本帖最后由 whypro 于 2010-10-9 20:02 编辑想想有好多话要说(只是对编程一些看法),但是先布置一下最后的作业:分析开源代码(vim-3.0.tar.gz) 程序员有层吗? :学会:掌握一些具体编程知识的初级程序员会学:能快速而深刻地理解技术并举一反三的程序员会用:能将所学灵活运用到实际编程设计之中的高级程序员被用:能设计出广为人用的应用程序,库,工具包,框架等的系统分析师和构架师什么语言好?(http://www.tiobe.com)tiobe是一个语言排名网站,从tiobe排名来看前十名都是可以学习的。最后说一句没有最好的语言只有适合你的语言。第一代语言 机器语言第二代语言 汇编语言 第三代语言 高级语言 c java vb**语言 面向问题语言 sql sas spss第五代语言 人工智能语言 prolog mercury ops5 语言真的那么重要吗?语言只是用来描述你的想法你的思维方式,比较流行的思维方式有Oop编程,泛型编程,函数式编程,逻辑式编程,切面式编程等等编程模式和思维方式。总之我想说的是语言不是重点,思维和精神是重点。 最后的…….1—没有最好的语言,只有最合适的语言。2—没有糟糕的语言,只有糟糕的程序员。3—没有一种语言是万能的,只会一种语言是万万不能的。4—废除对语言的宗教信仰,建立对语言的哲学思维。 5—编程就是在人脑和电脑之间寻找最佳平衡点的过程。 我参考了不少书籍(其实抄了不少的段子)。
本帖最后由 whypro 于 2010-10-9 19:59 编辑
README for version 3.0 of Vim: Vi IMproved.
Vim is an almost compatible version of the UNIX editor vi. Only the 'Q'
command is missing (you don't need it). Many new features have been added:
multi level undo, command line history, filename completion, block operations,
etc. See difference.doc.
This editor is very useful for editing programs and other plain ASCII files.
All commands are given with normal keyboard characters, so those who can type
with ten fingers can work very fast. Additionally function keys can be defined
by the user.
Vim currently runs under Amiga DOS, MSDOS, Windows NT and many UNIX versions.
There are some things included for the Archimedes, but it does not work yet.
Porting to other systems should not be very difficult.
tutor/readme - one hour training course for beginners //新手入门指南
reference.doc - complete reference of all Vim commands //Vi命令参考大全
difference.doc - summarizes the differences with UNIX vi //告诉你我的版本有什么特点
windows.doc - reference for the multi windows and buffer commands //在win下有什么特点
index - alfabetical list of commands //索引
amiga.doc - remarks for Amiga//Amiga的备注 1990年的东东,好像现在还活着。
unix.doc - remarks for unix //unix的备注
msdos.doc - remarks for MSDOS//MSDOS的备注
winnt.doc - remarks for Windows NT//Windows NT的备注
archie.doc - remarks for Archimedes //Archimedes的备注操作系统 ARCHIMEDES,是一款基于INTEL X86系列CPU、工作在386保护模式下、单任务、字符方式的操作系统 我反正没用过
Vim is Charityware. You can copy it as much as you like. Please read
uganda.txt for details.
cd src
cp makefile.<system> makefile
When using makefile.unix you MUST uncomment three lines for your system!
The makefile offers some compilation options. If you do not use digraphs, you
can save some memory by recompiling without the DIGRAPHS option. The Amiga
and MS-DOS versions are compiled for a limited number of supported terminals.
If you want to use Vim with other terminals you can recompile with the
TERMCAP option. See the makefiles for further options.
Please send comments, bug reports and suggestions to:
stable address: Bram MoolenaarUUCP E-mail: [email protected]
molenstraat 2
2162 HPLisseFax: +31 2521 16381
The NetherlandsTel: +31 2521 13037
September 1994 - August 1995:
Kibaale Children's Centre Tel: +256 481 21033
p.o. box 1658, Masaka, Uganda, East Africa Fax: +256 481 20514 写得好长哦。