- 45135
TA的每日心情 | 怒 2017-7-19 15:45 |
签到天数: 2 天 [LV.1]初来乍到
【破文标题】 Teleport Pro Version 1.39 for Windows
【作者邮箱】[email protected]
【软件名称】Teleport Pro Version 1.39 for Windows
【软件简介】As of Version 1.39, Teleport Pro uses an internal Java applet binary parser,and doesn't need to use the older "JavaPack" system distributed with previousversions of Teleport Pro. If you have upgraded a Teleport Pro v1.28 orprevious installation, you can delete the files in the "bin" subdirectory(there should be two files in that folder, CLASSES.ZIP and JAVAP.EXE), as those files are no longer necessary .
1.PEID-----Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 base64 和crc32算法。
0042B421 . E8 2F680000 call pro.00431C55 ; edx用户名长度5
0042B426 . 8BF0 mov esi, eax
0042B428 . A1 D4014900 mov eax, dword ptr ds:[4901D4]
0042B42D . 83C4 0C add esp, 0C
0042B430 . 897424 10 mov dword ptr ss:[esp+10], esi
0042B434 . 3898 CD040000 cmp byte ptr ds:[eax+4CD], bl
0042B43A . 0F84 33010000 je pro.0042B573
0042B440 . 3BF3 cmp esi, ebx
0042B442 . BD C4604800 mov ebp, pro.004860C4 ; ASCII "User"
0042B447 . 74 59 je short pro.0042B4A2
0042B449 . FFB7 D5000000 push dword ptr ds:[edi+D5] ; 用户名
0042B44F . E8 BA090000 call pro.0042BE0E ; F7进
0042B454 . 3BF0 cmp esi, eax ; eax真码,esi假码
0042B456 . 59 pop ecx
0042B457 . 75 0F jnz short pro.0042B468 ; 关键跳
0042B459 . 53 push ebx ; /Arg3
0042B45A . 53 push ebx ; |Arg2
0042B45B . FF35 A46A4800 push dword ptr ds:[486AA4] ; |Arg1 = 0048BD6C ASCII "Thank you! Your copy of Teleport Pro is now registered. All limits have been removed."
0042B461 . E8 8C550200 call pro.004509F2 ; \pro.004509F2
0042B466 . EB 75 jmp short pro.0042B4DD
0042BE0E /$ 57 push edi
0042BE0F |. 8B7C24 08 mov edi, dword ptr ss:[esp+8] ; 用户名给edi
0042BE13 |. 85FF test edi, edi
0042BE15 |. 74 09 je short pro.0042BE20 ; 没输入就措
0042BE17 |. 57 push edi
0042BE18 |. E8 935A0000 call pro.004318B0 ; eax是用户名长度
0042BE1D |. 59 pop ecx
0042BE1E |. EB 02 jmp short pro.0042BE22
0042BE20 |> 33C0 xor eax, eax
0042BE22 |> 83F8 05 cmp eax, 5 ; 长度和5比较
0042BE25 |. 73 04 jnb short pro.0042BE2B ; 不小就跳
0042BE27 |. 33C0 xor eax, eax
0042BE29 |. 5F pop edi
0042BE2A |. C3 retn
0042BE2B |> 53 push ebx
0042BE2C |. 56 push esi
0042BE2D |. BE A4E4FE5D mov esi, 5DFEE4A4 ; esi=5DFEE4A4
0042BE32 |. 33DB xor ebx, ebx ; ebx清零
0042BE34 |> 85FF /test edi, edi
0042BE36 |. 74 09 |je short pro.0042BE41
0042BE38 |. 57 |push edi
0042BE39 |. E8 725A0000 |call pro.004318B0 ; 用户名长度eax=7
0042BE3E |. 59 |pop ecx
0042BE3F |. EB 02 |jmp short pro.0042BE43
0042BE41 |> 33C0 |xor eax, eax
0042BE43 |> 83C0 FC |add eax, -4 ; 长度减四位
0042BE46 |. 3BD8 |cmp ebx, eax
0042BE48 |. 73 0C |jnb short pro.0042BE56
0042BE4A |. 33343B |xor esi, dword ptr ds:[ebx+edi] ; 前四位倒序ascii值和esi异或从第二位开始再取四位
0042BE4D |. F6C3 40 |test bl, 40 ; 最多只运算40H次
0042BE50 |. 74 01 |je short pro.0042BE53
0042BE52 |. 43 |inc ebx
0042BE53 |> 43 |inc ebx
0042BE54 |.^ EB DE \jmp short pro.0042BE34
0042BE56 |> 8BC6 mov eax, esi
0042BE58 |. 5E pop esi
0042BE59 |. 5B pop ebx
0042BE5A |. 5F pop edi
0042BE5B \. C3 retn
0042BE5C . E9 00000000 jmp pro.0042BE61
0042BE61 > 68 204D4800 push pro.00484D20
0042BE66 . FF35 086A4800 push dword ptr ds:[486A08] ; pro.00486A48
0042BE6C . E8 CE6F0000 call pro.00432E3F
0042BE71 . 50 push eax
0042BE72 . FF35 106A4800 push dword ptr ds:[486A10] ; pro.00486A14
0042BE78 . E8 B35A0000 call pro.00431930
0042BE7D . 2B05 106A4800 sub eax, dword ptr ds:[486A10] ; pro.00486A14
0042BE83 . 83C4 10 add esp, 10
0042BE86 . 6A 03 push 3
0042BE88 . 99 cdq
0042BE89 . 59 pop ecx
0042BE8A . F7F9 idiv ecx
0042BE8C . 40 inc eax
0042BE8D . A3 28184900 mov dword ptr ds:[491828], eax
0042BE92 . C3 retn
esi:33978CD7H 10进制:865570007注册码
- ==================================================================================================
- delphi注册机源码
- ==================================================================================================
- var
- Scode : String;
- Sname : String;
- Stemp : String;
- i , j: Integer;
- Itemp : Int64;
- iconst : Integer; //定义几个变量
- begin
- iconst := $5DFEE4A4; //esi的初值
- itemp := 0;
- Stemp := '';
- if Edit1.Text = '' then Exit;
- if Length(Edit1.Text) < 5 then
- begin
- Edit2.Text := '用户名长度必须大于5';
- end
- else if Length(Edit1.Text) >= 5 then
- begin
- for i := 1 to length(Edit1.Text) - 4 do //算法循环
- begin
- Scode := Copy(Edit1.Text,i,4);
- for j := 1 to 4 do
- begin
- Stemp := Format( '%.2x',[ Ord(Scode[j]) ] ) + Stemp;//反向输出ascii值
- end;
- itemp := StrToInt64('$'+Stemp); //Format是格式化字符串
- iconst := iconst Xor itemp;
- Stemp := '';
- end;
- Edit2.Text := IntToStr(iconst); //计算结果
- end;
- end;
复制代码 c++的注册机,我想了半天没想出来,大家可以教教我。/:011 |