x64_dbg V2.4ALPHA release download
An open-source x64/x32 debugger for windows.
Latest Version: V2.4ALPHA (3 April 2015)
MSVC2010 redistributable for x32 and x64
2.4 alpha3 April 2015
[*]resolved a crash when scrolling up in the dump
[*]resolved reference view not following in disasm correctly
[*]resolved losing settings
[*]fixed a crash with a critical section initialized multiple times
[*]added secret option to disable database compression
[*]various ui improvements
[*]allow ‘jmp short’
[*]fixed hardware breakpoints
[*]disasm/dump/stack plugin menu api
[*]display the number of bytes selected and the module in dump
[*]added topmost option
[*]fixed TLS callbacks on DLLs
[*]show reference count in reference window
[*]fixed possible buffer overflows
[*]added a close all button in the reference view to close all tabs
[*]fixed a bug with a non-refreshed memory map on start
[*]report bug button
[*]update hex when editing ascii/unicode in HexEditDialog
[*]settings dialog now scales
[*]fixed importing patches
[*]thread-safe dbghelp access (could fix some crashes)
[*]Yara pattern finding support
[*]resolved an issue where toggling patches did not toggle the actual bytes
[*]data copy dialog in various formats (C byte/word/dword/string/unicode)
[*]dynamic ‘Find references to’ menu in disassembler (auto-detects constants)
[*]added find references option to the dump (also works with a range selection)
[*]show what was searched for in reference tab title
[*]RegEx support in SearchListView
抢到了N大的沙发,呵呵,感谢分享精彩 抢个板凳,支持N大神 谢谢 我看看好不好 snapshot_2015-04-03_00-09-27 网盘文件怎么是这个啊 校长 谢谢N大分享这么好的工具! cxqdly 发表于 2015-4-3 23:17
snapshot_2015-04-03_00-09-27 网盘文件怎么是这个啊 校长
抢个板凳,支持N大大支持支持 不好好学习,将没钱生活~~~ 不好好学习,将没钱生活~~~