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来自俄罗斯的网络安全解决方案,它为您在网络冲浪时提供了全面的安全防护。具有一般防火墙常有的应用程序访问规则控制以及独特的私人信息保护(防止密码泄露)、内容管理(防止您的孩子或员工查看不合适的网页内容,允许按特定关键字以及特定网地进行过滤)、DNS 缓存保护、Web 页交互元素控制(过滤您不需要的例如GIF/ActvieX/Flash/图片等界面元素)、反间谍软件(带有类似杀毒软件实时监控,防止恶意软件的入侵)、特定应用程序行为控制等。独特的自我保护机制可以防止Outpost自身被恶意软件非法终止或运行所需的文件被篡改。 该软体不需配置就可使用,这对於许多新手来说,更简单易用。对於一般用户而言,Outpost Firewall所加入的内容感应提示,在输入资料时更能获得理想的保护效果,因为很多时防火墙失效是因为用户设定不当, 当您设定Outpost Firewall 时,Smart Advisor功能会对新程式及数据交换发出提问,及教您如何设定防火墙规则,正确的回答问题可给您最好的保护。
Outpost Firewall 已应用模组化架构,可加入不同的威胁防御功能 ,例如反间谍软体功能便可透过监察运作中的程式可以确保没有间谍软体在执行, 所有没有获授权执行的恶意程式会被即时终止,而系统的设定档会受保护,防止恶意程式进行未经授权的修改 ,无论是在文件夹丶硬碟丶软碟丶 CD 丶 DVD 或 USB 储存装置的间谍软体,一经侦察便会被移除。而间谍软体识别码可自动更新,保持在最佳的保护状态。 在扫描速度方面, Outpost Firewall 较 Norton 或 ZoneAlarm 等防火墙更佳。
黑客的攻击手法层出不穷,他们意图骑劫您的个人电脑, Outpost Firewall 的反黑客功能,可有效对付窃听丶欺骗丶远程桌面遥控等复杂的攻击, 即使您的 Windows 有保安漏洞, Outpost Firewall 的攻击侦察模组也可以帮您的电脑看门口,配合其自行开发的反木马程式 Tauscan 软体模组,令黑客无从入手。 面对身份盗窃的威胁, Outpost Firewall 加入 ID 封锁功能,利用拦截及例外清单配合字串过滤,有关重要的身份数据及敏感资料,例如信用卡数字丶登入资料及密码丶人名及地址等资料,将不会通过即时通讯软体丶电子邮件等外泄给黑客 ,有关设定也很方便。另外 任何假冒的通讯请求及未经授权的无线网路连接请求也会被拒绝 ,盗用宽频网路的问题可得以解决。 Outpost Firewall Pro provides a superior arsenal of defense against PC infiltration. Outpost ensures your online security with solid protection against all Internet-borne threats. Outpost is the first personal firewall developed with Open Architecture. It is also the first personal firewall that supports plug-ins. Sample plug-ins are included to show how this revolutionary technology can easily be employed for such tasks as Intrusion Detection, Advertisement Blocking, Content Filtering, E-mail Guard, and Privacy Control. It is equipped with every feature a personal firewall should have. It is the most functional firewall in the world. It supports all the latest security techniques and features such as: Full Stealth Mode, Anti-Leak, and MD5 Authentication.
Being online is fraught with dangers: Internet worms, spyware agents, Trojan horses, hijackers and more can wreak havoc, causing anything from slow performance to system crashes to full-blown identity theft. And to provide you with the kind of protection you need in these days of cyberthieves and online extortionists, your firewall must be able to monitor all inbound and outbound traffic and protect you from any unauthorized intrusion by rendering your PC invisible to anything that you haven’t authorized to see it.
What you get:
* Advanced firewall for secure connections
* Antispyware to keep your PC spyware-free
* Host protection to block zero-day threats
* Web control to protect your PC from web-borne threats
System Requirements
Windows Vista, 2000, XP, Server 2003
Pentium 450 or faster
50MB HardDisk space
Memory: 128 MB (for Windows Vista/2000/XP/ Server 2003)
Outpost Firewall Pro 2008 (build 6.0.2220.223.446.277)
Release date: December 5, 2007
The following improvements are introduced:
Multiple Event Viewer improvements, among which are the following:
New records are placed on top
Log configuration is preserved (column width, etc.)
Ability to copy record to clipboard
Ability to clear the log
Extended Anti-Malware log
Web Control events are logged at the default logging level
Port number is logged on detecting port scanning
Some advanced logs are not displayed by default
Multiple Network Activity improvements, among which are the following:
Ability to break connection
Ability to manually group/ungroup application connections
Ability to completely exit the product and stop the service using the Exit command
Animated product icon during system scan
System tray icon tooltip contains product version and system IP addresses
«About» command in the system tray icon context menu
Owner of the file digital signature is checked on network access request or system activity request
Ability to start Compatibility Wizard from the Start menu
Ability to select product operation mode (Normal mode to run at system startup, Background to run invisibly, and Disable mode to not run at system startup)
Ability to cure malware that is registered as LSP
Ability to cure malware that require reboot
The following issues are resolved (only significant ones are listed):
Possible service initialization error after installation (as a consequence – the system could be restarted from the second time only)
Ability to unload Outpost using Gmer anti-rootkit tool
If installing on the computer with KIS installed, klif.sys driver could not be detected
Critical registry keys were not controlled if the Optimal Host Protection level was selected
Rules Wizard prompt for svchost.exe on rawsocket access request
Possible crash on starting rootkit that loads the wincom32.sys driver
Real-time protection exclusions did not work
File could not be restored from Quarantine if the folder from which they were quarantined did not exist
Weekly scheduled tasks were not started
Sites’ content could be corrupted under Vista x86/x64
Attack Detection false positives on visiting several sites
Most commonly reported crashes
Multiple interface issues
http://www.agnitum.com/download/OutpostProInstall64.exe |