NemaStudio provides the professional developer of NMEA products with a very powerful development and testing tool by simulating the output of various nautical instruments and target objects including GPS, AIS and Radar. All instruments, targets and ports can be matched and mixed, meaning you can have multiple instances of several objects transmitting over the same or over different ports simultaneously.
NemaTalker simulates the output of up to 6 different instruments simultaneously: GPS, Weather, Sounder, Heading, Velocity and Radar, plus a feature to create your own custom formatted sentences.
All output is sent to one dedicated serial port. Input from this port can be logged in an optional log file. The dynamic parameters of each instrument can be controlled via a common set of controls: the "cockpit".
GPSSimul is a very handy tool for developers of GPS dependent software since it eliminates the need for connecting a physical GPS unit during the development and testing cycle. GPSSimul is also great if you need to test or trial any NMEA compatible device like an autopilot ora softwarecharting program. This is the ideal GPS simulation product for you if you do not require the extensive functionality of NemaStudio or NemaTalker.
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谢谢分享~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 支持gagmeng好强大的 高级成员 果然给力!!! 飘云 发表于 2016-4-8 10:22
高级成员 果然给力!!!
给力,感谢分享了,顶起来 这个给力额,收藏备用了,感谢分享了 谢谢了我来了 膜拜表哥,这么牛强。。。 给力~~ @gagmeng