iovsoft Blu-ray Copy算法分析
00546FC3 51 push ecx
00546FC4 53 push ebx
00546FC5 56 push esi
00546FC6 57 push edi
00546FC7 8945 FC mov dword ptr ss:,eax
00546FCA 33C0 xor eax,eax
00546FCC 55 push ebp
00546FCD 68 A6755400 push iovsoft_.005475A6
00546FD2 64:FF30 push dword ptr fs:
00546FD5 64:8920 mov dword ptr fs:,esp
00546FD8 C605 90F9BE00 01mov byte ptr ds:,1
00546FDF 8D95 D0FEFFFF lea edx,dword ptr ss:
00546FE5 8B45 FC mov eax,dword ptr ss:
00546FE8 8B80 F8020000 mov eax,dword ptr ds:
00546FEE E8 E554F0FF call iovsoft_.0044C4D8
00546FF3 8B85 D0FEFFFF mov eax,dword ptr ss: ; ASCII "wangwei"
00546FF9 8D55 F4 lea edx,dword ptr ss:
00546FFC E8 7730ECFF call iovsoft_.0040A078
00547001 8D95 CCFEFFFF lea edx,dword ptr ss:
00547007 8B45 F4 mov eax,dword ptr ss:
0054700A E8 D530ECFF call iovsoft_.0040A0E4
0054700F 8B95 CCFEFFFF mov edx,dword ptr ss:
00547015 8D45 F4 lea eax,dword ptr ss:
00547018 E8 6FDEEBFF call iovsoft_.00404E8C
0054701D 8D95 C8FEFFFF lea edx,dword ptr ss:
00547023 8B45 FC mov eax,dword ptr ss:
00547026 8B80 FC020000 mov eax,dword ptr ds:
0054702C E8 A754F0FF call iovsoft_.0044C4D8
00547031 8B85 C8FEFFFF mov eax,dword ptr ss: ; ASCII "123456789"
00547037 8D55 F0 lea edx,dword ptr ss:
0054703A E8 3930ECFF call iovsoft_.0040A078
0054703F 8D95 C4FEFFFF lea edx,dword ptr ss:
00547045 8B45 F0 mov eax,dword ptr ss:
00547048 E8 9730ECFF call iovsoft_.0040A0E4
0054704D 8B95 C4FEFFFF mov edx,dword ptr ss:
00547053 8D45 F0 lea eax,dword ptr ss:
00547056 E8 31DEEBFF call iovsoft_.00404E8C
0054705B 8D95 C0FEFFFF lea edx,dword ptr ss:
00547061 A1 A4F9BE00 mov eax,dword ptr ds:
00547066 E8 552BECFF call iovsoft_.00409BC0
0054706B 8B95 C0FEFFFF mov edx,dword ptr ss:
00547071 B8 C0755400 mov eax,iovsoft_.005475C0 ; ASCII "123"
00547076 E8 7DE3EBFF call iovsoft_.004053F8
0054707B 85C0 test eax,eax
0054707D 7E 4B jle short iovsoft_.005470CA
0054707F 837D F0 00 cmp dword ptr ss:,0
00547083 0F85 8E000000 jnz iovsoft_.00547117
00547089 6A 00 push 0
0054708B 8D8D B8FEFFFF lea ecx,dword ptr ss:
00547091 BA CC755400 mov edx,iovsoft_.005475CC ; ASCII "Invalid register code! Please retry!"
00547096 B8 01000000 mov eax,1
0054709B E8 48AA0100 call iovsoft_.00561AE8
005470A0 8B95 B8FEFFFF mov edx,dword ptr ss:
005470A6 8D85 BCFEFFFF lea eax,dword ptr ss:
005470AC E8 CBDFEBFF call iovsoft_.0040507C
005470B1 8B85 BCFEFFFF mov eax,dword ptr ss:
005470B7 66:8B0D F4755400mov cx,word ptr ds:
005470BE B2 02 mov dl,2
005470C0 E8 1BE8EFFF call iovsoft_.004458E0
005470C5 E9 EA030000 jmp iovsoft_.005474B4
005470CA 837D F4 00 cmp dword ptr ss:,0
005470CE 74 06 je short iovsoft_.005470D6
005470D0 837D F0 00 cmp dword ptr ss:,0
005470D4 75 41 jnz short iovsoft_.00547117
005470D6 6A 00 push 0
005470D8 8D8D B0FEFFFF lea ecx,dword ptr ss:
005470DE BA CC755400 mov edx,iovsoft_.005475CC ; ASCII "Invalid register code! Please retry!"
005470E3 B8 01000000 mov eax,1
005470E8 E8 FBA90100 call iovsoft_.00561AE8
005470ED 8B95 B0FEFFFF mov edx,dword ptr ss:
005470F3 8D85 B4FEFFFF lea eax,dword ptr ss:
005470F9 E8 7EDFEBFF call iovsoft_.0040507C
005470FE 8B85 B4FEFFFF mov eax,dword ptr ss:
00547104 66:8B0D F4755400mov cx,word ptr ds:
0054710B B2 02 mov dl,2
0054710D E8 CEE7EFFF call iovsoft_.004458E0
00547112 E9 9D030000 jmp iovsoft_.005474B4
00547117 8D95 A8FEFFFF lea edx,dword ptr ss:
0054711D A1 64835700 mov eax,dword ptr ds:
00547122 8B00 mov eax,dword ptr ds:
00547124 E8 4365F2FF call iovsoft_.0046D66C
00547129 8B85 A8FEFFFF mov eax,dword ptr ss:
0054712F 8D95 ACFEFFFF lea edx,dword ptr ss:
00547135 E8 663AECFF call iovsoft_.0040ABA0
0054713A 8D85 ACFEFFFF lea eax,dword ptr ss:
00547140 BA 00765400 mov edx,iovsoft_.00547600 ; ASCII "\Config.ini"
00547145 E8 72DFEBFF call iovsoft_.004050BC
0054714A 8B8D ACFEFFFF mov ecx,dword ptr ss:
00547150 B2 01 mov dl,1
00547152 A1 B4194700 mov eax,dword ptr ds:
00547157 E8 08A9F2FF call iovsoft_.00471A64
0054715C 8BD8 mov ebx,eax
0054715E 6A 00 push 0
00547160 8D45 DC lea eax,dword ptr ss:
00547163 50 push eax
00547164 B9 14765400 mov ecx,iovsoft_.00547614 ; ASCII "ProductID"
00547169 BA 28765400 mov edx,iovsoft_.00547628 ; ASCII "FirstRun"
0054716E 8BC3 mov eax,ebx
00547170 8B30 mov esi,dword ptr ds:
00547172 FF16 call dword ptr ds:
00547174 6A 00 push 0
00547176 8D45 D8 lea eax,dword ptr ss:
00547179 50 push eax
0054717A B9 3C765400 mov ecx,iovsoft_.0054763C ; ASCII "VerifyWebAddr"
0054717F BA 28765400 mov edx,iovsoft_.00547628 ; ASCII "FirstRun"
00547184 8BC3 mov eax,ebx
00547186 8B30 mov esi,dword ptr ds:
00547188 FF16 call dword ptr ds:
0054718A 8BC3 mov eax,ebx
0054718C E8 13CDEBFF call iovsoft_.00403EA4
00547191 837D DC 00 cmp dword ptr ss:,0
00547195 74 0A je short iovsoft_.005471A1
00547197 837D D8 00 cmp dword ptr ss:,0
0054719B 0F85 D9010000 jnz iovsoft_.0054737A
005471A1 8B45 F0 mov eax,dword ptr ss:
005471A4 E8 0BDFEBFF call iovsoft_.004050B4
005471A9 8BC8 mov ecx,eax
005471AB 85C9 test ecx,ecx
005471AD 7E 5C jle short iovsoft_.0054720B
005471AF B8 01000000 mov eax,1
005471B4 8B55 F0 mov edx,dword ptr ss: ; --------------->>
005471B7 0FB65402 FF movzx edx,byte ptr ds: ; 检查我们输入的注册码是否为0-9的数字
005471BC 83FA 30 cmp edx,30
005471BF 7C 05 jl short iovsoft_.005471C6
005471C1 83FA 39 cmp edx,39
005471C4 7E 41 jle short iovsoft_.00547207
005471C6 6A 00 push 0
005471C8 8D8D A0FEFFFF lea ecx,dword ptr ss:
005471CE BA CC755400 mov edx,iovsoft_.005475CC ; ASCII "Invalid register code! Please retry!"
005471D3 B8 01000000 mov eax,1
005471D8 E8 0BA90100 call iovsoft_.00561AE8
005471DD 8B95 A0FEFFFF mov edx,dword ptr ss:
005471E3 8D85 A4FEFFFF lea eax,dword ptr ss:
005471E9 E8 8EDEEBFF call iovsoft_.0040507C
005471EE 8B85 A4FEFFFF mov eax,dword ptr ss:
005471F4 66:8B0D F4755400mov cx,word ptr ds:
005471FB B2 02 mov dl,2
005471FD E8 DEE6EFFF call iovsoft_.004458E0
00547202 E9 AD020000 jmp iovsoft_.005474B4
00547207 40 inc eax
00547208 49 dec ecx
00547209 ^ 75 A9 jnz short iovsoft_.005471B4 ; <---------------
0054720B C745 E0 00000000mov dword ptr ss:,0
00547212 C745 E4 00000000mov dword ptr ss:,0
00547219 8B45 F4 mov eax,dword ptr ss: ; ASCII "wangwei"
0054721C E8 93DEEBFF call iovsoft_.004050B4 ;这个CALL是取我们的用户名位数相当 strlen()
00547221 8BC8 mov ecx,eax ;把我们用户名的位数给ECX,
00547223 85C9 test ecx,ecx ;测试用户名位是否为空
00547225 7E 1E jle short iovsoft_.00547245 ;为空就是实现就会提示出错
00547227 BE 01000000 mov esi,1 ; ---------------》
0054722C 8B45 F4 mov eax,dword ptr ss: ; 实现用户名的ASCII的累加
0054722F 0FB64430 FF movzx eax,byte ptr ds: ;逐位取用户名的ASCII给EAX
00547234 99 cdq ;EDX清0
00547235 0345 E0 add eax,dword ptr ss: ;ss:初始值是0
00547238 1355 E4 adc edx,dword ptr ss:
0054723B 8945 E0 mov dword ptr ss:,eax ;把EAX+ss:的值保存到ss:中
0054723E 8955 E4 mov dword ptr ss:,edx
00547241 46 inc esi ;ESI++它控制我们取用户名第N个字符
00547242 49 dec ecx ;ECX--它控制JNZ是否实现
00547243 ^ 75 E7 jnz short iovsoft_.0054722C ; <----------------------
00547245 8D45 F8 lea eax,dword ptr ss:
00547248 8B15 A4F9BE00 mov edx,dword ptr ds:
0054724E E8 39DCEBFF call iovsoft_.00404E8C
00547253 C745 E8 00000000mov dword ptr ss:,0
0054725A C745 EC 00000000mov dword ptr ss:,0
00547261 8B45 F8 mov eax,dword ptr ss:
00547264 E8 4BDEEBFF call iovsoft_.004050B4 ;它取ASCII "iovsoft Blu-ray Copy"字符串的位数
00547269 8BC8 mov ecx,eax ;把它的位数给ECX
0054726B 85C9 test ecx,ecx
0054726D 7E 1E jle short iovsoft_.0054728D
0054726F BE 01000000 mov esi,1
00547274 8B45 F8 mov eax,dword ptr ss: ; ASCII "iovsoft Blu-ray Copy"
00547277 0FB64430 FF movzx eax,byte ptr ds: ; ----------------->
0054727C 99 cdq ; 实现字符串"iovsoft Blu-ray Copy" ASCII的累加
0054727D 0345 E8 add eax,dword ptr ss:
00547280 1355 EC adc edx,dword ptr ss:
00547283 8945 E8 mov dword ptr ss:,eax
00547286 8955 EC mov dword ptr ss:,edx
00547289 46 inc esi
0054728A 49 dec ecx
0054728B ^ 75 E7 jnz short iovsoft_.00547274 ; <-------------------
0054728D FF75 EC push dword ptr ss:
00547290 FF75 E8 push dword ptr ss: ; 保存的是ASCII "iovsoft Blu-ray Copy"自加的结果
00547293 FF75 E4 push dword ptr ss:
00547296 FF75 E0 push dword ptr ss: ; 保存是用户名自加的结果
00547299 8B45 E8 mov eax,dword ptr ss:
0054729C 8B55 EC mov edx,dword ptr ss:
0054729F E8 74EEEBFF call iovsoft_.00406118 ; 用户名的自加结果*实现字符串"iovsoft Blu-ray Copy" ASCII的累加给EAX
005472A4 83C0 20 add eax,20 ; EAX=EAX+20
005472A7 83D2 00 adc edx,0
005472AA E8 69EEEBFF call iovsoft_.00406118 ; 把的结果*实现字符串"iovsoft Blu-ray Copy" ASCII的累加
005472AF 8945 E0 mov dword ptr ss:,eax
005472B2 8955 E4 mov dword ptr ss:,edx
005472B5 8B45 F0 mov eax,dword ptr ss:
005472B8 E8 4333ECFF call iovsoft_.0040A600 ; 把我们输入的10进制数转化为16进制数
005472BD 3B55 E4 cmp edx,dword ptr ss:
005472C0 75 77 jnz short iovsoft_.00547339
005472C2 3B45 E0 cmp eax,dword ptr ss: ; EAX=075BCD15 也就10进的123456789,堆栈 ss:=A5D9A112就是我们用户名运算的结果
005472C5 75 72 jnz short iovsoft_.00547339 ;这个JNZ是关键。 相同就不是实现,哪就注册成功了
005472C7 6A 00 push 0
005472C9 8D8D 98FEFFFF lea ecx,dword ptr ss:
005472CF BA 54765400 mov edx,iovsoft_.00547654 ; ASCII "Congratuation! You have successfully registered!"
005472D4 B8 02000000 mov eax,2
005472D9 E8 0AA80100 call iovsoft_.00561AE8
005472DE 8B95 98FEFFFF mov edx,dword ptr ss:
005472E4 8D85 9CFEFFFF lea eax,dword ptr ss:
005472EA E8 8DDDEBFF call iovsoft_.0040507C
005472EF 8B85 9CFEFFFF mov eax,dword ptr ss:
005472F5 66:8B0D F4755400mov cx,word ptr ds:
005472FC B2 02 mov dl,2
005472FE E8 DDE5EFFF call iovsoft_.004458E0
00547303 C605 A0F9BE00 01mov byte ptr ds:,1
0054730A 33C9 xor ecx,ecx
0054730C 33D2 xor edx,edx
0054730E A1 A8F9BE00 mov eax,dword ptr ds:
00547313 8B18 mov ebx,dword ptr ds:
00547315 FF53 14 call dword ptr ds:
00547318 BA A0F9BE00 mov edx,iovsoft_.00BEF9A0
0054731D B9 01000000 mov ecx,1
00547322 A1 A8F9BE00 mov eax,dword ptr ds:
00547327 E8 34AFEDFF call iovsoft_.00422260
0054732C 8B45 FC mov eax,dword ptr ss:
0054732F E8 9C23F2FF call iovsoft_.004696D0
00547334 E9 7B010000 jmp iovsoft_.005474B4
00547339 6A 00 push 0
0054733B 8D8D 90FEFFFF lea ecx,dword ptr ss:
00547341 BA CC755400 mov edx,iovsoft_.005475CC ; ASCII "Invalid register code! Please retry!"
2.把软件名iovsoft Blu-ray Copy也进行逐位取值累加结果为B。
4.把A和B运算的结果C与我们输入的注册码转化为16进制数比较。相同就注册成功. 写的非常详细,学习了 谢谢分享 论坛有楼主的支持更强大学习一下 谢谢分享 论坛有楼主的支持更强大学习一下