FAQQ . Hey, I ’m confused! It looks like FileLocator Pro and Agent Ransack are now the same product and it's just whether they are in Lite mode or Pro mode, is that right?
A . Yep, apart from the name they are both the same. Honestly, it ’s the same code. During the build process an automated script runs that locates all the FileLocator Pro branding and replaces it with Agent Ransack branding and then recompiles.
Q . That's a bit odd, why have two names?
A . It is a bit odd but maybe a short history of the product will help explain:
Apr 2000 - The first version of the product was released under the name Agent Ransack.
Apr 2003 - A Pro version of Agent Ransack was released under the name FileLocator Pro.
Mar 2010 - Due to the discomfort from some people over the name Agent Ransack an alternative rebranded version named FileLocator Lite is released.
May 2018 - FileLocator Pro adds a new feature that can downgrade itself to 'Lite' mode.
Sep 2019 - Agent Ransack adds a new feature so that it can upgrade itself to 'Pro' mode.
The end result is that we now have a single code base for the product, which is much easier to maintain, but two product names, which is potentially confusing. Over the next few years we'll carefully monitor the demand for both names and hopefully retire one eventually. If you'd like more information on the change please see this blog post.
Q . Does it matter which one I purchase for the Pro version?
A . No, the Pro license codes for FileLocator Pro and Agent Ransack are interchangable, ie you can use a FileLocator Pro license with Agent Ransack and vice-versa.