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『 密界兵器 』 今日: 0|主题: 604|排名: 56 

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预览 [Unpackers] ASProtect Unpacker & Tools (工具 ) attachment Utshiha 2014-7-26 810228 read4011 2015-7-21 09:21
预览 [Packers] 分享 ASPack.v2.35.Cracked.by.yoza agree 殘影 2014-12-12 88460 read4011 2015-7-21 09:18
[Disassemblers] 此贴已结,请勿再回复。等新版本出现。 - [阅读权限 115]attachment recommend heatlevel agree  ...23456..56 Dxer 2015-1-14 5685339 zyhxhw 2015-7-17 22:11
预览 [Decompilers] Red.Gate..NET.Reflector. recommend agree 冷月孤心 2014-12-9 67046 rNKsT61v 2015-7-15 11:25
预览 [Debuggers] x64dbg 2015.7.13 yyjpcx 2015-7-13 87456 menglv 2015-7-14 21:21
预览 [Editors] Hex Editor Neo 6.12(大眼仔) 新人帖 sagas 2015-7-10 46908 wkxq 2015-7-10 22:21
预览 [Packers] VMProtect Professional 2.13.5 注册版 with keyfile attach_img recommend agree PYG官方论坛 2015-7-8 67478 开心啦 2015-7-9 08:36
预览 [Editors] WinHex 18.4已出 attachment agree menglv 2015-7-4 68668 A00 2015-7-6 11:05
预览 [Packers] Themida_x86_x64_v2.3.3.0_Restore_By_PYG attach_img agree  ...23 PYG解密小组 2015-4-3 2813545 gujin162 2015-7-5 09:00
预览 [Unpackers] Exeinfope Version : - ( 860 sign ) attach_img agree 冷月孤心 2015-6-23 56070 menglv 2015-6-24 18:50
预览 [Other] 发几个漂亮的ICO制作注册机用 attachment agree  ...234 allcam 2007-3-31 3531614 yt753302 2015-5-25 02:11
预览 [PEtools] DIE / Detect It Easy / v0.88 For (Win) attach_img  ...2 Utshiha 2014-8-1 138307 冯玉姣 2015-5-24 18:29
预览 [PEtools] Detect It Easy v0.95 新人帖 →折翼独舞♂ 2015-5-20 15453 HacKer丶绝筱伦 2015-5-20 13:45
预览 [Other] 分享更新的几款工具 attach_img agree  ...23 殘影 2014-12-20 2411510 wzgangwzgang 2015-5-16 19:33
预览 [Other] ASCII及进制转换V4.0 attachment  ...2345 wzwgp 2006-1-30 4730942 xiaoyi510 2015-5-12 09:08
预览 [Patchers] KeyMake.V2.0.AntiKill by FLY attachment  ...23456..7 忧伤的路西法 2006-4-20 6333235 xiaoyi510 2015-5-12 09:07
预览 [Other] 我在网盘上存的工具教程 xinjian185 2010-5-31 57317 qq6011 2015-5-8 01:47
预览 [Other] 学编程的好工具,指令宝典2005! attachment recommend agree  ...23456..16 brightsm 2005-6-23 15284039 qq6011 2015-5-8 01:43
预览 [PEtools] 更新一款查壳软件,这款软件比较小众 【ProtectionId.666.halloween.2014】 attach_img recommend agree  ...23 殘影 2014-12-11 2012090 qq6011 2015-5-8 01:37
预览 [Debuggers] OllyDbg专用完善版 recommend heatlevel  ...23456..84 破浪锥冰 2009-9-9 835112932 a745225161 2015-4-25 16:50
预览 [Debuggers] OllyDumpEx 1.4汉化 attachment agree  ...23 冷月孤心 2014-12-19 2211199 jisheng 2015-4-19 23:38
预览 [Patchers] keymake1.73 ---【推荐】  ...23 飘云 2005-10-27 2933332 ADYYADYY 2015-4-19 17:35
预览 [Debuggers] 老外的ollydbg。两个 版本。难找啊 agree  ...2345 winc 2008-5-20 4119230 ADYYADYY 2015-4-19 17:34
预览 [macOS] MachOView 2.4 attach_img agree 飘云 2014-6-26 38968 wingbywings 2015-4-9 16:03
预览 [Packers] WinLicense x32/x64 V2.3.2.0 No KeyFile attachment agree  ...23456 PYG官方论坛 2015-4-1 5818894 clide2000 2015-4-2 20:26
预览 [Debuggers] [转帖][OllyDbg 1.x Plugin] OllyTab 【20150313更新】 attach_img agree  ...2 theend 2015-3-29 1110613 gagmeng 2015-3-31 09:21
预览 [Cryptography] 超级函数表达式运算器 1.2 特别版(破解必备) attach_img recommend  ...23456..10 飘云 2005-8-14 9436830 lgdn 2015-3-30 08:43
预览 [Decompilers] de4dot and de4dot-x64 3.1.41592.3405 src 五哥 2015-3-19 36355 Dxer 2015-3-20 18:38
预览 [macOS] Reveal 破解补充 新人帖 attach_img iidioter 2015-3-10 05711 iidioter 2015-3-10 10:52
预览 [macOS] 010 Editor 6.0 For Mac 32bit 破解版[绿色版] attach_img agree 飘云 2015-1-10 57151 hsj840119 2015-2-15 10:45
预览 [Unpackers] 分享一款穿山甲的 Nanomites Fixer 工具 2.2版 attach_img 殘影 2014-12-13 97371 zenix 2015-2-12 15:13
预览 [Debuggers] 【推荐】OD工具菜单栏插件 attachment  ...23 小生我怕怕 2008-5-25 2914863 netle8 2015-2-11 22:18
预览 [Android] Putty 支持Adb shell Table补全 attach_img 空道 2014-9-17 37619 越狱 2015-2-5 13:46
预览 [Debuggers] Mimi英文版 attachment jbhyx 2009-9-9 26861 heiheidz 2015-2-5 09:52
预览 [Editors] X-Ways WinHex 18.0 *Multilingual*  ...2 殘影 2014-12-17 189148 windos 2015-1-28 23:15
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