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Symantec最新推出的Norton Internet Security(诺顿网络安全特警),此套件的完全版本中添加了许多特性,包括倍受欢迎的Norton AntiVirus、儿童上网控制器、广告拒收工具和垃圾邮件过滤器等.病毒入侵检测可以发现类似Nimda的蠕虫;当你的电脑有一段时间不使用网络后, 该程序会自动切断你的网络连接;更加简便的用户界面.
Norton Internet Security 2008 includes:
-Norton AntiVirus™
-Norton™ Personal Firewall
-Norton™ Antispyware
-Norton Identity Safe™
-Norton™ Antiphishing
Highlighted Features & Benefits
New Features
-Norton Identity Safe keeps your personal information and your identity safe when you buy, bank and browse online.
-SONAR (Symantec™ Online Network for Advanced Response) technology delivers behavior-based protection that can detect emerging spyware and viruses even before traditional signature-based definitions are available.
-Stores and encrypts your passwords and other confidential data, automatically filling it at your request to save time and protect it from being stolen by eavesdropping keystroke loggers.
-Network security monitoring checks the status of your wireless network security, maps connected devices, and provides expert advice on managing your network security settings.
ftp://ftp.symantec.com/misc/sabu/nis_beta/NIS08TD.exe |