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Agnitum Outpost Security Suite Pro 2008 Build 6.0.2220.223.446.277



发表于 2007-12-6 00:44:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Agnitum的Outpost前哨防火墙大家都很熟悉,Outpost Security Suite Pro是最新推出的集合反病毒和反木马功能的专业防火墙安全套装,可以360度保护系统不受外界恶意程序、垃圾信息的侵扰,让您轻松愉快的使用网络。
Agnitum Outpost Security Suite - a robust combination of award-winning firewall, fast and effective anti-malware, personalized antispam and proactive Host Protection module to defend against the majority of Internet risks. Includes automated configuration service and other user aids.
Outpost Security Suite Pro provides the first line of defense against rogue software by proactively controlling how programs behave and interact on a PC. The Host Protection safeguard, which proactively monitors for and blocks the kinds of sophisticated hacking techniques used to compromise or steal data, means that malicious activity is no longer possible. By analyzing threats and displaying actionable alerts, Host Protection stops zero-day attacks and shields the computer against inappropriate operations, rendering it “defended in advance” against security risks like botnets and inadvertent data disclosure
System Requirements
Supported platforms: Windows VIsta/XP (32 and 64-bit editions), Windows 2003 Server (32 and 64-bit editions), Windows 2000 (SP3 and above).
Supported email clients for antispam: Microsoft Outlook Express, Microsoft Outlook 2000, 2002, 2003 and 2007, Vista Mail Client.
Supported email protocols & services: POP3, SMTP, IMAP.
Hardware: 450 MHz or faster CPU(x-86/x-64/multi-core), 256Mb RAM, 100MB free disk space.
Outpost Security Suite Pro 2008 (build 6.0.2220.223.446.277)
Release date: December 5, 2007
The following improvements are introduced:
Multiple Event Viewer improvements, among which are the following:
New records are placed on top
Log configuration is preserved (column width, etc.)
Ability to copy record to clipboard
Ability to clear the log
Extended Anti-Malware log
Web Control events are logged at the default logging level
Port number is logged on detecting port scanning
Some advanced logs are not displayed by default
Multiple Network Activity improvements, among which are the following:
Ability to break connection
Ability to manually group/ungroup application connections
Ability to completely exit the product and stop the service using the Exit command
Animated product icon during system scan
System tray icon tooltip contains product version and system IP addresses
«About» command in the system tray icon context menu
Owner of the file digital signature is checked on network access request or system activity request
Improved antivirus engine which is more robust and requires less system resources
Ability to start Compatibility Wizard from the Start menu
Ability to select product operation mode (Normal mode to run at system startup, Background to run invisibly, and Disable mode to not run at system startup)
Ability to cure malware that is registered as LSP
Ability to cure malware that require reboot
The following issues are resolved (only significant ones are listed):
Possible service initialization error after installation (as a consequence – the system could be restarted from the second time only)
Ability to unload Outpost using Gmer anti-rootkit tool
If selecting to create a new configuration during installation over Outpost Security Suite 2007, the configuration was imported from the previous version
If installing on the computer with KIS installed, klif.sys driver could not be detected
Critical registry keys were not controlled if the Optimal Host Protection level was selected
Rules Wizard prompt for svchost.exe on rawsocket access request
Possible crash on starting rootkit that loads the wincom32.sys driver
Real-time protection exclusions did not work
File could not be restored from Quarantine if the folder from which they were quarantined did not exist
Weekly scheduled tasks were not started
Sites’ content could be corrupted under Vista x86/x64
Attack Detection false positives on visiting several sites
Most commonly reported crashes
Multiple interface issues

http://www.agnitum.com/download/ ... SuiteProInstall.exe
http://www.agnitum.com/download/ ... iteProInstall64.exe
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