ByteME v3.9 汉化版
一个。NET调试工具,最近被NET程序折磨,拿ByteME v3.9找找感觉。chs为汉化版
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ByteME v3.9.rar
Coded by Furious
Version 3.9
* Fixed a reported bug while loading assembly info when the assembly is drag droped
* Added support for multiple assemblies
* No longer over-wrties the original assembly/No longer locks the origianl assembly
* Got rid of most of the useless code for optimizations
Version 3.6
* Fixed a bug with searching for strings
* Added decompiling-time method renaming
* Added the ability to dump methods
Version 3.3
* Fixed most of the decompiling errors (thanks 0xd4d)
* Fixed goto entrypoint with assemblies with no EP
* Now mono handles checking the compiler, so you won't have any further problems with some assemblies.
* Now you can copy multiple bytes, added hotkey CTRL+C for copying bytes
* Removed scripting language
* Removed hotkey DELETE for noping instructions
* Some optimizations at loading assemblies (13MB assembly now loads at 2.8 seconds instead of 3.5)
version 3.0
* Fixed a critical bug with decompiling empty type names (CodeCracker's Obfuscator)
* Fixed a bug while trying to modify a non selected item
* Fixed "Goto Entrypoint" bug with few assemblies
* Now should locate the correct metadata section
* Added error reporting
* Added the ability to trace methods
* Added assembly info node which includes: Version, Compiler version, Obfuscator, IL Only flag, PublicKeyToken, entrypoint token
* Added token support for scripting language, now you can use tokens like: nop_all_br t6000001
* Added a var "ep" for the scripting language, can be used like this: nop_all_call ep
* Added new command "get_all_inner_call" same function as "get_all_call" except it only adds the calls that is located in the assembly (non referenced calls)
* Removed script writer
Version 2.4
* Now you can modify opcodes in IL too instead of only bytes.
* Now when you refresh an assembly it will navigate back to the method you were on.
* Added a close button so it would be much easier to make any changes in the assembly.
* Added a reverse branch function, now you can right click on any branch and reverse it. Ex: 2C99 will be reversed to 2D99
* Added a scripting language, current commands:
modify rva newbytesmodifies your defined rva with those bytes
nop rva nopes your defined rva
revbran rva reverses a branch with the defiend rva
wipe rva wipes method rva (changes all the instructions to nop and last instruction to ret)
get_all_#OPCODE# rva var gets all the rva addresses for your defined rva in your defined method and stores them in the var, example usage: get_all_call 2090 call : nop call10. this nops the 10th call in the method rva
nop_all_#OPCODE# rva nops all the defined OPCODE in the defined methodrva example : nop_all_call 2090
# for comments, all comments will be ignored.
Version 2.0
* OpCode highlighting.
* Code decompilation fixes with generic parameters.
* Now you can nop multiple OpCodes.
* Added a search funciton.
Version 1.5
* Fixed a critical bug with deassemblying some bytes with size 2 and simliar op codes.
* Fixed a bug with trying to decompile some methods.
* Now instruction # shown as hex.
* Added a Goto module constructor.
* Added hotkey delete automatically fill byte's with NOP.
* Added double click modify OP code.
* Added parameters and return type for methods.
Version 1.0
* Decompiliation of methods using Mono.Cecil.
* Displayes op codes of methods, va, rva, bytes, token.
* Modifying of op codes.
If you have any suggestions/feedback/bug reports please feel free to pm me.
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