patch winlicense1.99-2.05视频(需带key)
This tut is to Unlock Hardware dependent lock on newer versionsthat don't have shoooo's bug (Thanks shoooo for that great tut!)
Target : WLCrackMe1990 PK.exe with a license
Packer : WL (Tested with
Plugins Needed : Phant0m
Load the program, and press F9 until the User and company MessageBox Appears
Now search on memory, all block of 0x2000 of size, finding
the license decruypted
Now, put HWBP on access on 0x1A and on 0x25 and reload program
Press F9 many times until reach the decrypt of the bytes
from 0x00 to 0x22 of the license file
Once you are in there, press F9 until you reach this opcode on
(this can change on others, specilly the registers )
Now press F9 two times
Again press F9 4 times
Follow in dump EDI, and change the BYTE from 0x01 to 0x00
If we are in the correct path, te next time we press F9, EAX register
will hold the value 0x1A of our License File
Got it, now on WL section we search all modified data
that contains 0x01
Nice, only one value, on others there is more than one
Now change it to zero, and press F9, if a MessageBox
saying tat this sofware only accpets Hardware Licenses
you are on the rigth path!!
Nice!, now put a HWBP o access on the 0x5534F3, delete the
others, and restart the program
Press F9 until you reach a PUSH instruction
Now follow in dump the BYTE with the HWBP and change it to zero
And now press F9 until it launch!
Got the message, we are on right path!
Now its unlocked!
Hope you like this, is my first tut
Tut Made by Deathway!
文字教程是一个老外发的,下面的那个视频是一个国人做的 讲的很清楚。。
这个patch的方法,只能在OD里,关掉后 打开程序依然不能过注册,不知道谁有什么好方法吗 谢谢转载我的教程~/:001 呵呵,原来你是这里的版主,感谢你的视频
我弄懂了这个patch的方法, 制作了一个内存补丁跳过了注册框
可惜的是点运行游戏 又需要验证一次key(PS:我搞的是一个外挂). 结果还是没有用,继续研究ing~~~ 原帖由 hyperchem 于 2009-3-6 21:00 发表
Luckly 飘云币 +1 勿恶意灌水 2009-3-7 13:45
这个厉害 云币 +1 勿恶意灌水 2009-3-7 13:45
这个厉害 这个要下来学习下