本帖最后由 zenix 于 2023-12-7 15:14 编辑
InnoExtractor是一个功能强大的应用程序,可帮助您使用InnoUnp技术解包Inno Setup安装程序。使用InnoExtractor,您可以探索安装程序的内部结构和内容,您可以将它们提取到本地文件夹或便携式设备,而无需运行安装程序。
InnoExtractor is a powerful application that helps you to unpack Inno Setup installers using InnoUnp technology. With InnoExtractor you can explore the internal structure and content of the installer and you can to extract them to a local folder or a portable devices, without having to run the setup.
在捐赠的界面输入 Ctrl-Shift-I 就会弹出注册框。 然后依照上图的注册码输入进去,运气好的话就会弹出感谢捐赠的信息。