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TA的每日心情 | 奋斗 2025-1-13 08:25 |
签到天数: 1692 天 [LV.Master]伴坛终老
本帖最后由 speedboy 于 2020-8-10 13:14 编辑
This program will help you manage your entire photo collection, including images in RAW, JPEG, PNG, and many other formats. Movavi’s photo organizer will be an essential tool for anyone who values their time as much as their photo collection.
Organize Photos
Facial Recognition
The program detects faces in photos and automatically creates an album of images for each person.
Photo Tagging
Add tags to image files using Movavi's picture organizer so you can easily navigate around your photo library.
Review the automatically created photo albums sorted by country. Filter images in these albums by city.
Similar Photos
The program automatically selects visually similar images. You can edit them together, add them to an album, or choose the best and delete the rest.
Find Duplicates
Quickly find and remove duplicate photos from your hard drive to free up disk space. You can also delete duplicates from any list of photos added to the app.
Edit Images
Work with individual photos or edit multiple photos simultaneously: crop, flip, and rotate images, straighten horizons, and more.
More Features
Backup Copies
Copy your image archive with all photos, albums, tags, and places. Restore the data in case of loss.
Automatic Album Creation
Movavi’s photo organizer will automatically sort your images by date and GPS coordinates.
Photo Viewing
View photos in full-screen mode in many popular image formats using Movavi’s fast and reliable picture organizer.
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百度网盘: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1IFwtXFt1Y6e3roO6PXLD8g 提取码: eq5t
原版: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1wCW5BYOnWI-PeNjwhDDVTQ 密码:47s6
补丁: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1GXg3FrtOrARkFmB52NIgyA 密码:6kpw