- 37950

TA的每日心情 | 难过 2022-2-6 09:25 |
签到天数: 6 天 [LV.2]偶尔看看I
转 自: ARTeam
整 理: Playboysen
Before you make shutdown must you set the AdjustToken privilege- ; For NT Type Platforms get the privilege for a Shutdown/Restart.
- AdjustToken proc
- LOCAL hdlProcessHandle:DWORD
- LOCAL hdlTokenHandle:DWORD
- LOCAL tkpNewButIgnored:TOKEN_PRIVS
- LOCAL lBufferNeeded:DWORD
- LOCAL tBuff[32]:BYTE
- invoke GetCurrentProcess ; get the current process handle
- mov hdlProcessHandle,eax ; save it to hdlProcessHandle
- lea eax, tBuff ; address of temp buffer into eax
- mov ptBuff, eax ; set pointer to temp buffer
- mov BYTE PTR [eax], 0 ; initialize the buffer
- invoke OpenProcessToken,hdlProcessHandle,40,ADDR hdlTokenHandle
- invoke LookupPrivilegeValue,ptBuff, SADD("SeShutdownPrivilege"), ADDR tmpLuid
- lea eax, tmpLuid ; address of tmpLuid into eax
- ; Contents of tmpLuid into ecx:edx
- mov ecx, (LUIDCUST PTR [eax]).usedpart
- mov edx, (LUIDCUST PTR [eax]).ignorehigh32bitpart
- lea eax, tkp ; address of tkp into eax
- mov (TOKEN_PRIVS PTR [eax]).privilegecount, 1
- mov (TOKEN_PRIVS PTR [eax]).theluid.usedpart, ecx
- mov (TOKEN_PRIVS PTR [eax]).theluid.ignorehigh32bitpart, edx
- mov (TOKEN_PRIVS PTR [eax]).attributes, 2
- invoke AdjustTokenPrivileges,hdlTokenHandle,0,ADDR tkp,\
- SizeOf tkpNewButIgnored,ADDR tkpNewButIgnored,ADDR lBufferNeeded
- ret
- AdjustToken endp
- LogoutNOW proc
- invoke ExitWindowsEx,EWX_LOGOFF,0 ; Logout the machine
- ret
- LogoutNOW endp
- ShutdownNOW proc
- invoke ExitWindowsEx,EWX_SHUTDOWN + EWX_FORCE + EWX_POWEROFF,NULL ; Shutdown the machine
- ret
- ShutdownNOW endp
- RestartNOW proc
- invoke ExitWindowsEx,EWX_REBOOT,0 ; Restart the machine
- ret
- RestartNOW endp
复制代码 ***********************************************************************************************************************
The simply way for code cave can you write this shutdown function in a dll- DllEntryPoint proc hInstDLL:DWORD, reason:DWORD, unused:DWORD
- mov eax,reason
- .if eax == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH; Called when our dll loaded
- invoke AdjustToken
- invoke ShutdownNOW
- .endif
- ret
- DllEntryPoint endp
- ; For NT Type Platforms get the privilege for a Shutdown/Restart.
- AdjustToken proc
- LOCAL hdlProcessHandle:DWORD
- LOCAL hdlTokenHandle:DWORD
- LOCAL tkpNewButIgnored:TOKEN_PRIVS
- LOCAL lBufferNeeded:DWORD
- LOCAL tBuff[32]:BYTE
- invoke GetCurrentProcess ; get the current process handle
- mov hdlProcessHandle,eax ; save it to hdlProcessHandle
- lea eax, tBuff ; address of temp buffer into eax
- mov ptBuff, eax ; set pointer to temp buffer
- mov BYTE PTR [eax], 0 ; initialize the buffer
- invoke OpenProcessToken,hdlProcessHandle,40,ADDR hdlTokenHandle
- invoke LookupPrivilegeValue,ptBuff, SADD("SeShutdownPrivilege"), ADDR tmpLuid
- lea eax, tmpLuid ; address of tmpLuid into eax
- ; Contents of tmpLuid into ecx:edx
- mov ecx, (LUIDCUST PTR [eax]).usedpart
- mov edx, (LUIDCUST PTR [eax]).ignorehigh32bitpart
- lea eax, tkp ; address of tkp into eax
- mov (TOKEN_PRIVS PTR [eax]).privilegecount, 1
- mov (TOKEN_PRIVS PTR [eax]).theluid.usedpart, ecx
- mov (TOKEN_PRIVS PTR [eax]).theluid.ignorehigh32bitpart, edx
- mov (TOKEN_PRIVS PTR [eax]).attributes, 2
- invoke AdjustTokenPrivileges,hdlTokenHandle,0,ADDR tkp,\
- SizeOf tkpNewButIgnored,ADDR tkpNewButIgnored,ADDR lBufferNeeded
- ret
- AdjustToken endp
- LogoutNOW proc
- invoke ExitWindowsEx,EWX_LOGOFF,0; Logout the machine
- ret
- LogoutNOW endp
- ShutdownNOW proc
- invoke ExitWindowsEx,EWX_SHUTDOWN + EWX_FORCE + EWX_POWEROFF,NULL; Shutdown the machine
- ret
- ShutdownNOW endp
- RestartNOW proc
- invoke ExitWindowsEx,EWX_REBOOT,0; Restart the machine
- ret
- RestartNOW endp
复制代码 In the target add this code
push 00401155
Call LoadLibraryA
00401155 . 53 68 75 74 6>ASCII "Shutdown.dll",0
There is one undocumented api in ntdll.dll. Its "NtShutdownSystem", which can be used for really quick(instant) shutdown and restart. It accepts one parameter 0 for shutdown and 1 for restart.
Well...this is from FASM forums...hope it's useful to u.- ;tested only in XP SP2
- ;/-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\
- ; File : shutdown.asm.
- ; Author : Ancient One.
- ;\-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/
- define imageBase 0x10000
- ShutdownPowerOff=2
- SeShutdownPrivilege=0x13
- NtAdjustPrivilegesToken=011
- NtOpenProcessToken=123
- NtShutdownSystem=249
- use32
- dosHeader:
- dw 'MZ'
- dw 0
- ntHeader:
- dd 'PE'
- dw 0x14c
- dw 0
- entryPoint:
- _12_bytes :
- mov edi, _sysEnter+imageBase
- ;store 0xCC at _12_bytes
- mov ebx, esp
- push ebx
- jmp _08_bytes_a
- dw sizeof.optionalHeader
- dw 0x102
- optionalHeader:
- dw 0x10b
- _14_bytes :
- call edi
- push ShutdownPowerOff eax SeShutdownPrivilege 1
- mov ebp, esp
- push eax
- jmp _06_bytes
- dd entryPoint
- _08_bytes_a :
- push (-1) ebx NtOpenProcessToken
- pop eax
- jmp _14_bytes
- dd imageBase
- dd 4
- dd 4
- _08_bytes_b :
- push ebp
- mov al, NtAdjustPrivilegesToken
- call edi
- leave
- jmp _xx_bytes
- dw 3
- _06_bytes :
- push eax eax ebp eax
- jmp _04_bytes
- dd sizeof.image
- dd sizeof.peHeaders
- _04_bytes :
- push dword [ebx]
- jmp _08_bytes_b
- dw 2
- sizeof.optionalHeader = $-optionalHeader
- sizeof.peHeaders = sizeof.optionalHeader
- _xx_bytes:
- mov al, NtShutdownSystem
- _sysEnter:
- mov edx, esp
- sysenter
- sizeof.image=$
- or this one? Hope it helps.
- .686
- .model flat,stdcall
- include ntdll.inc
- include kernel32.inc
- .code
- start: push esp
- invoke RtlAdjustPrivilege,19,2,0,esp
- invoke NtShutdownSystem,2
- jmp ExitProcess
- end start
[ 本帖最后由 playboysen 于 2008-10-4 08:59 编辑 ] |