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TA的每日心情 | 开心 2016-11-3 14:57 |
签到天数: 1 天 [LV.1]初来乍到
HomePage: https://www.vb-decompiler.org/news.htm
VB Decompiler v11.5 has been released (July 6, 2020)
What's new in this version:
- Tables parser is completely refactored and improved (.NET)
- Show module name, assembly name and assembly references
at Project window after decompilation (.NET)
- Support assemblies with duplicates of some streams (.NET)
- Support assemblies with extra data in "#~" stream (.NET)
- Partially support MethodSemantics, MethodImpl, GenericParam,
FieldRVA, EventMap, Event, PropertyMap, Property,
AssemblyRefProcessor, AssemblyRefOS, ExportedType,
ENCLog, ENCMap tables (.NET)
- Support icons for dsr designer files and saving
this icon to a dsx file
- New events processing for ActiveX-based controls. A lot of most popular
ActiveX libraries already supported via internal database. For unknown
components VB Decompiler analyze TypeLib information of used OCX files
and use protoypes of the events from this files. Please note, used
ActiveX components should be registered using regsvr32.
- Support events prototypes of the Animation, UpDown, TabStrip,
Toolbar, StatusBar, ProgressBar, TreeView, ListView, Slider,
Gauge, MhState, Connection, Recordset, Adodc, MSChart,
MonthView, DTPicker, FlatScrollBar, ImageCombo, MSComm,
DataGrid, DataList, DataCombo, DataRepeater, MSFlexGrid,
MSHFlexGrid, Inet, MaskEdBox, Winsock, RichTextBox, SSTab,
SSCheck, SSFrame, SSCommand, SSPanel, SSOption, SSRibbon controls
- Don't place file names of modules and classes to vbp project file
if option "Decompile only forms" is checked
- Adding to the History recent files list only if file can be loaded
- Optimizations and fixes in analyzer for packed files
- BugFix: Size of "ResolutionScope" field in "TypeRef" table;
Size of "GenericParam" and "Constraint" fields in "GenericParamConstraint" table;
Size of "Field" field in "FieldLayout" table;
Size of "Parent" field in "ClassLayout" table;
Size of "MemberForwarded" and "ImportScope" fields in "ImplMap" table;
Size of "MethodSpec" field in "Method" table;
Size of "NestedClass" and "EnclosingClass" fields in "NestedClass" table;
Size of "Implementation" field in "ManifestResource" table;
Size of "Class" field in "MemberRef" table;
Size of "Parent" field in "Constant" table;
Size of "Parent" field in "DeclSecurity" table (.NET)
- BugFix: Show token in "Method" table (.NET)
- BugFix: Processing comparisons with more than 2 compares
at single code line (Native Code)
- BugFix: Nonstandard types declaration for standard events
DragDrop, DragOver, OLEDragOver, OLEDragDrop, OLEStartDrag,
OLESetData, WriteProperties, ReadProperties,
AsyncReadComplete, AsyncReadProgress
- BugFix: Correctly show start of the form in HEX Editor if
offset is higher than ImageBase