本帖最后由 email123 于 2019-2-3 23:41 编辑
SmartCapture is the professional, easy to use screen capture tool for Windows! The clear and intuitive user interface and powerful features make it the ideal utility for everyone who wants to capture any contents of the Windows desktop. It can capture rectangular screen areas, whole objects, windows or screens and it can acquire images from imaging devices (e.g. scanners, digital cameras, etc.) The captured images can be cropped very easily and the color depth can be changed to any desired value from monochrome to true color. Images can be printed, saved, copied to the clipboard, sent to an email recipient, MS Word or any image editor. SmartCapture supports all major file formats, image manipulations (e.g. resize, flip, rotate, color replace, invert, optimized color palettes, dither, etc.), multiple monitors, full automation, capture wizards, capture profiles, multi-level undo and much more. Many options allow the customization of all actions to individual user needs. SmartCapture is not only one of the most powerful screen capture utilities available - it was also designed to be the most user-friendly tool of all!
SmartCapture是一个专业、易用的屏幕图像捕捉工具。清爽直观的用户界面和强大的功能,使它成为每一个想捕捉Windows桌面任何内容的用户的理想工具。它可以进行矩形、整个目标、窗口或者屏幕捕捉,另外,它还可以从Twain 兼容数据源如:扫描仪、数码相机等获取图像
Happy Festival to All!!!