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[求助] WinLicense (Patching Registered Dwords)



发表于 2009-5-11 13:06:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Finding the Winlicense Is_Registered dwords and patching them.
by quosego/snd

Most Winlicense protected apps simply rely on Winlicense to check for registration.
They always do this using the WL API's and occasionally with some custom macro's.
You can easily modify the API to return eax=1 and be done with it, however this usually
does not fix the macro's/other custom checks or Trial checks. You can patch these as
well and this is what I usually did. However it seems Winlicense only has two dwords it
checks to see if it's registered, ** sure that these hold the correct dwords
registers the entire app with only a two byte patch.

No analysis really these dwords were simply extracted out the Virtual Machine of the
Is_Registered Winlicense API. A generic way to find them was obtained by HW bping them
on access and seeing when they were written or accessed. The two simplest accesses were
used to make a generic search.

Finding the dwords;
Start your protected app let it run to it's main screen and search for the following
strings in the WL section.

B8 01 00 00 00 89 85 ?? ?? ?? ?? C7 85 ?? ?? ?? ?? 01 00 00 00

Finds the following code;
MOV EAX,1                                                                                                // Not important
MOV DWORD PTR SS:[EBP+xxxxxxxx],EAX                                                // Not important
MOV DWORD PTR SS:[EBP+xxxxxxxx],1                                                // EBP+xxxxxxxx holds the dword
(The EBP+xxxxxxxx in the third line of the found code is the location of the first dword)

81 BD ?? ?? ?? ?? 00 05 00 00

Finds the following code;
CMP DWORD PTR SS:[EBP+xxxxxxxx],500
(EBP+xxxxxxxx is the location of the second dword)

Put an hardware breakpoint on execute on them and restart the app. Next when you stop on
these instructions you can read the memory locations which they compare to or write to.
These are the Is_Registered dwords. Normally they contain 00000001 and 00000000 when the
app is unregistered.

Patching the dwords;
If you've unpacked the app, or are going to inline an app just patch these dwords in the
case of first search string to 00000002 and the second to 00000500. Make sure all packer
code has been executed in the case of an inline. The dwords in dumped apps can simply be
patched to 2 and 500 to make the app registered. However the Get_name API will crash!
Since there's no name you can put a ret 0c in it's place which most apps will accept or
patch it to return a name.

This will make it pass all Trial API's Is_registered API's etc. Not activation though.
Also Winlicense can crypt certain blocks of code using dwords written when an keyfile is
present, these will not be decrypted and can crash.

Final notes;
As far as I know these dwords can be used until After this Oreans might update,
or make a buggy release that doesn't work to well.. :) hehe

Have fun,


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