WinHex 18.0 SR-3 + keygen
WinHex 18.0 SR-3* Support for relative paths when using the PhotoDNA hash database.
* Extraction of EXIF metadata from .wav files.
* Internal timestamps from JPEG files written by recent Canon camera models are now retrieved with original timezone information and thus can be converted to the display time zone.
* Fixed a possible error that could occur when sorting by the SC%/PhotoDNA column.
* Fixed an instability issue that could occur with corrupt Google Chrome caches.
* Fixed an error that could occur when process .ieurl files extracted from Google Chrome caches.
* Fixed an exception error that could occur when using the Registry Viewer.
* Fixed a crash that could occur with Windows Vista thumbcaches.
* Some minor improvements and fixes.
这软件自身更新的也蛮拼的了, 谢谢分享 用用新版本的Patch。 才18 这可又来了 {:soso_e129:} 实在搞不懂,这软件是不是抽疯了?怎么经常更新,天天都更新的什么,这么马不停蹄的卖力!? 更新这么频繁干嘛?旧版一直好用的 支持一下了,感谢分享 很多破解版都是假破解,用了一段时间后各种要求注册。。。 支持,感谢分享。 更新好勤。。。