Nevyn's nev-crackme(DEPHI)
Nevyn's nev-crackme
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I've written a somewhat more "advanced" basic crackme.
Its not packed in anyway, just a little application that has encrypted messages and code.
Let's see who the first person is to tell me the password =)
(should be able to find it rather fast)
Difficulty: 2 - Needs a little brain (or luck)
Platform: Windows
Language: Borland Delphi
Published: 09. Jul, 2006
Downloads: 150
0045393C/.5>push ebp
0045393D|.8>mov ebp, esp
0045393F|.6>push 0
00453941|.6>push 0
00453943|.6>push 0
00453945|.5>push ebx
00453946|.5>push esi
00453947|.5>push edi
00453948|.8>mov edi, eax
0045394A|.B>mov ebx, 00456D04
0045394F|.B>mov esi, 00456C04
00453954|.3>xor eax, eax
00453956|.5>push ebp
00453957|.6>push 00453A2D
0045395C|.6>push dword ptr fs:
0045395F|.6>mov fs:, esp
00453962|.8>lea edx,
00453965|.8>mov eax,
0045396B|.E>call 00432A4C
00453970|.8>mov edx, ;试验码
00453973|.8>mov eax, esi
00453975|.B>mov ecx, 0FF
0045397A|.E>call 004040E8 ;函数F1(EDX,EAX,ECX),复制最多0ff个文本到
0045397F|.3>xor eax, eax
00453981|.8>mov al, ;试验码长度
00453983|.8>test eax, eax
00453985|.7>jle short 00453998
00453987|.C>mov dword ptr , 1
0045398D|>8>/mov edx, ;循环异或 试验码 XOR 0x17
0045398F|.8>|xor byte ptr , 17
00453993|.F>|inc dword ptr
00453995|.4>|dec eax
00453996|.^ 7>\jnz short 0045398D
00453998|>8>mov eax, esi ;结果串S1
0045399A|.B>mov edx, 00453A3C
0045399F|.3>xor ecx, ecx
004539A1|.8>mov cl, ;试验码长度
004539A3|.4>inc ecx
004539A4|.E>call 00402AA8 ;函数F2,与固定串比较,包含则返回eax=0
004539A9|.7>jnz short 004539CB
004539AB|.3>xor eax, eax
004539AD|.8>mov al, ;试验码长度
004539AF|.8>test eax, eax
004539B1|.7>jle short 004539CB
004539B3|.C>mov dword ptr , 1
004539B9|>8>/mov edx, ;上个循环的逆运算,还原试验码
004539BB|.8>|mov dl,
004539BE|.8>|xor dl, 17
004539C1|.8>|mov ecx,
004539C3|.8>|mov , dl
004539C6|.F>|inc dword ptr
004539C8|.4>|dec eax
004539C9|.^ 7>\jnz short 004539B9
004539CB|>8>mov eax, esi
004539CD|.B>mov edx, 00453A48 ;ASCII 09,"htContext"
004539D2|.3>xor ecx, ecx
004539D4|.8>mov cl,
004539D6|.4>inc ecx
004539D7|.E>call 00402AA8 ;函数F2,与固定串比较,包含则返回eax=0
004539DC|.7>jnz short 004539F5 ;跳失败
004539DE|.8>lea edx,
004539E1|.B>mov eax, 00453A5C ;ASCII "Xfmm!epof"""
004539E6|.E>call 004538AC
004539EB|.8>mov eax, ;(ASCII "Well done!")
004539EE|.E>call 0042736C
004539F3|.E>jmp short 00453A0A
004539F5|>8>lea edx,
004539F8|.B>mov eax, 00453A70 ;ASCII "Cbe!hbnf"""
004539FD|.E>call 004538AC ;这是字符串解密函数,参数eax(待解密文本),edx(解密文本)
00453A02|.8>mov eax, ;“Bad game!”
00453A05|.E>call 0042736C
00453A0A|>3>xor eax, eax
00453A0C|.5>pop edx
00453A0D|.5>pop ecx
00453A0E|.5>pop ecx
00453A0F|.6>mov fs:, edx
00453A12|.6>push 00453A34
00453A17|>8>lea eax,
00453A1A|.B>mov edx, 2
00453A1F|.E>call 00403E70
00453A24|.8>lea eax,
00453A27|.E>call 00403E4C
004539CD|.B>mov edx, 00453A48 ;ASCII 09,"htContext"
开始 厉害,支持走出国门,呵呵。。。。。。。 快兄出手真够快,佩服佩服!
加解密部分能否跟入重点分析下. 强~~~看得过瘾,再来~~ 标题是delphi吧,漏了个L