[PEtools] Hiew 8.51
file:///c:/users/administrator/appdata/roaming/360se6/User Data/temp/hiew851.giffile:///c:/users/administrator/appdata/roaming/360se6/User Data/temp/hiew851.gifFeatures of release VIII:
[*]view and edit files of any length in text, hex, and decode modes
[*]x86-64 disassembler & assembler (AVX instructions include)
[*]physical & logical drive view & edit
[*]support for NE, LE, LX, PE/PE32+, ELF/ELF64(little-endian), Mach-O(little-endian) executable formats
[*]support for Netware Loadable Modules like NLM, DSK, LAN,...
[*]following direct call/jmp instructions in any executable file with one touch
[*]pattern search in disassembler
[*]built-in simple 64bit decrypt/crypt system
[*]built-in powerful 64bit calculator
[*]block operations: read, write, fill, copy, move, insert, delete, crypt
[*]multifile search and replace
[*]keyboard macros
[*]unicode support
[*]Hiew Extrenal Module (HEM) support
[*]ArmV6 disassembler
Limitations of DEMO version:
[*]support PE 32bit files only
[*]no assembler
[*]no 64bit disassembler
[*]no ARM disassembler
[*]no logical & physical drive support
[*]no crypt
[*]no ini-file
[*]no sav-file
[*]no keyboard macros
[*]no store/load names
[*]no Hiew External Module (HEM) support
感谢楼主分享,非常感谢~~ 不错的工具,谢谢楼主分享 demo的版本看到就没意思! 怎么是demo版本的? 感谢楼主分享,非常感谢~~ pattern search in disassembler 谢谢分享了! 好像不错,谢谢 感谢楼分享!!!