Smart PC Suite算法分析+dll类型破解通用方法+源码
【破文标题】Smart PC Suite算法分析+dll类型破解通用方法+源码【破文作者】Playboysen
【作者邮箱】[email protected]
【破解平台】Windows XP
【软件名称】Smart PC Suite
【软件大小】10 MB
【破解声明】一点心得,愿与大家分享o(∩_∩)o 版权所有,转载注明作者!
自从上次写完“MP3 WAV OGG WMA AC3 to CD Burner算法分析+简单逆向汇编”至今已经快两个月了,临近毕业,每天为生计奔波,找份工作好难,前途未卜,也没心情搞分析,不过偶尔练习一下,不致手生而已,一点心得,与君分享。
今天我们来研究一个国外公司的几款商业是软件,入手点是Smart PC Suite(我专门挑选的售价较贵的o(∩_∩)o),总的感觉,这个公司的程序员很傻很天真,看完此文章你就明白我的话了~~~
主程序查壳Armadillo 1.xx - 2.xx -> Silicon Realms Toolworks,用Arma Find Protected检测<------- 05-11-2008 06:56:49 ------->
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\桌面\{app}\SmartPCSuite.exe
!- Protected Armadillo
Protection system (Basic)
!- <Protection Options>
Standard protection or Minimum protection
!- <Backup Key Options>
Fixed Backup Keys
!- <Compression Options>
Better/Slower Compression
!- <Other Options>
!- Version 4.48 14August2006脱壳So easy,不多说,脚本搞定(,不过要提醒大家,虽然是标准壳但是不要用脱壳机,因为此程序加了双层壳,脱壳机太傻,搞不定的013FE001 60 pushad ; This is the OEP!Found By: fly
013FE002 E8 03000000 call 013FE00A ;看到没?脚本停在这里,Aspack,第二层
013FE007- E9 EB045D45 jmp 469CE4F7
013FE00C 55 push ebp
013FE00D C3 retn
013FE00E E8 01000000 call 013FE014
013FE013 EB 5D jmp short 013FE072
013FE015 BB EDFFFFFF mov ebx, -13ESP定律后dump,修复搞定,掠过~~~
试运行注册有错误提示,OD加载脱壳程序搜索相关字符到这里004AF962 E8 6552F5FF call 00404BCC
004AF967 83F8 03 cmp eax, 3
004AF96A 7D 47 jge short 004AF9B3
004AF96C 68 18FC4A00 push 004AFC18 ; name must have no less than three symbols!
004AF971 8D45 F0 lea eax, dword ptr
004AF974 50 push eax
004AF975 A1 2CDA4E00 mov eax, dword ptr
004AF97A 8B00 mov eax, dword ptr
004AF97C B9 4CFC4A00 mov ecx, 004AFC4C ; message9
004AF981 BA 60FC4A00 mov edx, 004AFC60 ; evaluation
004AF986 8B18 mov ebx, dword ptr
004AF988 FF13 call dword ptr
004AF98A 8B55 F0 mov edx, dword ptr
004AF98D A1 04DB4E00 mov eax, dword ptr
004AF992 8B00 mov eax, dword ptr
004AF994 8B80 04030000 mov eax, dword ptr
004AF99A E8 3D2BFBFF call 004624DC
004AF99F A1 04DB4E00 mov eax, dword ptr
004AF9A4 8B00 mov eax, dword ptr
004AF9A6 8B10 mov edx, dword ptr
004AF9A8 FF92 EC000000 call dword ptr
004AF9AE E9 F0010000 jmp 004AFBA3
004AF9B3 8D55 EC lea edx, dword ptr
004AF9B6 8B83 20030000 mov eax, dword ptr
004AF9BC E8 EB2AFBFF call 004624AC
004AF9C1 8B45 EC mov eax, dword ptr
004AF9C4 E8 0352F5FF call 00404BCC
004AF9C9 85C0 test eax, eax
004AF9CB 75 47 jnz short 004AFA14
004AF9CD 68 74FC4A00 push 004AFC74 ; fields for license key must not be less three symbols!
004AF9D2 8D45 E8 lea eax, dword ptr
004AF9D5 50 push eax
004AF9D6 A1 2CDA4E00 mov eax, dword ptr
004AF9DB 8B00 mov eax, dword ptr
004AF9DD B9 B4FC4A00 mov ecx, 004AFCB4 ; message10
004AF9E2 BA 60FC4A00 mov edx, 004AFC60 ; evaluation
004AF9E7 8B18 mov ebx, dword ptr
004AF9E9 FF13 call dword ptr
004AF9EB 8B55 E8 mov edx, dword ptr
004AF9EE A1 04DB4E00 mov eax, dword ptr
004AF9F3 8B00 mov eax, dword ptr
004AF9F5 8B80 04030000 mov eax, dword ptr
004AF9FB E8 DC2AFBFF call 004624DC
004AFA00 A1 04DB4E00 mov eax, dword ptr
004AFA05 8B00 mov eax, dword ptr
004AFA07 8B10 mov edx, dword ptr
004AFA09 FF92 EC000000 call dword ptr
004AFA0F E9 8F010000 jmp 004AFBA3
004AFA14 8D55 E0 lea edx, dword ptr
004AFA17 8B83 1C030000 mov eax, dword ptr
004AFA1D E8 8A2AFBFF call 004624AC
004AFA22 8B45 E0 mov eax, dword ptr
004AFA25 8D55 E4 lea edx, dword ptr
004AFA28 E8 AF9BF5FF call 004095DC
004AFA2D 8B55 E4 mov edx, dword ptr
004AFA30 A1 00D74E00 mov eax, dword ptr
004AFA35 E8 164FF5FF call 00404950
004AFA3A 8D55 D8 lea edx, dword ptr
004AFA3D 8B83 20030000 mov eax, dword ptr
004AFA43 E8 642AFBFF call 004624AC
004AFA48 8B45 D8 mov eax, dword ptr
004AFA4B 8D55 DC lea edx, dword ptr
004AFA4E E8 899BF5FF call 004095DC
004AFA53 8B55 DC mov edx, dword ptr
004AFA56 A1 4CD54E00 mov eax, dword ptr
004AFA5B E8 F04EF5FF call 00404950
004AFA60 A1 00D74E00 mov eax, dword ptr
004AFA65 8B00 mov eax, dword ptr
004AFA67 50 push eax
004AFA68 B9 C8FC4A00 mov ecx, 004AFCC8 ; licuser
004AFA6D BA D8FC4A00 mov edx, 004AFCD8 ;
software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\settings\smart pc suite
004AFA72 B8 01000080 mov eax, 80000001
004AFA77 E8 BC46FFFF call 004A4138
004AFA7C A1 4CD54E00 mov eax, dword ptr
004AFA81 8B00 mov eax, dword ptr
004AFA83 50 push eax
004AFA84 BA D8FC4A00 mov edx, 004AFCD8 ;
software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\settings\smart pc suite
004AFA89 B9 24FD4A00 mov ecx, 004AFD24 ; lickey
004AFA8E B8 01000080 mov eax, 80000001
004AFA93 E8 A046FFFF call 004A4138
004AFA98 E8 FB6BFFFF call 004A6698 ; 绝对是关键call啊!!!!!
004AFA9D 8B15 CCD94E00 mov edx, dword ptr
004AFAA3 8802 mov byte ptr , al
004AFAA5 A1 CCD94E00 mov eax, dword ptr
004AFAAA 8038 00 cmp byte ptr , 0
004AFAAD 74 75 je short 004AFB24 ; 关键跳!爆破点
004AFAAF E8 54C3F5FF call 0040BE08
004AFAB4 83C4 F8 add esp, -8
004AFAB7 DD1C24 fstp qword ptr
004AFABA 9B wait
004AFABB BA D8FC4A00 mov edx, 004AFCD8 ;
software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\settings\smart pc suite
004AFAC0 B9 34FD4A00 mov ecx, 004AFD34 ; timefactor1
004AFAC5 B8 01000080 mov eax, 80000001
004AFACA E8 4D48FFFF call 004A431C
004AFACF E8 34C3F5FF call 0040BE08
004AFAD4 83C4 F8 add esp, -8
004AFAD7 DD1C24 fstp qword ptr
004AFADA 9B wait
004AFADB BA D8FC4A00 mov edx, 004AFCD8 ;
software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\settings\smart pc suite
004AFAE0 B9 48FD4A00 mov ecx, 004AFD48 ; timefactor2
004AFAE5 B8 01000080 mov eax, 80000001
004AFAEA E8 2D48FFFF call 004A431C
004AFAEF 68 5CFD4A00 push 004AFD5C ; thank you for registering smart pc suite!
004AFAF4 8D45 D4 lea eax, dword ptr
004AFAF7 50 push eax
004AFAF8 A1 2CDA4E00 mov eax, dword ptr
004AFAFD 8B00 mov eax, dword ptr
004AFAFF B9 90FD4A00 mov ecx, 004AFD90 ; message11
004AFB04 BA 60FC4A00 mov edx, 004AFC60 ; evaluation
004AFB09 8B30 mov esi, dword ptr
004AFB0B FF16 call dword ptr
004AFB0D 8B55 D4 mov edx, dword ptr
004AFB10 A1 04DB4E00 mov eax, dword ptr
004AFB15 8B00 mov eax, dword ptr
004AFB17 8B80 04030000 mov eax, dword ptr
004AFB1D E8 BA29FBFF call 004624DC
004AFB22 EB 69 jmp short 004AFB8D
004AFB24 68 A4FD4A00 push 004AFDA4 ; the registration info is incorrect!
004AFB29 8D45 CC lea eax, dword ptr
004AFB2C 50 push eax毫无疑问,关键跳和关键call精确定位,进入004AFA98的call分析算法004A66A0 57 push edi
004A66A1 33C0 xor eax, eax
004A66A3 8945 F0 mov dword ptr , eax
004A66A6 8945 F4 mov dword ptr , eax
004A66A9 33C0 xor eax, eax
004A66AB 55 push ebp
004A66AC 68 14684A00 push 004A6814
004A66B1 64:FF30 push dword ptr fs:
004A66B4 64:8920 mov dword ptr fs:, esp
004A66B7 33DB xor ebx, ebx
004A66B9 A1 E0F24E00 mov eax, dword ptr
004A66BE E8 09E5F5FF call 00404BCC ; 用户名长度和4比较
004A66C3 83F8 04 cmp eax, 4
004A66C6 0F8C 2D010000 jl 004A67F9
004A66CC A1 E4F24E00 mov eax, dword ptr
004A66D1 E8 F6E4F5FF call 00404BCC ; 假码长度和4比较
004A66D6 83F8 04 cmp eax, 4
004A66D9 0F8C 1A010000 jl 004A67F9
004A66DF 8D45 F4 lea eax, dword ptr
004A66E2 B9 2C684A00 mov ecx, 004A682C ; ASCII "SmartPCSuite.dll"
004A66E7 8B15 54F24E00 mov edx, dword ptr ; 软件根目录地址放入
004A66ED E8 26E5F5FF call 00404C18
004A66F2 8B45 F4 mov eax, dword ptr ; 得到SmartPCSrute.dll的绝对路径
004A66F5 E8 4E38F6FF call 00409F48
004A66FA 84C0 test al, al
004A66FC 0F84 F7000000 je 004A67F9
004A6702 B9 48684A00 mov ecx, 004A6848 ; ASCII "TimeFactor2"
004A6707 BA 5C684A00 mov edx, 004A685C ; ASCII
"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Settings\Smart PC Suite"
004A670C B8 01000080 mov eax, 80000001
004A6711 E8 B2DDFFFF call 004A44C8 ; 上面这里在检测软件是否已注册,爆破点
004A6716 84C0 test al, al
004A6718 74 3E je short 004A6758
004A671A BA 5C684A00 mov edx, 004A685C ; ASCII
"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Settings\Smart PC Suite"
004A671F B9 48684A00 mov ecx, 004A6848 ; ASCII "TimeFactor2"
004A6724 B8 01000080 mov eax, 80000001
004A6729 E8 42D9FFFF call 004A4070
004A672E DD5D F8 fstp qword ptr
004A6731 9B wait
004A6732 FF75 FC push dword ptr
004A6735 FF75 F8 push dword ptr
004A6738 FF35 F0F24E00 push dword ptr
004A673E FF35 ECF24E00 push dword ptr
004A6744 E8 F3CBFEFF call 0049333C
004A6749 85C0 test eax, eax
004A674B 0F8C A8000000 jl 004A67F9
004A6751 B3 01 mov bl, 1
004A6753 E9 A1000000 jmp 004A67F9
004A6758 8D45 F0 lea eax, dword ptr
004A675B B9 2C684A00 mov ecx, 004A682C ; ASCII "SmartPCSuite.dll"
004A6760 8B15 54F24E00 mov edx, dword ptr
004A6766 E8 ADE4F5FF call 00404C18
004A676B 8B45 F0 mov eax, dword ptr ; 得到SmartPCSrute.dll的绝对路径
004A676E E8 59E6F5FF call 00404DCC
004A6773 50 push eax
004A6774 E8 970CF6FF call <jmp.&kernel32.LoadLibraryA> ; 加载SmartPCSrute.dll
004A6779 8BF8 mov edi, eax
004A677B 68 F4010000 push 1F4
004A6780 E8 178BF6FF call <jmp.&kernel32.Sleep>
004A6785 85FF test edi, edi
004A6787 74 70 je short 004A67F9
004A6789 68 A0684A00 push 004A68A0 ; ASCII "InstallKey"
004A678E 57 push edi
004A678F E8 C40BF6FF call <jmp.&kernel32.GetProcAddress> ; 得到函数地址
004A6794 89C6 mov esi, eax
004A6796 68 F4010000 push 1F4
004A679B E8 FC8AF6FF call <jmp.&kernel32.Sleep>
004A67A0 85F6 test esi, esi
004A67A2 74 1A je short 004A67BE
004A67A4 A1 E4F24E00 mov eax, dword ptr ; 假码的存放地址
004A67A9 E8 1EE6F5FF call 00404DCC
004A67AE 50 push eax
004A67AF A1 E0F24E00 mov eax, dword ptr ; 用户名的存放地址
004A67B4 E8 13E6F5FF call 00404DCC
004A67B9 50 push eax
004A67BA FFD6 call esi ; 调用Installkey函数
004A67BC 8BD8 mov ebx, eax
004A67BE 68 AC684A00 push 004A68AC ; ASCII "CheckCode"
004A67C3 57 push edi
004A67C4 E8 8F0BF6FF call <jmp.&kernel32.GetProcAddress> ; 得到函数地址
004A67C9 89C6 mov esi, eax
004A67CB 68 F4010000 push 1F4
004A67D0 E8 C78AF6FF call <jmp.&kernel32.Sleep>
004A67D5 85F6 test esi, esi
004A67D7 74 1A je short 004A67F3
004A67D9 A1 E4F24E00 mov eax, dword ptr ; 假码的存放地址
004A67DE E8 E9E5F5FF call 00404DCC
004A67E3 50 push eax
004A67E4 A1 E0F24E00 mov eax, dword ptr ; 用户名的存放地址
004A67E9 E8 DEE5F5FF call 00404DCC
004A67EE 50 push eax
004A67EF FFD6 call esi ; 调用CheckCode函数
004A67F1 8BD8 mov ebx, eax ; 如果错误则eax返回0
004A67F3 57 push edi
004A67F4 E8 7F0AF6FF call <jmp.&kernel32.FreeLibrary> ; 释放SmartPCSuite.dll
004A67F9 33C0 xor eax, eax
004A67FB 5A pop edx
004A67FC 59 pop ecx
004A67FD 59 pop ecx
004A67FE 64:8910 mov dword ptr fs:, edx
004A6801 68 1B684A00 push 004A681B
004A6806 8D45 F0 lea eax, dword ptr
004A6809 BA 02000000 mov edx, 2
004A680E E8 0DE1F5FF call 00404920
004A6813 C3 retn
004A6814^ E9 27DAF5FF jmp 00404240
004A6819^ EB EB jmp short 004A6806
004A681B 8BC3 mov eax, ebx ;经典爆破点
004A681D 5F pop edi
004A681E 5E pop esi
004A681F 5B pop ebx
004A6820 8BE5 mov esp, ebp
004A6822 5D pop ebp
004A6823 C3 retnOK,分析完毕,总结一下
用Delphi 7构建一个dll文件,源码如下library Project2;
{$R *.res}
function InstallKey(str1,str2:PChar):Boolean;Stdcall;
function CheckCode(str1,str2:PChar):Boolean;Stdcall;
再说下去,程序员就哭了,算了,只是给软件公司提点改进建议而已,没别的意思~~ 经测试我们伪造的dll文件几乎能搞定此公司所有的商业软件,拿MagicSpeed来说,软件根目录下有一个MagicSpeed.dll,我们把伪造的dll改名为MagicSpeed.dll替代根目录中的文件,打开软件后提示注册,随便输入用户名和注册码都可以正确注册,而且以后再打开则不需重新注册即为正版,其它软件大同小异
[ 本帖最后由 playboysen 于 2008-11-5 20:24 编辑 ] 本篇文章和前段时间写的两篇文章呼应,都是针对dll验证类型的分析破解,总结如下:
至此dll验证类型的破解分析告一段落,再碰到相关的软件再进行补充,希望能给大家提供一点思路,以开拓视野 精彩 精辟 佩服之极 学习了谢谢楼主分享 呵呵。。在unpackchina也看到你的这篇文章了。。顶一下。。。 很精彩,很强大。 好东西
学习了 不错的东西 好好学习 天天向上 虽然看不太明白,但还是帮顶。我下载个来看看,对照可能就清楚了。 这也太强大了。。。看得好激动。。。