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『 密界兵器 』 今日: 0|主题: 609|排名: 6 

版主: Nisy


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预览 [PEtools] PEID 0.94 PYG官方论坛专用版本【含最新插件&最新壳特征数据库】(061224更新) attachment  ...23456..7 飘云 2005-11-9 6340534 hhhccc 2018-5-10 02:15
预览 [Editors] Hacked Team 400G数据  包含VMP TMD等最新资源 yyjpcx 2015-7-10 68072 飘飘塔 2018-4-13 15:57
预览 [PEtools] 【2018.03.30】PE Tools v1.9 (Meet the new release of good old-fashioned PE To... recommend agree  ...2 cxj98 2018-3-31 119885 sunsjw 2018-4-11 13:51
预览 [Editors] WinHex 19.6 (x64/x86) Specialist license attach_img agree  ...2 andydau 2018-3-29 1310261 flylinfan 2018-4-11 11:53
预览 [Other] Resource Hacker v4.6.32 final 2018-03-28 agree cxj98 2018-3-30 46179 Nisy 2018-4-4 17:09
预览 [Other] Markdown Monster 新人帖 aremat 2018-3-24 15584 howardlee 2018-3-24 20:33
预览 [Disassemblers] IDA v7.0.180201 官方免费版 attach_img recommend agree  ...2 Nisy 2018-2-5 139417 xingbing 2018-2-27 21:23
预览 [Disassemblers] IDA Pro v7.0.170914 (September 14, 2017) + All Decompilers recommend agree  ...2 Superhero 2017-10-10 1414448 DMD 2018-2-23 20:47
预览 [Android] apktool v2.3.1 官方下载(APK解包封包工具) agree Nisy 2018-1-17 58144 雷破天 2018-2-6 20:27
预览 [Debuggers] win7 64位下 直接过猛壳的OD attach_img recommend agree  ...23 fpx_123 2016-3-12 2320361 ly83 2018-1-18 14:09
预览 [macOS] iMazing for Mac Patcher 新人帖 attach_img agree TwizzyIndy 2017-12-16 47405 yryinrui 2017-12-28 17:52
预览 [Decompilers] IDA7.0 WIN+MacOS+插件+补丁(欢迎补充)  ...2 Cain 2017-9-29 1214301 Hellsing 2017-12-4 17:32
预览 [Debuggers] [OllyDbg 1.x Plugin] ScyllaHide_2017-11-05_14-23 殘影 2017-11-8 77570 殘影 2017-11-14 19:08
预览 [Other] 查壳软件 ProtectionId.685.December.2016 attach_img agree 殘影 2017-11-5 16200 月明 2017-11-6 17:08
预览 [Packers] Virtualizer_v2.0.8.0 attach_img agree  ...2 殘影 2016-2-24 1712471 xxhaishixx 2017-10-18 04:20
预览 [Disassemblers] IDA 7.x for win 局域网补丁 attach_img heatlevel agree  ...234 PYG官方论坛 2017-9-22 3517394 469470412 2017-10-9 11:37
预览 [Disassemblers] 64位和32位的寄存器和汇编的比较图 attach_img  ...2 冷月孤心 2017-5-1 1011275 a1421117 2017-9-8 15:19
预览 [Packers] 【转帖】WinLicense2.4.5_32_64_DemoCracked.By.Kissy 新人帖 attach_img agree andydau 2017-2-26 98593 ProX 2017-9-6 15:19
预览 [Disassemblers] [搬运]ODbyDYK 新人帖 attach_img agree  ...2 星语星愿 2017-2-8 1113060 zhuayi112 2017-8-22 20:17
预览 [Disassemblers] [转帖] VB_Decompiler_Pro_v_10.0_FFF gujin162 2015-7-8 98369 win7 2017-7-30 13:14
预览 [Debuggers] 暴力科技OD OllyDBG 【2015.2.13】 新人帖 attachment  ...2 暴爆 2015-2-13 1312636 wangshuaihui 2017-7-7 12:59
预览 [Editors] WinHex 18.0 SR-3 + keygen 新人帖 attachment agree  ...2 jolly_800 2014-12-22 1612267 shenzengquan 2017-7-2 21:08
预览 [Patchers] AT4RE Patcher v0.7.2 Beta agree  ...2 Nisy 2017-6-29 139501 980691659 2017-7-2 00:31
预览 [Decompilers] IDA插件-keypatch 堪称神器!! attachment recommend heatlevel agree  ...2345 飘云 2016-9-18 4723652 飘飘塔 2017-6-20 17:45
预览 [Debuggers] OD脚本编辑器1.0 by 雪落的瞬间 attachment agree cjteam 2009-9-11 37157 xwc28 2017-5-7 14:44
预览 [Disassemblers] OD寄存器补丁生成工具-同款 attach_img agree  ...2 bambooqj 2015-7-30 1510629 2lht_love 2017-5-5 02:11
预览 [Packers] UPX Shell With UPX v3.92 attach_img agree  ...2 PYG官方论坛 2016-12-22 1510661 zhuan888 2017-5-3 01:45
预览 [Patchers] AT4RE Patcher v0.7 汉化版 attach_img agree  ...2 q2692988 2017-1-7 1810749 seoarts 2017-4-9 22:26
预览 [Other] 2009国外工具包 月无影 2009-12-26 48700 1787779080 2017-4-2 09:12
预览 [PEtools] exeinfope0.0.4.1 Release with 902/35 signatures最新版本 attach_img agree  ...2345 theend 2015-12-22 4719023 sumica 2017-3-30 08:38
预览 [Debuggers] Relyze_1.1.0  ...2 alexwang 2015-6-20 1111074 307677814 2017-3-24 11:08
预览 [PEtools] EXEINFOPE_0.0.4.4 2016-12-01更新版 attachment agree 殘影 2016-12-10 67778 76151824 2017-3-7 10:24
预览 [Cryptography] 黑吧专用破解计算器圣诞版源码-在pyg独家发布 attachment heatlevel  ...23 伏牛山 2010-3-31 2514696 348114971 2017-2-20 13:39
预览 [Packers] Vmprotect Ultimate 3.0.9 SND破解版(有BUG不推荐) attach_img agree  ...2 PYG官方论坛 2017-1-19 1217103 wjzzhtgp 2017-1-29 09:00
预览 [Debuggers] 【转载】风影版OllyDBG 1.10 2016-12-09修改版 attach_img agree  ...2 殘影 2016-12-10 1010437 lhsum 2017-1-24 14:08
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