ILSpy NEXT. NET assembly browser and decompiler, debugger
ILSpy NEXT. NET assembly browser and decompiler, debugger, High and Low level EditorDescription:
ILSpy (latest ILSpy public version
-add debugger from the SharpDeveloper studio
-add CopyFullyQualifiedTypeName.Plugin
-add OpCodeTableForm
-add to treeview contextmenu:
- strong name utility
- rename class utility
- Jump to EntryPoint
- string viewer utility (search enable)
- extension exeecute utility (reservation work enable)
- hexeditor methodbody utility (runtime compilation enable,
two technologies save the result(High Level:recompile assembly
and Low Level:Binary Patch(See results and work in Patch_table)))
add to decompiletextview contextmenu:
- replace instruction (High Level,need recompile to save assembly)
- nop instruction (High Level,need recompile to save assembly)
- reverse branch (High Level,need recompile to save assembly)
- nop instruction (Low Level, no need recompile binary patch see Patch Table)
- reverse branch (Low Level, no need recompile binary patch see Patch Table)
-ignore null type (Read TypeDefinition)
-ignore invalid parameter(Read MethodDefinition)
-ignore invalid generic argument()
-ignore invalid attribute (if (attribute.Constructor == null) continue
-ignore invalid signature(GetSecurityDeclarationSignature)
-fix handle null value in obfuscated assembly
-add ToString for CustomAttributeArgument
-add ToString for CustomAttributeNamedArgument
-ignore null element(MemberDefinition)
-avoid recursive declaringtype of some obfuscated assemblies,currently only one level checking
-add AllMemberReferences(IEnumerable<MemberReference> GetMemberReferences)
-add ElementTypeIntValue(ElementTypeIntValue)
-add support to read/write directly from bytes(FromBytes)
-Read reloc section, Contributed by Khiem Nguyen
-add alternative "Save" technology modified assembly (support obfuscated assembly)
Last build: build 16_02_15_17_54
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向楼主学习!向楼主致敬! ILSpy 我一直都有在用,要是它能够修改IL代码的话,我就可以丢弃Reflactor了 下载试试支持x64不,之前找的在64位的win7上不能用, 感谢分享,下载收藏! 这个可以有{:soso_e179:} 感谢分享,下载收藏! 这个可以有。 正有个NET要分析一下