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[Decompilers] JEB 3.21 (June 27, 2020)

  • TA的每日心情
    2016-11-3 14:57
  • 签到天数: 1 天


    发表于 2019-12-25 14:34:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    本帖最后由 PYG官方论坛 于 2020-6-28 14:05 编辑


    JEB 3.21 (June 27, 2020)
    - dexdec: optimizers: multiple updates and additions
    - dexdec: emulation: updates and fixes
    - dexdec: typing, casting: upgrades, better clean-up
    - dexdec: decompilation events: added MESSAGE type (API: DexDecompilerEvent)
    - dexdec: detect DexGuard 'Virtualized' classes (ref: blog)
    - dexdec: multiple bug fixes
    - dex: support the merger of dex files into an existing dex unit (API: IDexFile.addDex)
    - dex: type renaming: prevent conflicts
    - dex: do not fail multi-dex apk parsing if a dex entry looks bad
    - global property: added FlattenStringsInCodeDocuments: enable to ensure clean unicode rendering on all systems
    - UI API additions: displayFileOpenSelector, displayFileSaveSelector, displayFolderSelector

    - UI framework update (SWT R-4.16-202006040540): problem with multiple displays on macOS should be fixed
    - fixes and tweaks

    JEB 3.20 (June 9, 2020)
    Lots of additions in this release, the list below is far from exhaustive.
    We will publish a blog this week to showcase a couple of features introduced in version 3.20.

    - dexdec: more optimizers and deobfuscators
    - dexdec: emulator: multiple upgrades
    - dexdec: emulator: decrypted data and unreflected code is visible in multiple areas
      (including decompilation events and auto-generated comments in assembly), and properly
      integrated into the code base, e.g. with cross-references
    - dexdec: user-registered events queues, global event queue (API, see IDexDecompilerUnit)
    - dexdec: user-configurable side-effect-free/context-insensitive code
    - decompiled output: multi-line comments, better formatting
    - jdb2: added project properties to quick-save persistence mode.
    - analysis: finer data flow analysis over irregular control flows
    - dex: package signature change, e.g.: Lcom/some/name/ to denote com.some.name
    - many fixes and tweaks

    - 'Android' menu: global analysis, emulator settings, other advanced dexdec controls
      (start a global analysis to let the decompiler analyze the entire code base and
      determine encrypted data and obfuscated code)
    - dex decompiler node: events table fragment under dexdec node
    - code hierarchy: visual filters (packages, classes, etc.)
    - locate in code: give focus to the code hierarchy part
    - fixes

    JEB 3.19.1 (May 7, 2020)
    Fixes and tweaks.

    JEB 3.19 (May 6, 2020)
    Maintenance release.

    - DEX Decompiler: Emulator: improvements
    - DEX Decompiler: fixes on corner-case scenariOS
    - Java: Decompiled source: matched parentheses/brackets/braces open-close
    - Dex/Dalvik: more information for query xrefs action
    - Dex/Dalvik: some fixes, more tolerant Dalvik parsing in corner-cases
    - Operation: added COPY_ADDRESS (see API; mapped to menu "Navigation, Copy Address" in UI client)
    - Native: Siglibs updates
    - Other fixes

    - Cross-references panel: the dialog is now modeless (keep navigating, jump to xrefs without closing the widget)
    - Navigation: fixes and tweaks in history navigation (more to be smoothed out, navigating the history remains counter-intuitive in some cases)
    - Styles/Themes: added light/sepia fall-back for system-wide dark modes if needed
    - Themes: fixed standard theme on dark-mode macOS with recent JDK
    - UI client is now compatible with recent JDK, incl. JDK 14. JEB's native launcher will not work on linux/macOS though.
      Note: we recommend to keep on using JDK 8u191+.
    - Other fixes

    JEB 3.18.1 (April 30, 2020)
    Fixes and tweaks.

    JEB 3.18 (April 29, 2020)
    - DEX Decompiler: emulator improvements, fixes, and adjustments (incl. more options in coreplugins/dexdec-emu.cfg)
    - DEX Decompiler: more aggressive optimizations (can be disabled in the options)
    - DEX Decompiler: support for const-method-handle and const-method-type (will generate artificial methods - refer to Manual)
    - DEX Decompiler: full support for invoke-custom whose linker methods is of type INVOKE_STATIC (will generate artificial methods - refer to Manual)
    - DEX Decompiler: API: support for decompilation events registration (see sample script)
    - Native code analysis: upgrades, MSVC tail call detection
    - JDWP debuggers: minor updates for performance
    - Cross references: support for reference types (e.g., get, set, call, etc.)

    - Refreshed JEB manual, more contents (online at pnfsoftware.com/jeb/manual or in your doc/manual folder)
    - Faster filtering in table and tree views
    - Navigation history panel

    JEB 3.17.2 (April 13, 2020)
    Fixes and tweaks for 3.17.1.

    JEB 3.17.1 (April 12, 2020)
    Fixes and tweaks for 3.17.

    JEB 3.17 (April 9, 2020)
    - DEX Decompiler: full support for concurrent decompilation
    - DEX Decompiler: multiple performance improvements
    - DEX Decompiler: generic string decryptor: additions and tweaks; granular options (see bin/dexdec-emu.cfg)
    - DEX Decompiler: exporter utility (see DexDecompilerExporter class in com.pnfsoftware.jeb.core.units.code.android)
    - DEX Decompiler: multiple fixes
    - Decompiler API: additions (see sample scripts)
    - Native code analysis: updates
    - MSVC x86 switch recovery improvements
    - UI API: added displayText()
    - DEX: incomplete events: provide previous name for Rename operations
    - APK/arsc: resource extraction: keep file extensions

    - Export: fast dex decompile (in File, Export)
    - Debuggers: improvements
    - Faster tables
    - Better navigation for decompiler
    - Perform auto re-decompilation with Decompiling with Options (CTRL+TAB, or COMMAND+TAB)

    JEB 3.16 (March 25, 2020)
    This release is still guaranteed COVID19-free.

    - DEX Decompiler: Generic String Decryptor: Multiple improvements and fixes
    - DEX Decompiler: Special rendering for unreflected items
    - DEX Decompiler: Multiple fixes, mostly anti-obfuscation tricks
    - JEB's "Make APK Debuggable" tool (flag --makeapkdebug): fix - special thanks to Aaron W.
    - Dalvik rendering: additions
    - Dalvik: try blocks: additional sanitization
    - PE parser: additions
    - Native code analysis: updates
    - More fixes and additions in Core and UI Client

    JEB 3.15 (March 9, 2020)
    This release is guaranteed COVID19-free, not bug-free.

    - DEX Decompiler: Generic String Decryptor: Multiple improvements, leading to support of complicated encryption patterns,
      such as those used by recent versions of DexGuard, Arxan, custom packers, etc. Overall, you should see many more auto-decrypted
      strings in decompiled code (this feature can be disabled in the Options, refer to EnableDeobfuscators and EmulationSupport)
    - DEX Decompiler: Optimization (IR and AST) updates, incl. better rendering for compiler-optimized complex try-catch-finally
      constructs (still plenty of room for improvement, in particular for try-with-resource constructs)
    - DEX Decompiler: Better information on auto-generated Strings
    - DEX Decompiler: Decompilation: Provide finer-grained progress information to clients
    - DEX Decompiler: Java AST API: safer replaceSubElement(), it could previously lead to unnecessary ClassCastException
    - DEX Decompiler: Bug fix: pickup updated strings in DEX when rendering decompiled Java
    - Android/Dalvik debuggers: updates and stability improvements
    - DEX: option to provide extra information (eg, method size) in code node labels
    - DEX conversion for Classfile decompilation: failsafe mode, use dx then d8 (or the reverse), if one failed
    - Json parser updates

    UI Client:
    - Python/Jython: improvements to Terminal-bound script interpreter (how to use? 'use py'): full IGraphicalClientContext,
      auto-completion on custom *.py imports, etc.
    - Code Hierarchy: option to provide additional information for non-native code hierarchies (similar to what is provided
      for native code hierarchies)
    - Decompilation: finer-grained progress information
    - Debugger views: improvements
    - Font: Fix: Font update was not picked up in some cases
    - Other fixes in rendering

    JEB 3.14 (February 25, 2020)
    - DEX Decompiler: generic deobfuscator upgrades
    - DEX Decompiler: optimizer additions
    - Java API: create external method and field references (see sample script JavaASTCreateMethodRef.py)
    - APK: Arsc: handle illegally encoded UTF-8 string resources
    - DEX: updates and fixes
    - Native code analyzer: updates
    - Native code: code-agnostic signatures (experimental)
    - UI Client: code hierarchy tree move-to-same bugfix
    - UI Client: minor additions

    JEB 3.13 (February 18, 2020)
    - DEX Decompiler: generic decryptor: additions, fixes, more logs, special rendering on client side
    - DEX Decompiler: more mid-level and high-level optimizations
    - DEX: various fixes/tweaks
    - Added generic optional action "Auto-Rename All", to be used discretionarily on obfuscated code (see this updated blog post)
    - Support for svg rendering
    - Debugger fixes
    - Key shortcut trigger fixes
    - Support for d8/dx selection when decompiling Java bytecode
    - Other fixes (e.g. Styles)

    JEB 3.12 (February 10, 2020)
    Important additions to the Dalvik/DEX decompiler; Added support for Java bytecode decompilation.

    DEX Decompiler:
    - Generic deobfuscator: attempt to perform string decryption and replace method calls by strings (see blog post)
    - Optimizer: unreflect dynamic code (replace invocations-via-reflection code by static code, and clean-up)
    - Optimizer: improved array inlining
    - Other optimizers: additions and upgrades across the board
    - Lambda reconstructor: a bug fix

    Other Additions:
    - Support for Java bytecode decompilation: single classfile, jar archives.
      (Java bytecode is converted to DEX and processed by DEX decompiler.)
    - Upgrades related to DEX handling and rendering in the UI client.

    JEB 3.11.1 (January 30, 2020)
    This update fixes a regression found in 3.11.0.

    Other minor updates.

    JEB 3.11.0 (January 24, 2020)
    DEX Decompiler upgrades.

    - Custom deobfuscators for some Samsung obfuscation schemes (pseudo switches, local array based arithmetic and opaque predicates, etc.)
    - Improved optimizations related to synchronized blocks and methods (safe, poorly or partially synchronized methods are also detected)
    - Additional switch-on-string reconstruction
    - Improved optimizations generally
    - Additional control-flow deobfuscators and cleaners
    - Better optimization for String building
    - Insert extra returns more aggressively
    - Variable propagation fixes re:protected blocks
    - Fix regarding outer-class obfuscated names
    - Support for decompiled class deletion and redecompilation
    - Other fixes

    JEB 3.10.1 (January 12, 2020)
    This update fixes regressions or problems found in 3.10.0.

    JEB 3.10.0 (January 10, 2020)
    - DEX decompiler: discover and reconstruct desugared lambdas and method handles (dex<=37)
    - DEX decompiler: invoke-custom support and lambdas generation (dex>=38)
    - DEX decompiler: performance improvements
    - DEX decompiler: non-breaking API changes to IElement.getTagMap()
    - Java Source API: additions
    - APK arsc: restructuring: support for renaming resources (previously was: moving only)
    - DEX: fix in MethodHandle type enumeration
    - RTTI: parser updates

    JEB 3.9.0 (December 31, 2019)
    Maintenance release, mostly additions and fixes to dex/dexdec.

    - DEX decompiler: render pseudo-anonymous classes (deanonymized and used as such exclusively) at the bottom of the original container (anti-obfuscation)
    - DEX decompiler: synthetic field/method rendering: those items are not shown only if determined to be truly synthetic
    - DEX decompiler: API addition to retrieve the IJavaIdentifierManager used by an method (sample script: JavaListIdentifiers.py)
    - DEX: API addition: retrieve all renamed identifiers (sample script: JavaListIdentifiers.py)
    - Unit events: provide extra details for UnitChange events (sample script: ListenToDexChangeEvents.py)
    - UI Client: Fixed text view scrolling issues on latest versions of macOS

    JEB 3.8.0 (December 24, 2019)
    Final maintenance release for JEB 3 branch. Next major update in 2020 Q1, with pre-releases in Jan/Feb. Switch to Alpha/Beta update channel to receive them.

    - C++ class hierarchy built from RTTI (including vftable definition in memory); currently handle x86/x64 Visual Studio and Itanium RTTI
    - ELF relocations: additions
    - Native code analyzer: minor fixes
    - Android arsc parsing: fix (plurals confusion)
    - Bookmarking (Favorites) scripts: https://github.com/pnfsoftware/j ... tree/master/scripts (BookmarkSet, BookmarkList)
    - Added reverse search in interactive text views
    - Support for custom URI handler 'jeb:' -- refer to the URI handler registering script in bin/uri/GenRegisterJebUriScheme.py for details  
    - Support for software update channels: Release (default), Beta, Alpha)

  • TA的每日心情

    2020-1-9 10:13
  • 签到天数: 136 天


    发表于 2019-12-29 13:38:23 | 显示全部楼层
    太狠了 我还在用3.0
    回复 支持 反对

    使用道具 举报

  • TA的每日心情
    2022-11-16 00:02
  • 签到天数: 721 天


    发表于 2019-12-30 04:03:13 | 显示全部楼层
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  • TA的每日心情
    2024-2-25 08:17
  • 签到天数: 296 天


    发表于 2020-1-16 23:07:06 | 显示全部楼层
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    发表于 2020-2-3 10:35:20 | 显示全部楼层
    Update JEB 3.11.1 ~
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    发表于 2020-4-13 12:24:56 | 显示全部楼层
    JEB 3.17.1 (April 12, 2020)
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    使用道具 举报

  • TA的每日心情
    2024-12-4 16:27
  • 签到天数: 644 天


    发表于 2020-6-28 15:25:40 | 显示全部楼层
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