Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim x As Integer, y As Integer, z As Integer
x = 123
y = 321
z = x + y
MsgBox z
End Sub
:00401874F47B LitI2_Byte ;Push 7B //123入栈
:00401876707AFF FStI2 ;Pop WORD //弹出0086操作数
:00401879F34101 LitI2 ;Push 0141 //321入栈
:0040187C7078FF FStI2 ;Pop WORD //弹出0088操作数
:0040187F6B7AFF FLdI2 ;Push WORD //f?load?i2应该是integer
:004018826B78FF FLdI2 ;Push WORD //继续第二个参数入栈
:00401885A9 AddI2 ; //整数相加,保存在0088+2
{z = x + y}
:004018867076FF FStI2 ;Pop WORD //SUM出栈待用
================ //MsgBox原形
MsgBox(prompt[, buttons] [, title] [, helpfile, context])
:004018892704FF LitVar ;PushVar LOCAL_00FC //未负值参数,context
:0040188C2724FF LitVar ;PushVar LOCAL_00DC //未负值参数,helpfile
:0040188F2744FF LitVar ;PushVar LOCAL_00BC //未负值参数,title
:00401892F500000000 LitI4 ;Push 00000000 //buttons 缺省值为 0
:004018970476FF FLdRfVar ;Push LOCAL_008A //prompt,作为显示在对话框中的消息.
:0040189A4D64FF0240 CVarRef ;
**********Reference To->msvbvm60.rtcMsgBox
:0040189F0A00001400 ImpAdCallFPR4 ;Call ptr_00401020; check stack 0014; Push EAX //调用MsgBox
{MsgBox z}
:004018A436060044FF24FF04 FFreeVar ;Free 0006/2 variants //释放变量
:004018AD13 ExitProcHresult ; //退出程序
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim x As Integer, y As Integer, z As Integer
x = 123
y = 321
z = x + y
MsgBox z, vbOKOnly, "pcode"
End Sub
:00401888F47B LitI2_Byte ;Push 7B //123入栈
:0040188A707AFF FStI2 ;Pop WORD //弹出0086操作数
:0040188DF34101 LitI2 ;Push 0141 //321入栈
:004018907078FF FStI2 ;Pop WORD //弹出0088操作数
:004018936B7AFF FLdI2 ;Push WORD //ADD第一个参数入栈
:004018966B78FF FLdI2 ;Push WORD //ADD第二个参数入栈
:00401899A9 AddI2 ; //ADD
{z = x + y}
:0040189A7076FF FStI2 ;Pop WORD //SUM出栈待用
:0040189D2704FF LitVar ;PushVar LOCAL_00FC //未负值参数,context
:004018A02724FF LitVar ;PushVar LOCAL_00DC //未负值参数,helpfile
******Possible String Ref To->"pcode"
:004018A33A54FF0000 LitVarStr ;PushVarString ptr_004013C8 //"pcode"入栈
:004018A84E44FF FStVarCopyObj ;=vbaVarDup(Pop) //地址负值
:004018AB0444FF FLdRfVar ;Push LOCAL_00BC //title果然被负值,看来分析并没有错误
:004018AEF500000000 LitI4 ;Push 00000000 //buttons 缺省值为 0
:004018B30476FF FLdRfVar ;Push LOCAL_008A //prompt,SUM
:004018B64D64FF0240 CVarRef ;
**********Reference To->msvbvm60.rtcMsgBox
:004018BB0A01001400 ImpAdCallFPR4 ;Call ptr_00401020; check stack 0014; Push EAX //调用MsgBox
{MsgBox z, vbOKOnly, "pcode"}
:004018C036060044FF24FF04 FFreeVar ;Free 0006/2 variants //释放变量
:004018C913 ExitProcHresult ; //退出程序
:004018CA0000 LargeBos ;IDE beginning of line with 00 byte codes
Private Declare Function MessageBox Lib "user32" Alias "MessageBoxA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal lpText As String, ByVal lpCaption As String,
ByVal wType As Long) As Long
Const MB_OK = &H0&
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim x As Integer, y As Integer, z As Integer
x = 123
y = 321
z = x + y
MessageBox Me.hwnd, "sum=" & z, "pcode", MB_OK
End Sub
:004018FCF47B LitI2_Byte ;Push 7B //123入栈
:004018FE707AFF FStI2 ;Pop WORD //弹出0086操作数
{x = 123}
:00401901F34101 LitI2 ;Push 0141 //321入栈
:004019047078FF FStI2 ;Pop WORD //弹出0088操作数
{x = 123}
:004019076B7AFF FLdI2 ;Push WORD //ADD第一个参数入栈
:0040190A6B78FF FLdI2 ;Push WORD //ADD第二个参数入栈
:0040190DA9 AddI2 ; /ADD
{z = x + y}
:0040190E7076FF FStI2 ;Pop WORD //SUM出栈待用
:004019110470FF FLdRfVar ;Push LOCAL_0090 //将地址入栈,记录地址
:00401914080800 FLdPr ;=
:004019170D58000000 VCallHresult ;Call ptr_004014CC //这里应该是调用Me.hwnd,保存在0090
int MessageBox(
HWND hWnd, // handle of owner window
LPCTSTR lpText, // address of text in message box
LPCTSTR lpCaption, // address of title of message box
UINT uType // style of message box
:0040191CF500000000 LitI4 ;Push 00000000 //uType,参数一
******Possible String Ref To->"pcode"
:004019211B0100 LitStr ;Push ptr_00401624 //装入"pcode"字符
:004019240460FF FLdRfVar ;Push LOCAL_00A0
:0040192734 CStr2Ansi ;vbaStrToAnsi //把Unicode形式转换为Ansi
:004019286C60FF ILdRf ;Push DWORD //lpCaption,参数二
******Possible String Ref To->"sum="
:0040192B1B0200 LitStr ;Push ptr_00401614 //装入"sum="字符
:0040192E6B76FF FLdI2 ;Push WORD //参数SUM入栈
:00401931FBFD CStrUI1 ;vbaStrI2 //将整数转换为字符型,保存在0094
:00401933236CFF FStStrNoPop ;SysFreeString ; =
:004019362A ConcatStr ;vbaStrCat //连接字符,保存在0098
:004019372368FF FStStrNoPop ;SysFreeString ; =
:0040193A0464FF FLdRfVar ;Push LOCAL_009C //将地址入栈,记录地址
:0040193D34 CStr2Ansi ;vbaStrToAnsi //把Unicode形式转换为Ansi
:0040193E6C64FF ILdRf ;Push DWORD //lpText,参数三
:004019416C70FF ILdRf ;Push DWORD //hWnd,参数四
***********Reference To:user32.MessageBoxA
:004019440A03001000 ImpAdCallFPR4 ;Call ptr_004015E8; check stack 0010; Push EAX //调用MessageBox
:004019493C SetLastSystemError ;Kernel GetLastError //针对调用MessageBox函数,取得扩展错误信息
:0040194A3208006CFF68FF64 FFreeStr ;Do SysFreeString ; =0 0008/2 times ~ arg
:0040195513 ExitProcHresult ;
:004019560000 LargeBos ;IDE beginning of line with 00 byte codes
2005.02.01 看了,但是看不懂 学习学习,谢谢 强烈建议老大做录像◎ 很好的教材,就是要有视频更好了 我已经下载 我已经下载 教材很好, 太好,我谢谢 太好,我谢谢