)
- {
- int nAry[22] = {0};
- nAry[1] = (int)pEdx;
- nAry[0] = (int)pEax;
- Account_Func_1((int*)nAry[0], (int*)&nAry[6],0x40);
- nAry[2] = *(int*)pEdx;
- nAry[3] = *(int*)(pEdx + 4);
- nAry[4] = *(int*)(pEdx + 8);
- nAry[5] = *(int*)(pEdx + 0xC);
- Account_Func_2( 0x0D76AA478, 7, nAry[6], nAry[5], &nAry[2], nAry[4], nAry[3]);
- ……(省略)
- Account_Func_5( 0xF61E2562, 5, nAry[7], nAry[5], &nAry[2], nAry[4], nAry[3]);
- ……(省略)
- Account_Func_7( 0xFFFA3942, 4, nAry[11], nAry[5], &nAry[2], nAry[4], nAry[3]);
- ……(省略)
- Account_Func_9( 0xF4292244, 6, nAry[6], nAry[5], &nAry[2], nAry[4], nAry[3]);
- ……(省略)
- *(DWORD*)pEdx += nAry[2];
- *(DWORD*)(pEdx + 4) += nAry[3];
- *(DWORD*)(pEdx + 8) += nAry[4];
- *(DWORD*)(pEdx + 0xC) += nAry[5];
- }
复制代码- CODE:0054BF40 Account_Func_1 proc near ; CODE XREF: struct_account+2Ap
- CODE:0054BF40 push ebx
- CODE:0054BF41 shr ecx, 2
- CODE:0054BF44 test ecx, ecx
- CODE:0054BF46 jbe short loc_54BF73
- CODE:0054BF48 loc_54BF48: ; CODE XREF: Account_Func_1+31j
- CODE:0054BF48 xor ebx, ebx
- CODE:0054BF4A mov bl, [eax]
- CODE:0054BF4C mov [edx], ebx
- CODE:0054BF4E inc eax
- CODE:0054BF4F xor ebx, ebx
- CODE:0054BF51 mov bl, [eax]
- CODE:0054BF53 shl ebx, 8
- CODE:0054BF56 or [edx], ebx
- CODE:0054BF58 inc eax
- CODE:0054BF59 xor ebx, ebx
- CODE:0054BF5B mov bl, [eax]
- CODE:0054BF5D shl ebx, 10h
- CODE:0054BF60 or [edx], ebx
- CODE:0054BF62 inc eax
- CODE:0054BF63 xor ebx, ebx
- CODE:0054BF65 mov bl, [eax]
- CODE:0054BF67 shl ebx, 18h
- CODE:0054BF6A or [edx], ebx
- CODE:0054BF6C inc eax
- CODE:0054BF6D add edx, 4
- CODE:0054BF70 dec ecx
- CODE:0054BF71 jnz short loc_54BF48
- CODE:0054BF73 loc_54BF73: ; CODE XREF: Account_Func_1+6j
- CODE:0054BF73 pop ebx
- CODE:0054BF74 retn
- CODE:0054BF74 Account_Func_1 endp
复制代码 逆向代码:- void Account_Func_1(int* pEax, int* pEdx, int nEcx)
- {
- int i, v4;
- for ( i = nEcx >> 2; i; --i )
- {
- *(DWORD*)pEdx = *(unsigned char*)pEax;
- v4 = (int)pEax + 1;
- *(DWORD*)pEdx |= *(unsigned char*)v4 << 8;
- v4++;
- *(DWORD*)pEdx |= *(unsigned char*)v4 << 16;
- v4++;
- *(DWORD*)pEdx |= *(unsigned char*)v4 << 24;
- pEax = (int*)(v4 + 1);
- //edx += 4;
- pEdx++;
- }
- }
复制代码- CODE:0054BE70 Account_Func_2 proc near ; CODE XREF: struct_account+69p
- CODE:0054BE70 ; struct_account+83p ...
- CODE:0054BE70
- CODE:0054BE70 arg_0 = dword ptr 8
- CODE:0054BE70 arg_4 = byte ptr 0Ch
- CODE:0054BE70 arg_8 = dword ptr 10h
- CODE:0054BE70 arg_C = dword ptr 14h
- CODE:0054BE70
- CODE:0054BE70 push ebp
- CODE:0054BE71 mov ebp, esp
- CODE:0054BE73 push ebx
- CODE:0054BE74 push esi
- CODE:0054BE75 push edi
- CODE:0054BE76 mov edi, ecx
- CODE:0054BE78 mov esi, edx
- CODE:0054BE7A mov ebx, eax
- CODE:0054BE7C mov ecx, [ebp+arg_C]
- CODE:0054BE7F mov edx, edi
- CODE:0054BE81 mov eax, esi
- CODE:0054BE83 call Account_Func_3
- CODE:0054BE88 add eax, [ebp+arg_8]
- CODE:0054BE8B add eax, [ebp+arg_0]
- CODE:0054BE8E add [ebx], eax
- CODE:0054BE90 mov eax, ebx
- CODE:0054BE92 mov dl, [ebp+arg_4]
- CODE:0054BE95 call Account_Func_4
- CODE:0054BE9A add [ebx], esi
- CODE:0054BE9C pop edi
- CODE:0054BE9D pop esi
- CODE:0054BE9E pop ebx
- CODE:0054BE9F pop ebp
- CODE:0054BEA0 retn 10h
- CODE:0054BEA0 Account_Func_2 endp
复制代码 逆向代码:- void Account_Func_2(unsigned int n, char m, unsigned int i, unsigned int j, int* nEax, int nEcx, int nEdx)
- {
- //*(_DWORD *)v9 += a3 + a5 + Account_Func_3(a2, ecx0, a6);
- *nEax += i + n + Account_Func_3( nEdx, nEcx, j);
- Account_Func_4( (int)nEax, m);
- *nEax += nEdx;
- }
复制代码- CODE:0054BE24 Account_Func_3 proc near ; CODE XREF: Account_Func_2+13p
- CODE:0054BE24 and edx, eax
- CODE:0054BE26 not eax
- CODE:0054BE28 and ecx, eax
- CODE:0054BE2A or edx, ecx
- CODE:0054BE2C mov eax, edx
- CODE:0054BE2E retn
- CODE:0054BE2E Account_Func_3 endp
复制代码 逆向代码:- int Account_Func_3(int nEax, int nEdx, int nEcx)
- {
- return ~nEax & nEcx | nEax & nEdx;
- }
复制代码- CODE:0054BE50 Account_Func_4 proc near ; CODE XREF: Account_Func_2+25p
- CODE:0054BE50 ; Account_Func_5+25p ...
- CODE:0054BE50 push ebx
- CODE:0054BE51 xor ecx, ecx
- CODE:0054BE53 mov cl, dl
- CODE:0054BE55 push ecx
- CODE:0054BE56 mov ecx, 20h
- CODE:0054BE5B pop ebx
- CODE:0054BE5C sub ecx, ebx
- CODE:0054BE5E mov ebx, [eax]
- CODE:0054BE60 shr ebx, cl
- CODE:0054BE62 mov ecx, edx
- CODE:0054BE64 mov edx, [eax]
- CODE:0054BE66 shl edx, cl
- CODE:0054BE68 or ebx, edx
- CODE:0054BE6A mov [eax], ebx
- CODE:0054BE6C pop ebx
- CODE:0054BE6D retn
- CODE:0054BE6D Account_Func_4 endp
复制代码 逆向代码:- void Account_Func_4(int nEax, char cEdx)
- {
- *(DWORD*)nEax = (*(DWORD*)nEax << cEdx) | (*(DWORD*)nEax >> (32 - cEdx));
- }
复制代码- CODE:0054BEA4 Account_Func_5 proc near ; CODE XREF: struct_account+215p
- CODE:0054BEA4 ; struct_account+22Fp ...
- CODE:0054BEA4
- CODE:0054BEA4 arg_0 = dword ptr 8
- CODE:0054BEA4 arg_4 = byte ptr 0Ch
- CODE:0054BEA4 arg_8 = dword ptr 10h
- CODE:0054BEA4 arg_C = dword ptr 14h
- CODE:0054BEA4
- CODE:0054BEA4 push ebp
- CODE:0054BEA5 mov ebp, esp
- CODE:0054BEA7 push ebx
- CODE:0054BEA8 push esi
- CODE:0054BEA9 push edi
- CODE:0054BEAA mov edi, ecx
- CODE:0054BEAC mov esi, edx
- CODE:0054BEAE mov ebx, eax
- CODE:0054BEB0 mov ecx, [ebp+arg_C]
- CODE:0054BEB3 mov edx, edi
- CODE:0054BEB5 mov eax, esi
- CODE:0054BEB7 call Account_Func_6
- CODE:0054BEBC add eax, [ebp+arg_8]
- CODE:0054BEBF add eax, [ebp+arg_0]
- CODE:0054BEC2 add [ebx], eax
- CODE:0054BEC4 mov eax, ebx
- CODE:0054BEC6 mov dl, [ebp+arg_4]
- CODE:0054BEC9 call Account_Func_4
- CODE:0054BECE add [ebx], esi
- CODE:0054BED0 pop edi
- CODE:0054BED1 pop esi
- CODE:0054BED2 pop ebx
- CODE:0054BED3 pop ebp
- CODE:0054BED4 retn 10h
- CODE:0054BED4 Account_Func_5 endp
复制代码 逆向代码:- void Account_Func_5(unsigned int n, char m, unsigned int i, unsigned int j, int* nEax, int nEcx, int nEdx)
- {
- *(DWORD*)nEax += n + i + Account_Func_6(nEdx, nEcx, j);
- Account_Func_4( (int)nEax, m);
- *nEax += nEdx;
- }
复制代码- CODE:0054BE30 Account_Func_6 proc near ; CODE XREF: Account_Func_5+13p
- CODE:0054BE30 and eax, ecx
- CODE:0054BE32 not ecx
- CODE:0054BE34 and edx, ecx
- CODE:0054BE36 or eax, edx
- CODE:0054BE38 retn
- CODE:0054BE38 Account_Func_6 endp
复制代码 逆向代码:- int Account_Func_6(int nEax, int nEdx, int nEcx)
- {
- return ~nEcx & nEdx | nEcx & nEax;
- }
复制代码- CODE:0054BED8 Account_Func_7 proc near ; CODE XREF: struct_account+3C1p
- CODE:0054BED8 ; struct_account+3DBp ...
- CODE:0054BED8
- CODE:0054BED8 arg_0 = dword ptr 8
- CODE:0054BED8 arg_4 = byte ptr 0Ch
- CODE:0054BED8 arg_8 = dword ptr 10h
- CODE:0054BED8 arg_C = dword ptr 14h
- CODE:0054BED8
- CODE:0054BED8 push ebp
- CODE:0054BED9 mov ebp, esp
- CODE:0054BEDB push ebx
- CODE:0054BEDC push esi
- CODE:0054BEDD push edi
- CODE:0054BEDE mov edi, ecx
- CODE:0054BEE0 mov esi, edx
- CODE:0054BEE2 mov ebx, eax
- CODE:0054BEE4 mov ecx, [ebp+arg_C]
- CODE:0054BEE7 mov edx, edi
- CODE:0054BEE9 mov eax, esi
- CODE:0054BEEB call Account_Func_8
- CODE:0054BEF0 add eax, [ebp+arg_8]
- CODE:0054BEF3 add eax, [ebp+arg_0]
- CODE:0054BEF6 add [ebx], eax
- CODE:0054BEF8 mov eax, ebx
- CODE:0054BEFA mov dl, [ebp+arg_4]
- CODE:0054BEFD call Account_Func_4
- CODE:0054BF02 add [ebx], esi
- CODE:0054BF04 pop edi
- CODE:0054BF05 pop esi
- CODE:0054BF06 pop ebx
- CODE:0054BF07 pop ebp
- CODE:0054BF08 retn 10h
- CODE:0054BF08 Account_Func_7 endp
复制代码 逆向代码:- void Account_Func_7(unsigned int n, char m, unsigned int i, unsigned int j, int* nEax, int nEcx, int nEdx)
- {
- *(DWORD*)nEax += n + i + Account_Func_8(nEdx, nEcx, j);
- Account_Func_4( (int)nEax, m);
- *nEax += nEdx;
- }
复制代码- CODE:0054BE3C Account_Func_8 proc near ; CODE XREF: Account_Func_7+13p
- CODE:0054BE3C xor eax, edx
- CODE:0054BE3E xor ecx, eax
- CODE:0054BE40 mov eax, ecx
- CODE:0054BE42 retn
- CODE:0054BE42 Account_Func_8 endp
复制代码 逆向代码:- int Account_Func_8(int nEax, int nEdx, int nEcx)
- {
- return nEdx ^ nEax ^ nEcx;
- }
复制代码- CODE:0054BF0C Account_Func_9 proc near ; CODE XREF: struct_account+56Dp
- CODE:0054BF0C ; struct_account+587p ...
- CODE:0054BF0C
- CODE:0054BF0C arg_0 = dword ptr 8
- CODE:0054BF0C arg_4 = byte ptr 0Ch
- CODE:0054BF0C arg_8 = dword ptr 10h
- CODE:0054BF0C arg_C = dword ptr 14h
- CODE:0054BF0C
- CODE:0054BF0C push ebp
- CODE:0054BF0D mov ebp, esp
- CODE:0054BF0F push ebx
- CODE:0054BF10 push esi
- CODE:0054BF11 push edi
- CODE:0054BF12 mov edi, ecx
- CODE:0054BF14 mov esi, edx
- CODE:0054BF16 mov ebx, eax
- CODE:0054BF18 mov ecx, [ebp+arg_C]
- CODE:0054BF1B mov edx, edi
- CODE:0054BF1D mov eax, esi
- CODE:0054BF1F call Account_Func_10
- CODE:0054BF24 add eax, [ebp+arg_8]
- CODE:0054BF27 add eax, [ebp+arg_0]
- CODE:0054BF2A add [ebx], eax
- CODE:0054BF2C mov eax, ebx
- CODE:0054BF2E mov dl, [ebp+arg_4]
- CODE:0054BF31 call Account_Func_4
- CODE:0054BF36 add [ebx], esi
- CODE:0054BF38 pop edi
- CODE:0054BF39 pop esi
- CODE:0054BF3A pop ebx
- CODE:0054BF3B pop ebp
- CODE:0054BF3C retn 10h
- CODE:0054BF3C Account_Func_9 endp
复制代码 逆向代码:- void Account_Func_9(unsigned int n, char m, unsigned int i, unsigned int j, int* nEax, int nEcx, int nEdx)
- {
- *(DWORD*)nEax += n + i + Account_Func_10(nEdx, nEcx, j);
- Account_Func_4( (int)nEax, m);
- *nEax += nEdx;
- }
复制代码- CODE:0054BE44 Account_Func_10 proc near ; CODE XREF: Account_Func_9+13p
- CODE:0054BE44 not ecx
- CODE:0054BE46 or eax, ecx
- CODE:0054BE48 xor edx, eax
- CODE:0054BE4A mov eax, edx
- CODE:0054BE4C retn
- CODE:0054BE4C Account_Func_10 endp
复制代码 逆向代码:- int Account_Func_10(int nEax, int nEdx, int nEcx)
- {
- return (~nEcx | nEax) ^ nEdx;
- }
复制代码- CODE:0054C798 __Matrix_Account proc near ; CODE XREF: __account_key_1+4Bp
- CODE:0054C798 push ebx
- CODE:0054C799 push esi
- CODE:0054C79A add esp, 0FFFFFFF8h ; sub esp, 8 开辟栈空间
- CODE:0054C79D mov esi, edx ; OUT参数
- CODE:0054C79F mov ebx, eax ; IN参数,st_mechine结构体
- CODE:0054C7A1 mov edx, esp
- CODE:0054C7A3 lea eax, [ebx+st_machine.nUnknow_5]
- CODE:0054C7A6 mov ecx, 2 ; 循环次数
- CODE:0054C7AB call __Struct_Edit_2 ; 结构体数据运算
- CODE:0054C7B0 mov eax, [ebx+st_machine.nUnknow_5]
- CODE:0054C7B3 shr eax, 3 ; >> 3
- CODE:0054C7B6 and eax, 3Fh ; % 64
- CODE:0054C7B9 cmp eax, 38h
- CODE:0054C7BC jnb short loc_54C7C9 ; >=
- CODE:0054C7BE mov edx, 38h
- CODE:0054C7C3 sub edx, eax
- CODE:0054C7C5 mov eax, edx
- CODE:0054C7C7 jmp short loc_54C7D2
- CODE:0054C7C9 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- CODE:0054C7C9
- CODE:0054C7C9 loc_54C7C9: ; CODE XREF: __Matrix_Account+24j
- CODE:0054C7C9 mov edx, 78h
- CODE:0054C7CE sub edx, eax
- CODE:0054C7D0 mov eax, edx
- CODE:0054C7D2
- CODE:0054C7D2 loc_54C7D2: ; CODE XREF: __Matrix_Account+2Fj
- CODE:0054C7D2 mov edx, offset unk_557F14
- CODE:0054C7D7 mov ecx, ebx
- CODE:0054C7D9 xchg eax, ecx
- CODE:0054C7DA call __Struct_Edit_1 ; 结构体中值做运算
- CODE:0054C7DF mov edx, esp
- CODE:0054C7E1 mov eax, ebx
- CODE:0054C7E3 mov ecx, 8
- CODE:0054C7E8 call __Struct_Edit_1
- CODE:0054C7ED mov edx, esi
- CODE:0054C7EF mov eax, ebx
- CODE:0054C7F1 mov ecx, 4
- CODE:0054C7F6 call __Struct_Edit_2
- CODE:0054C7FB mov eax, ebx
- CODE:0054C7FD mov edx, 58h
- CODE:0054C802 call __ZeroMemory
- CODE:0054C807 pop ecx
- CODE:0054C808 pop edx
- CODE:0054C809 pop esi
- CODE:0054C80A pop ebx
- CODE:0054C80B retn
- CODE:0054C80B __Matrix_Account endp
复制代码 逆向代码:- void Matrix_Account(tagKey& pSt,int* pAry)
- {
- int v7[2] = {0};
- int v4 = (int)pAry;
- int v3 = (int)&pSt;
- Struct_Edit_2((int)&pSt.nUnknow_5, (int)&v7, 2);
- int v2 = (*(DWORD*)(&pSt.nUnknow_5) >> 3) & 0x3F;
- unsigned int v5;
- if ( (unsigned int)v2 >= 0x38 )
- v5 = 120 - v2;
- else
- v5 = 56 - v2;
- Struct_Edit_1((char*)v3, (char*)&g_nAry, v5);
- Struct_Edit_1((char*)v3, (char*)&v7, 8u);
- Struct_Edit_2(v3, v4, 4);
- }
复制代码- CODE:0054BF78 __Struct_Edit_2 proc near ; CODE XREF: __Matrix_Account+13p
- CODE:0054BF78 ; __Matrix_Account+5Ep
- CODE:0054BF78 push esi
- CODE:0054BF79 mov esi, eax ; 参数
- CODE:0054BF7B mov eax, edx ; 参数
- CODE:0054BF7D mov edx, ecx ; 参数
- CODE:0054BF7F test edx, edx ; for (int i = ecx; i != 0; i--)
- CODE:0054BF81 jbe short loc_54BFB2 ; <=
- CODE:0054BF83
- CODE:0054BF83 loc_54BF83: ; CODE XREF: __Struct_Edit_2+38j
- CODE:0054BF83 mov cl, [esi] ; *(_BYTE *)param_edx = *(_BYTE *)param_eax
- CODE:0054BF85 and cl, 0FFh
- CODE:0054BF88 mov [eax], cl
- CODE:0054BF8A inc eax ; param_edx + 1
- CODE:0054BF8B mov ecx, [esi]
- CODE:0054BF8D shr ecx, 8 ; >> 8
- CODE:0054BF90 and cl, 0FFh
- CODE:0054BF93 mov [eax], cl
- CODE:0054BF95 inc eax ; param_edx + 1
- CODE:0054BF96 mov ecx, [esi]
- CODE:0054BF98 shr ecx, 10h ; >> 10
- CODE:0054BF9B and cl, 0FFh
- CODE:0054BF9E mov [eax], cl
- CODE:0054BFA0 inc eax ; param_edx + 1
- CODE:0054BFA1 mov ecx, [esi]
- CODE:0054BFA3 shr ecx, 18h ; >> 18
- CODE:0054BFA6 and cl, 0FFh
- CODE:0054BFA9 mov [eax], cl
- CODE:0054BFAB inc eax ; param_edx + 1
- CODE:0054BFAC add esi, 4
- CODE:0054BFAF dec edx
- CODE:0054BFB0 jnz short loc_54BF83
- CODE:0054BFB2
- CODE:0054BFB2 loc_54BFB2: ; CODE XREF: __Struct_Edit_2+9j
- CODE:0054BFB2 pop esi
- CODE:0054BFB3 retn
- CODE:0054BFB3 __Struct_Edit_2 endp
复制代码 逆向代码:- void Struct_Edit_2(int nEax, int nEdx, int nEcx)
- {
- int i;
- DWORD dwTemp;
- for ( i = nEcx; i != 0; --i )
- {
- *(char*)nEdx = *(char*)nEax;
- nEdx += 1;
- dwTemp = *(DWORD*)nEax;
- dwTemp >>= 8;
- *(char*)nEdx = char(dwTemp);
- nEdx += 1;
- dwTemp = *(DWORD*)nEax;
- dwTemp >>= 16;
- *(char*)nEdx = char(dwTemp);
- nEdx += 1;
- dwTemp = *(DWORD*)nEax;
- dwTemp >>= 24;
- *(char*)nEdx = char(dwTemp);
- nEax += 4;
- }
- }
复制代码 第一次写算法分析。写的很罗嗦。希望对和我一样的新人有帮助。
注册机代码:- #include <iOStream>
- using namespace std;
- typedef unsigned long DWORD;
- typedef unsigned short WORD;
- #pragma warning( disable : 4267 4018 4312 4311 4996)
- typedef struct
- {
- int nUnknow_1;
- int nUnknow_2;
- int nUnknow_3;
- int nUnknow_4;
- int nUnknow_5;
- int nUnknow_6;
- char szBuffer[64];
- }tagKey;
- int Account_Func_10(int nEax, int nEdx, int nEcx)
- {
- return (~nEcx | nEax) ^ nEdx;
- }
- int Account_Func_8(int nEax, int nEdx, int nEcx)
- {
- return nEdx ^ nEax ^ nEcx;
- }
- int Account_Func_6(int nEax, int nEdx, int nEcx)
- {
- return ~nEcx & nEdx | nEcx & nEax;
- }
- void Account_Func_4(int nEax, char cEdx)
- {
- *(DWORD*)nEax = (*(DWORD*)nEax << cEdx) | (*(DWORD*)nEax >> (32 - cEdx));
- }
- int Account_Func_3(int nEax, int nEdx, int nEcx)
- {
- return ~nEax & nEcx | nEax & nEdx;
- }
- void Account_Func_9(unsigned int n, char m, unsigned int i, unsigned int j, int* nEax, int nEcx, int nEdx)
- {
- *(DWORD*)nEax += n + i + Account_Func_10(nEdx, nEcx, j);
- Account_Func_4( (int)nEax, m);
- *nEax += nEdx;
- }
- void Account_Func_7(unsigned int n, char m, unsigned int i, unsigned int j, int* nEax, int nEcx, int nEdx)
- {
- *(DWORD*)nEax += n + i + Account_Func_8(nEdx, nEcx, j);
- Account_Func_4( (int)nEax, m);
- *nEax += nEdx;
- }
- void Account_Func_5(unsigned int n, char m, unsigned int i, unsigned int j, int* nEax, int nEcx, int nEdx)
- {
- *(DWORD*)nEax += n + i + Account_Func_6(nEdx, nEcx, j);
- Account_Func_4( (int)nEax, m);
- *nEax += nEdx;
- }
- void Account_Func_2(unsigned int n, char m, unsigned int i, unsigned int j, int* nEax, int nEcx, int nEdx)
- {
- *nEax += i + n + Account_Func_3( nEdx, nEcx, j);
- Account_Func_4( (int)nEax, m);
- *nEax += nEdx;
- }
- void Account_Func_1(int* pEax, int* pEdx, int nEcx)
- {
- int i, v4;
- for ( i = nEcx >> 2; i; --i )
- {
- *(DWORD*)pEdx = *(unsigned char*)pEax;
- v4 = (int)pEax + 1;
- *(DWORD*)pEdx |= *(unsigned char*)v4 << 8;
- v4++;
- *(DWORD*)pEdx |= *(unsigned char*)v4 << 16;
- v4++;
- *(DWORD*)pEdx |= *(unsigned char*)v4 << 24;
- pEax = (int*)(v4 + 1);
- //edx += 4;
- pEdx++;
- }
- }
- void Struct_Account(char* pEdx, char* pEax)
- {
- int nAry[22] = {0};
- nAry[1] = (int)pEdx;
- nAry[0] = (int)pEax;
- Account_Func_1((int*)nAry[0], (int*)&nAry[6],0x40);
- nAry[2] = *(int*)pEdx;
- nAry[3] = *(int*)(pEdx + 4);
- nAry[4] = *(int*)(pEdx + 8);
- nAry[5] = *(int*)(pEdx + 0xC);
- Account_Func_2( 0x0D76AA478, 7, nAry[6], nAry[5], &nAry[2], nAry[4], nAry[3]);
- Account_Func_2( 0x0E8C7B756, 0xC, nAry[7], nAry[4], &nAry[5], nAry[3], nAry[2]);
- Account_Func_2( 0x242070DB, 0x11, nAry[8], nAry[3], &nAry[4], nAry[2], nAry[5]);
- Account_Func_2( 0xC1BDCEEE, 0x16, nAry[9], nAry[2], &nAry[3], nAry[5], nAry[4]);
- Account_Func_2( 0xF57C0FAF, 7, nAry[10], nAry[5], &nAry[2], nAry[4], nAry[3]);
- Account_Func_2( 0x4787C62A, 0xC, nAry[11], nAry[4], &nAry[5], nAry[3], nAry[2]);
- Account_Func_2( 0xA8304613, 0x11, nAry[12], nAry[3], &nAry[4], nAry[2], nAry[5]);
- Account_Func_2( 0xFD469501, 0x16, nAry[13], nAry[2], &nAry[3], nAry[5], nAry[4]);
- Account_Func_2( 0x698098D8, 7, nAry[14], nAry[5], &nAry[2], nAry[4], nAry[3]);
- Account_Func_2( 0x8B44F7AF, 0xC, nAry[15], nAry[4], &nAry[5], nAry[3], nAry[2]);
- Account_Func_2( 0xFFFF5BB1, 0x11, nAry[16], nAry[3], &nAry[4], nAry[2], nAry[5]);
- Account_Func_2( 0x895CD7BE, 0x16, nAry[17], nAry[2], &nAry[3], nAry[5], nAry[4]);
- Account_Func_2( 0x6B901122, 7, nAry[18], nAry[5], &nAry[2], nAry[4], nAry[3]);
- Account_Func_2( 0xFD987193, 0xC, nAry[19], nAry[4], &nAry[5], nAry[3], nAry[2]);
- Account_Func_2( 0xA679438E, 0x11, nAry[20], nAry[3], &nAry[4], nAry[2], nAry[5]);
- Account_Func_2( 0x49B40821, 0x16, nAry[21], nAry[2], &nAry[3], nAry[5], nAry[4]);
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- Account_Func_5( 0xF61E2562, 5, nAry[7], nAry[5], &nAry[2], nAry[4], nAry[3]);
- Account_Func_5( 0xC040B340, 9, nAry[12], nAry[4], &nAry[5], nAry[3], nAry[2]);
- Account_Func_5( 0x265E5A51, 0xE, nAry[17], nAry[3], &nAry[4], nAry[2], nAry[5]);
- Account_Func_5( 0xE9B6C7AA, 0x14, nAry[6], nAry[2], &nAry[3], nAry[5], nAry[4]);
- Account_Func_5( 0xD62F105D, 5, nAry[11], nAry[5], &nAry[2], nAry[4], nAry[3]);
- Account_Func_5( 0x2441453, 9, nAry[16], nAry[4], &nAry[5], nAry[3], nAry[2]);
- Account_Func_5( 0xD8A1E681, 0xE, nAry[21], nAry[3], &nAry[4], nAry[2], nAry[5]);
- Account_Func_5( 0xE7D3FBC8, 0x14, nAry[10], nAry[2], &nAry[3], nAry[5], nAry[4]);
- Account_Func_5( 0x21E1CDE6, 5, nAry[15], nAry[5], &nAry[2], nAry[4], nAry[3]);
- Account_Func_5( 0xC33707D6, 9, nAry[20], nAry[4], &nAry[5], nAry[3], nAry[2]);
- Account_Func_5( 0xF4D50D87, 0xE, nAry[9], nAry[3], &nAry[4], nAry[2], nAry[5]);
- Account_Func_5( 0x455A14ED, 0x14, nAry[14], nAry[2], &nAry[3], nAry[5], nAry[4]);
- Account_Func_5( 0xA9E3E905, 5, nAry[19], nAry[5], &nAry[2], nAry[4], nAry[3]);
- Account_Func_5( 0xFCEFA3F8, 9, nAry[8], nAry[4], &nAry[5], nAry[3], nAry[2]);
- Account_Func_5( 0x676F02D9, 0xE, nAry[13], nAry[3], &nAry[4], nAry[2], nAry[5]);
- Account_Func_5( 0x8D2A4C8A, 0x14, nAry[18], nAry[2], &nAry[3], nAry[5], nAry[4]);
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- Account_Func_7( 0xFFFA3942, 4, nAry[11], nAry[5], &nAry[2], nAry[4], nAry[3]);
- Account_Func_7( 0x8771F681, 0xB, nAry[14], nAry[4], &nAry[5], nAry[3], nAry[2]);
- Account_Func_7( 0x6D9D6122, 0x10, nAry[17], nAry[3], &nAry[4], nAry[2], nAry[5]);
- Account_Func_7( 0xFDE5380C, 0x17, nAry[20], nAry[2], &nAry[3], nAry[5], nAry[4]);
- Account_Func_7( 0xA4BEEA44, 4, nAry[7], nAry[5], &nAry[2], nAry[4], nAry[3]);
- Account_Func_7( 0x4BDECFA9, 0xB, nAry[10], nAry[4], &nAry[5], nAry[3], nAry[2]);
- Account_Func_7( 0xF6BB4B60, 0x10, nAry[13], nAry[3], &nAry[4], nAry[2], nAry[5]);
- Account_Func_7( 0xBEBFBC70, 0x17, nAry[16], nAry[2], &nAry[3], nAry[5], nAry[4]);
- Account_Func_7( 0x289B7EC6, 4, nAry[19], nAry[5], &nAry[2], nAry[4], nAry[3]);
- Account_Func_7( 0xEAA127FA, 0xB, nAry[6], nAry[4], &nAry[5], nAry[3], nAry[2]);
- Account_Func_7( 0xD4EF3085, 0x10, nAry[9], nAry[3], &nAry[4], nAry[2], nAry[5]);
- Account_Func_7( 0x4881D05, 0x17, nAry[12], nAry[2], &nAry[3], nAry[5], nAry[4]);
- Account_Func_7( 0xD9D4D039, 4, nAry[15], nAry[5], &nAry[2], nAry[4], nAry[3]);
- Account_Func_7( 0xE6DB99E5, 0xB, nAry[18], nAry[4], &nAry[5], nAry[3], nAry[2]);
- Account_Func_7( 0x1FA27CF8, 0x10, nAry[21], nAry[3], &nAry[4], nAry[2], nAry[5]);
- Account_Func_7( 0xC4AC5665, 0x17, nAry[8], nAry[2], &nAry[3], nAry[5], nAry[4]);
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- Account_Func_9( 0xF4292244, 6, nAry[6], nAry[5], &nAry[2], nAry[4], nAry[3]);
- Account_Func_9( 0x432AFF97, 0xA, nAry[13], nAry[4], &nAry[5], nAry[3], nAry[2]);
- Account_Func_9( 0xAB9423A7, 0xF, nAry[20], nAry[3], &nAry[4], nAry[2], nAry[5]);
- Account_Func_9( 0xFC93A039, 0x15, nAry[11], nAry[2], &nAry[3], nAry[5], nAry[4]);
- Account_Func_9( 0x655B59C3, 6, nAry[18], nAry[5], &nAry[2], nAry[4], nAry[3]);
- Account_Func_9( 0x8F0CCC92, 0xA, nAry[9], nAry[4], &nAry[5], nAry[3], nAry[2]);
- Account_Func_9( 0xFFEFF47D, 0xF, nAry[16], nAry[3], &nAry[4], nAry[2], nAry[5]);
- Account_Func_9( 0x85845DD1, 0x15, nAry[7], nAry[2], &nAry[3], nAry[5], nAry[4]);
- Account_Func_9( 0x6FA87E4F, 6, nAry[14], nAry[5], &nAry[2], nAry[4], nAry[3]);
- Account_Func_9( 0xFE2CE6E0, 0xA, nAry[21], nAry[4], &nAry[5], nAry[3], nAry[2]);
- Account_Func_9( 0xA3014314, 0xF, nAry[12], nAry[3], &nAry[4], nAry[2], nAry[5]);
- Account_Func_9( 0x4E0811A1, 0x15, nAry[19], nAry[2], &nAry[3], nAry[5], nAry[4]);
- Account_Func_9( 0xF7537E82, 6, nAry[10], nAry[5], &nAry[2], nAry[4], nAry[3]);
- Account_Func_9( 0xBD3AF235, 0xA, nAry[17], nAry[4], &nAry[5], nAry[3], nAry[2]);
- Account_Func_9( 0x2AD7D2BB, 0xF, nAry[8], nAry[3], &nAry[4], nAry[2], nAry[5]);
- Account_Func_9( 0xEB86D391, 0x15, nAry[15], nAry[2], &nAry[3], nAry[5], nAry[4]);
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- *(DWORD*)pEdx += nAry[2];
- *(DWORD*)(pEdx + 4) += nAry[3];
- *(DWORD*)(pEdx + 8) += nAry[4];
- *(DWORD*)(pEdx + 0xC) += nAry[5];
- }
- void Struct_Edit_2(int nEax, int nEdx, int nEcx)
- {
- int i;
- DWORD dwTemp;
- for ( i = nEcx; i != 0; --i )
- {
- *(char*)nEdx = *(char*)nEax;
- nEdx += 1;
- dwTemp = *(DWORD*)nEax;
- dwTemp >>= 8;
- *(char*)nEdx = char(dwTemp);
- nEdx += 1;
- dwTemp = *(DWORD*)nEax;
- dwTemp >>= 16;
- *(char*)nEdx = char(dwTemp);
- nEdx += 1;
- dwTemp = *(DWORD*)nEax;
- dwTemp >>= 24;
- *(char*)nEdx = char(dwTemp);
- nEax += 4;
- }
- }
- //pv1 = eax, pv2 = edx, nLenth = ecx
- void Struct_Edit_1(char* pv1, char* pv2,int nLenth)
- {
- int v2 = (*(DWORD*)(pv1 + 16) >> 3) & 0x3F;
- *(DWORD*)(pv1 + 16) += 8 * nLenth;
- if ( 8 * nLenth > *(DWORD*)(pv1 + 16) )
- ++*(DWORD*)(pv1 + 20);
- *(DWORD*)(pv1 + 20) += nLenth >> 29;
- int v5 = 64 - v2;
- if ( v5 <= nLenth )
- {
- memcpy((void*)(pv1 + v2 + 0x18),pv2,v5);
- Struct_Account(pv1, pv1+0x18);
- while ( nLenth > v5 + 63 )
- {
- Struct_Account(pv1, pv2 + v5);
- //ary_account();
- v5 += 64;
- }
- v2 = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- v5 = 0;
- }
- memcpy(pv1+v2+0x18, pv2+v5, nLenth - v5);
- }
- int g_nAry[64] = {0x80};
- void Matrix_Account(tagKey& pSt,int* pAry)
- {
- int v7[2] = {0};
- int v4 = (int)pAry;
- int v3 = (int)&pSt;
- Struct_Edit_2((int)&pSt.nUnknow_5, (int)&v7, 2);
- int v2 = (*(DWORD*)(&pSt.nUnknow_5) >> 3) & 0x3F;
- unsigned int v5;
- if ( (unsigned int)v2 >= 0x38 )
- v5 = 120 - v2;
- else
- v5 = 56 - v2;
- Struct_Edit_1((char*)v3, (char*)&g_nAry, v5);
- Struct_Edit_1((char*)v3, (char*)&v7, 8u);
- Struct_Edit_2(v3, v4, 4);
- }
- //第三次key运算
- void Account_Key_3(string& sRealKey, string sKey)
- {
- string sTempKey;
- int nLenth = sKey.length();
- int n;
- for ( n = 0; n < nLenth; n++)
- {
- switch (sKey[n])
- {
- case '0':
- case '1':
- case '2':
- case '3':
- case '4':
- case '5':
- case '6':
- case '7':
- case '8':
- case '9':
- sTempKey += sKey[n];
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- nLenth = sTempKey.length();
- if ( nLenth > 0)
- {
- int nTemp = 1;
- char* pTempKey = (char*)sTempKey.c_str();
- do
- {
- if ( (nTemp % 2) == 0 )
- {
- char c = *(char*)(pTempKey + nTemp - 1);
- sRealKey += c;
- }
- nTemp++;
- nLenth--;
- } while (nLenth);
- }
- }
- void Account_Key_2(string& sKey, char* pAry)
- {
- for (int n = 0; n < 16; n++)
- {
- char buffer[5] = {0};
- sprintf_s(buffer,"%02x",unsigned char(pAry[n]));
- sKey += buffer;
- }
- }
- //第一次key运算
- void Account_Key_1(string sId, int* pAry)
- {
- //初始化结构体
- tagKey stKey = {0x61234509,0xEFCD5B89,0x13BA7CFE,0x18325476,0,0,""};
- int nLenth = sId.length();
- Struct_Edit_1((char*)&stKey,(char*)sId.c_str(),nLenth);
- Matrix_Account(stKey,pAry);
- memcpy(pAry, &stKey, 16);
- }
- void Account_Key(string sId,string& sRealKey)
- {
- int nAry[16] = {0};
- Account_Key_1(sId, nAry);
- string si2a;
- Account_Key_2(si2a,(char*)&nAry);
- Account_Key_3(sRealKey,si2a);
- }
- int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
- {
- cout << "please enter machine id:";
- char szId[40] ={0};
- cin >> szId;
- string sId = szId;
- string sRealKey;
- try
- {
- Account_Key(sId,sRealKey);
- cout << '\n' << "SN:" << sRealKey.c_str() << '\n';
- }
- catch(...)
- {
- cout << "error" << endl;
- }
- return 0;
- }
复制代码 |
参与人数 1 | 威望 +200 |
飘云币 +200 |
| + 200 |
+ 200 |
恭喜!通过审核! |