TMD/WL 新脚本--Themida - Winlicense 1.x - 2.x Imports Fixer Edition 1.0 by SnD
Hello together,
today I wanna post a new TM & WL Unpack script.So you know already the TM WL unpack script by quosego which is public for a long time now and which is also very good.The only problem which you will have that this script can take a long time to unpack a large size target so I remeber I have use it with a target xy where the script was working over 3 hours.So this is a big problem if you have a low level PC system like me and I hate to wait so I am also lazy like you!Someday I startet to mod the original script by quosego and added a few direct API patching code parts which allows to patch all APIs in a few seconds and the waiting time was over now.It's already some time ago where I have done this.Now our friend SuperCRacker has written a new tool called Imports Fixer which can do this too now like my code patches.So this tool can fix also the direct API's and also with the original IAT if you want.So this was now also a reason for me to create a new mod in the last 2 days of the original script by quosego which can also get the IAT with the fast special IAT patch and brings you very fast to the OEP where you now can use the Imports Fixer tool.I added also some new stuff.The main thing is that you now can use this new script on 2 diffrent ways.You can use it as always or you use the new and fast unpack method .You can choose now.I also have created three unpack session movies where you can see how to use the new method and how to work with the Imports Fixer.This is also the reason why I call this script now ....
Themida - Winlicense 1.x - 2.x Imports Fixer Edition 1.0 by SnD
Original script was extended with some new features.....
- Normal MJ patching
- Second VM OEP Finder Intelli Version + VM Stopper!
- Heap Skip
- TM WL section address alloc fix
- Eax -1 Skip | SetEvent will rebuild if used!
- etc
So you will get all infos by the message boxes.
I hope you have fun now with the new script & tool and if something not works then read the top of the script and watch the movies or write a post with your question.
Download this tool!
Imports Fixer v1.6.rar (923.75 KB)
Themida - Winlicense 1.x - 2.x Imports Fixer Edition 1.0 by SnD.rar (10.83 KB)
脚本使用视频 好文,顶了 不错,支持。 文章不错,好东西 支持飘云阁! 英文的文章看起来有些费劲