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软件名称:CD to MP3 Ripper 5.20
软件介绍:Advanced CD Ripper Pro
Advanced CD Ripper Pro is a powerful software for ripping audio CD tracks to files of audio formats MP3, WAV, WMA, and OGG Vorbis on-the-fly. It uses Lame encoder of newest version(3.9.31) that supports full MP3 options with VBR properties. also is a support WMA v9 encode(VBR also supported). Free CDDB is supported, and you may even set proxy for submitting or querying free CDDB. As to MP3 ID3 tag, it supports both V1 and V2. It also supports normalize function when ripping. And it's also a good CD player, highlight each list to play it, or save the CD tracks to output playlist of formats PLS, HTML, M3U, or XML. Easily rename every track's title in the list, and support powerful local CD database. also support cue file output.
我们打开软件,随意输入注册信息,点确定,弹出错误对话窗口:Your serial number have not been accept.please try again!
PEiD查壳:ASPack 2.12 -> Alexey Solodovnikov
00554ED8=00554ED8 (ASCII "Your serial number have not been accept.",LF,CR,"please try again!")
00554E45 E8 5A160000 call 005564A4 ; 算法CALL 我们在这里下断 我们F7跟进.
00554E4A 84C0 test al, al ; 标志位比较
00554E4C 74 0E je short 00554E5C
00554E4E A1 EC8F5600 mov eax, dword ptr [568FEC]
00554E53 8B00 mov eax, dword ptr [eax]
00554E55 E8 021C0000 call 00556A5C ; 这里弹出注册成功对话框
00554E5A EB 46 jmp short 00554EA2
关键CALL F7跟进后:
005564A9 51 push ecx
005564AA 51 push ecx
005564AB 51 push ecx
005564AC 51 push ecx
005564AD 53 push ebx
005564AE 33C0 xor eax, eax
005564B0 55 push ebp
005564B1 68 7C655500 push 0055657C
005564B6 64:FF30 push dword ptr fs:[eax]
005564B9 64:8920 mov dword ptr fs:[eax], esp
005564BC 8D55 FC lea edx, dword ptr [ebp-4]
005564BF A1 AC8E5600 mov eax, dword ptr [568EAC]
005564C4 8B00 mov eax, dword ptr [eax]
005564C6 8B80 00030000 mov eax, dword ptr [eax+300]
005564CC E8 C756F6FF call 004BBB98
005564D1 68 F8C35600 push 0056C3F8
005564D6 8D45 F4 lea eax, dword ptr [ebp-C]
005564D9 50 push eax
005564DA B1 01 mov cl, 1
005564DC BA 94655500 mov edx, 00556594 ; ripper
005564E1 B8 A4655500 mov eax, 005565A4 ; 06000000000000004172a854bd9fc967dfb8252b86611bd8
005564E6 E8 EDE3FFFF call 005548D8 ; 跟进该CALL 我们得到一个固定值 kingqc
005564EB 8B45 F4 mov eax, dword ptr [ebp-C] ; 固定值kingqc进EAX
005564EE B9 06000000 mov ecx, 6
005564F3 33D2 xor edx, edx
005564F5 E8 F2E9EAFF call 00404EEC
005564FA 68 E0655500 push 005565E0 ; acrp26-
005564FF FF35 F8C35600 push dword ptr [56C3F8]
00556505 68 F0655500 push 005565F0 ; -2006
0055650A 8D45 F8 lea eax, dword ptr [ebp-8]
0055650D BA 03000000 mov edx, 3
00556512 E8 3DE8EAFF call 00404D54 ; 这里将上方的三个固定值连接 形成注册码
00556517 8D55 F0 lea edx, dword ptr [ebp-10]
0055651A A1 AC8E5600 mov eax, dword ptr [568EAC]
0055651F 8B00 mov eax, dword ptr [eax]
00556521 8B80 04030000 mov eax, dword ptr [eax+304]
00556527 E8 6C56F6FF call 004BBB98
0055652C 8B45 F0 mov eax, dword ptr [ebp-10]
0055652F 8B55 F8 mov edx, dword ptr [ebp-8]
00556532 E8 A1E8EAFF call 00404DD8 ; 这里真假码出现比较
00556537 75 1E jnz short 00556557 ; 不相等则跳走 这里如果暴破 则向系统写入正确信息
00556539 B3 01 mov bl, 1 ; 若不跳走 为标志位BL赋值为1
0055653B B8 F0C35600 mov eax, 0056C3F0
00556540 8B55 FC mov edx, dword ptr [ebp-4]
00556543 E8 D8E4EAFF call 00404A20
00556548 B8 F4C35600 mov eax, 0056C3F4
0055654D 8B55 F8 mov edx, dword ptr [ebp-8]
00556550 E8 CBE4EAFF call 00404A20
00556555 EB 02 jmp short 00556559
00556557 33DB xor ebx, ebx ; 若跳走 XOR异或 清零EBX
00556559 33C0 xor eax, eax ; 上方JMP跳到这里 清零EAX
0055655B 5A pop edx
0055655C 59 pop ecx
0055655D 59 pop ecx
0055655E 64:8910 mov dword ptr fs:[eax], edx
00556561 68 83655500 push 00556583
00556566 8D45 F0 lea eax, dword ptr [ebp-10]
00556569 E8 5EE4EAFF call 004049CC
0055656E 8D45 F4 lea eax, dword ptr [ebp-C]
00556571 BA 03000000 mov edx, 3
00556576 E8 75E4EAFF call 004049F0
0055657B C3 retn
0055657C ^ E9 EFDDEAFF jmp 00404370
00556581 ^ EB E3 jmp short 00556566
00556583 8BC3 mov eax, ebx ; 这里将上方赋予BL标志位的数值1传递给EAX
00556585 5B pop ebx
00556586 8BE5 mov esp, ebp
00556588 5D pop ebp
00556589 C3 retn
00556532 E8 A1E8EAFF call 00404DD8 ; 这里真假码出现比较 这里可写内存注册机(固定KEY无需写)
00556537 75 1E jnz short 00556557 ; 不相等则跳走 这里如果暴破 则向系统写入正确信息
2.修改关键跳转后向系统写入正确注册信息. |
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