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『 密界兵器 』 今日: 2 |主题: 609|排名: 8 

版主: Nisy


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预览 [Compilers] 点睛字符替换器V1.05特别修正版.by.KuNgBiM attachment agree  ...23456 kungbim 2006-10-7 5227620 xwgod 2022-5-23 11:43
预览 [Editors] [转贴] X-Ways.WinHex.v16.6.Incl.Keymaker-ZWT theend 2012-8-17 97269 basaiyv 2022-5-19 21:18
预览 [Disassemblers] IDA PRO 7.7.220118 Floating (SP1) (x86, x64, ARM64) Full Activated attach_img recommend agree  ...23 Dr.FarFar 2022-1-28 2512707 Dr.FarFar 2022-5-12 20:43
预览 [Patchers] EXE_Patch通用特征码工具 attach_img recommend heatlevel agree  ...234 WFXL 2015-9-14 3819158 deadlybugs 2022-5-5 13:21
[Debuggers] LoliDebugger - [阅读权限 8]attach_img recommend heatlevel agree  ...234 1069819564 2021-9-6 371930 hhfly 2022-4-28 19:23
预览 [PEtools] 新型查壳工具 attachment  ...23456..12 菜儿 2008-1-24 11739850 297951014 2022-4-19 21:39
预览 [Debuggers] Immunity Debugger 1.85 recommend agree  ...234 yyjpcx 2014-4-22 3225496 lhtzty 2022-4-15 22:30
[Other] eXeL@B(CrackLab.rU)Видеокурс ВЗЛОМ 4-В-1 2020 俄语教程与工具包 - [阅读权限 8]agree 啊CR 2022-4-15 2206 xucom 2022-4-15 12:23
预览 [Packers] [转]WinLicense/Themida x32/64 Code Virtualizer x32/64 attach_img agree  ...2 PYG官方论坛 2018-2-22 1613468 fcmfzc 2022-4-2 09:23
预览 [Packers] Themida/WinLicense/Code Virtualizer (02-Oct-2020) attach_img  ...2 Nisy 2020-10-10 127853 fcmfzc 2022-4-2 09:18
预览 [Disassemblers] IDA Pro v7.6 SP1 Incl SDK&Tools recommend agree  ...2 Superhero 2021-8-28 1313776 光晕 2022-3-24 23:32
预览 [Decompilers] IDA 7.7 sp1 Think-Cell 泄露版 + 激活文件 attach_img recommend heatlevel agree  ...234 PYG官方论坛 2022-1-29 3210724 iweizime 2022-3-18 13:15
预览 [Decompilers] VB Decompiler v11.5 has been released (July 6, 2020) PYG官方论坛 2020-7-7 73528 waddy 2022-2-26 19:36
预览 [Decompilers] Binary Ninja 2.1.2263 (2020-07-10) PYG官方论坛 2020-7-13 47423 Proudhao 2022-2-26 19:36
预览 [Disassemblers] IDA 7.3 Team-IRA 版v1.0(2020.7) 新人帖 attach_img agree  ...23 caxfan 2020-7-16 2314716 waddy 2022-2-26 19:35
预览 [Decompilers] IDA Pro 7.5 SP2 released Nisy 2020-7-29 59072 Proudhao 2022-2-26 19:35
预览 [Decompilers] IDA and decompilers v7.5 sp3 201028 PYG官方论坛 2020-10-29 54286 Proudhao 2022-2-26 19:08
预览 [Packers] The Enigma Protector Version 6.80 Build 20201027 PYG官方论坛 2020-11-4 612768 Proudhao 2022-2-26 19:07
预览 [Other] [固件分析和比较工具]FACT_2020年5月29日更新:3.1 agree 梦幻的彼岸 2020-11-14 38314 Proudhao 2022-2-26 19:06
预览 [.NET] dnSpy 6.1.8 agree  ...2 Rooking 2020-12-8 1111743 Proudhao 2022-2-26 19:04
预览 [Decompilers] IDA Pro 7.5 Build 0728 (x86, x64, ARM, ARM64) 泄露版 recommend agree PYG官方论坛 2020-12-15 912682 Proudhao 2022-2-26 19:03
预览 [Other] retoolkit---2021年6月16日更新 attach_img recommend agree 梦幻的彼岸 2021-6-21 410967 Proudhao 2022-2-26 18:57
预览 [Decompilers] Wing_IDE动态调试IDAPython attach_img xxHxx 2019-11-20 77510 哥又回来了 2022-2-23 22:54
预览 [Other] StackScraper - 利用对远程进程的实时堆栈扫描来捕获敏感数据 attach_img 梦幻的彼岸 2022-2-10 43731 夜先生 2022-2-13 14:08
预览 [Compilers] Visual_Assist_X_2029 包含了破解补丁 yyjpcx 2014-3-9 57762 pcwindpyg 2022-1-7 19:46
预览 [Debuggers] Eugenio调试器,拥有众强大插件,秒杀所有强壳支持x32 x64 新人帖 attach_img agree  ...23 Eugenio 2019-6-8 2418378 jingjing668888 2021-12-25 16:20
预览 [PEtools] LordPE PYG超级版(基于网上流行插件修改而成) attachment  ...23456..11 飘云 2006-2-5 10473310 狂草 2021-12-18 16:43
预览 [Decompilers] VB Decompiler v11.7 (November 19, 2021) Nisy 2021-11-30 42776 xingbing 2021-12-2 08:41
预览 [Decompilers] 易语言模块反编译利器 attachment recommend heatlevel agree  ...23456..19 yyjpcx 2014-11-22 18564542 hai20041004 2021-11-5 15:39
预览 [Disassemblers] 『 转载 』IDA 6.6 汉化版 attach_img heatlevel  ...23456..16 空道 2015-7-9 15277708 无风起浪 2021-10-3 02:18
预览 [Packers] The Enigma Protector v6.30 (32/64) attach_img  ...2 Nisy 2018-7-17 1716407 kensir 2021-9-23 22:44
预览 [Packers] The Enigma Protector 6.50 Build 20190129 attach_img  ...2 Nisy 2019-1-29 1114787 kensir 2021-9-23 22:44
预览 [Packers] The Enigma Protector 6.40 Build 20181017 Release attach_img  ...2 Nisy 2018-10-17 1915618 kensir 2021-9-23 22:43
[Packers] Enigma Protector v5.20_x86 Crack [NO INSTALL] 新人帖 - [阅读权限 10] ...2 tchivs 2019-1-10 13309 kolins 2021-9-19 20:46
[Debuggers] 可跑起新版Themida WL SE VMP主程序的OllyDBG 编辑采用 - [阅读权限 10]attach_img recommend heatlevel agree  ...23456..11 冷月孤心 2014-9-21 1001007 shineme 2021-8-15 17:06
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