UsbTrace v1.2 注册算法简单分析
UsbTrace v1.2 注册算法简单分析【作者】winndy
【目标】UsbTrace v1.2
还在exetools PM我,让我把keygen发到他邮箱,他说他只做了个补丁出来。
昨天逛wasm.ru时发现上面提供UsbTrace v1.2下载,看了一下,我的keygen在里面,有点意外的惊喜。
0043EC30 .64:A1 00>mov eax,dword ptr fs:
0043EC36 .6A FF push -1
0043EC38 .68 B8144>push USBTrace.004814B8
0043EC3D .50 push eax
0043EC3E .64:8925 >mov dword ptr fs:,esp
0043EC45 .83EC 08sub esp,8
0043EC48 .53 push ebx
0043EC49 .55 push ebp
0043EC4A .56 push esi
0043EC4B .57 push edi
0043EC4C .8BF1 mov esi,ecx
0043EC4E .6A 01 push 1
0043EC50 .E8 2A370>call USBTrace.0046237F
0043EC55 .E8 08600>call USBTrace.00464C62
0043EC5A .85C0 test eax,eax
0043EC5C .74 0B je short USBTrace.0043EC69 ===>
0043EC5E .8B10 mov edx,dword ptr ds:
0043EC60 .8BC8 mov ecx,eax
0043EC62 .FF52 74call dword ptr ds:
0043EC65 .8BE8 mov ebp,eax
0043EC67 .EB 02 jmp short USBTrace.0043EC6B
0043EC69 >33ED xor ebp,ebp
0043EC6B >51 push ecx
0043EC6C .8D7E 5Clea edi,dword ptr ds:
0043EC6F .8BCC mov ecx,esp
0043EC71 .896424 1>mov dword ptr ss:,esp
0043EC75 .57 push edi
0043EC76 .E8 17460>call USBTrace.00463292
0043EC7B .51 push ecx
0043EC7C .8D5E 60lea ebx,dword ptr ds:
0043EC7F .8BCC mov ecx,esp
0043EC81 .896424 1>mov dword ptr ss:,esp
0043EC85 .53 push ebx
0043EC86 .C74424 2>mov dword ptr ss:,0
0043EC8E .E8 FF450>call USBTrace.00463292
0043EC93 .8BCD mov ecx,ebp ; |
0043EC95 .C74424 2>mov dword ptr ss:,-1 ; |
0043EC9D .E8 AEF0F>call USBTrace.0043DD50 ; \USBTrace.0043DD50
0043ECA2 .85C0 test eax,eax ===>eax是call的返回值,eax=1则成功,eax=0则失败
0043ECA4 .74 60 je short USBTrace.0043ED06 ===>不能跳
0043ECA6 .E8 45830>call USBTrace.00476FF0
0043ECAB .8B68 04mov ebp,dword ptr ds:
0043ECAE .8B03 mov eax,dword ptr ds:
0043ECB0 .50 push eax ; /Arg3
0043ECB1 .68 ACB74>push USBTrace.004AB7AC ; |Arg2 = 004AB7AC ASCII "UserName"
0043ECB6 .68 A4B74>push USBTrace.004AB7A4 ; |Arg1 = 004AB7A4 ASCII "RegInfo"
0043ECBB .8BCD mov ecx,ebp ; |
0043ECBD .E8 F8B90>call USBTrace.0046A6BA ; \USBTrace.0046A6BA
0043ECC2 .8B0F mov ecx,dword ptr ds:
0043ECC4 .51 push ecx ; /Arg3
0043ECC5 .68 9CB74>push USBTrace.004AB79C ; |Arg2 = 004AB79C ASCII "RegCode"
0043ECCA .68 A4B74>push USBTrace.004AB7A4 ; |Arg1 = 004AB7A4 ASCII "RegInfo"
0043ECCF .8BCD mov ecx,ebp ; |
0043ECD1 .E8 E4B90>call USBTrace.0046A6BA ; \USBTrace.0046A6BA
0043ECD6 .6A 40 push 40
0043ECD8 .68 A4B14>push USBTrace.004AB1A4 ;ASCII "USBTrace"
0043ECDD .68 64B84>push USBTrace.004AB864 ;ASCII "Congratulations. You have successfully registered
0043ECE2 .8BCE mov ecx,esi
0043ECE4 .E8 912A0>call USBTrace.0046177A
0043ECE9 .8B16 mov edx,dword ptr ds:
0043ECEB .8BCE mov ecx,esi
0043ECED .FF92 C40>call dword ptr ds:
0043ECF3 .8B4C24 1>mov ecx,dword ptr ss:
0043ECF7 .64:890D >mov dword ptr fs:,ecx
0043ECFE .5F pop edi
0043ECFF .5E pop esi
0043ED00 .5D pop ebp
0043ED01 .5B pop ebx
0043ED02 .83C4 14add esp,14
0043ED05 .C3 retn
0043ED06 >6A 30 push 30
0043ED08 .68 50B84>push USBTrace.004AB850 ;ASCII "Registration Failed"
0043ED0D .68 34B84>push USBTrace.004AB834 ;ASCII "Invalid registration code"
0043ED12 .8BCE mov ecx,esi
0043ED14 .E8 612A0>call USBTrace.0046177A
0043ED19 .8B06 mov eax,dword ptr ds:
0043ED1B .8BCE mov ecx,esi
0043ED1D .FF90 C80>call dword ptr ds:
0043ED23 .8B4C24 1>mov ecx,dword ptr ss:
0043ED27 .5F pop edi
0043ED28 .5E pop esi
0043ED29 .5D pop ebp
0043ED2A .64:890D >mov dword ptr fs:,ecx
0043ED31 .5B pop ebx
0043ED32 .83C4 14add esp,14
0043ED35 .C3 retn
二、0043DD50 ,也不知道取什么标题好,反正就是顺藤摸瓜的思想,追进来看看
0043DD50 /$6A FF push -1
0043DD52 |.68 60134>push USBTrace.00481360 ;SE handler installation
0043DD57 |.64:A1 00>mov eax,dword ptr fs:
0043DD5D |.50 push eax
0043DD5E |.64:8925 >mov dword ptr fs:,esp
0043DD65 |.83EC 0Csub esp,0C
0043DD68 |.56 push esi
0043DD69 |.57 push edi
0043DD6A |.8BF9 mov edi,ecx
0043DD6C |.C74424 1>mov dword ptr ss:,0
0043DD74 |.A1 A0DD4>mov eax,dword ptr ds:
0043DD79 |.894424 0>mov dword ptr ss:,eax
0043DD7D |.894424 0>mov dword ptr ss:,eax
0043DD81 |.8D4424 0>lea eax,dword ptr ss:
0043DD85 |.8D5424 2>lea edx,dword ptr ss:
0043DD89 |.50 push eax
0043DD8A |.51 push ecx
0043DD8B |.8BCC mov ecx,esp
0043DD8D |.896424 1>mov dword ptr ss:,esp
0043DD91 |.52 push edx
0043DD92 |.C64424 2>mov byte ptr ss:,3
0043DD97 |.E8 F6540>call USBTrace.00463292
0043DD9C |.8BCF mov ecx,edi ; |
0043DD9E |.E8 DD000>call USBTrace.0043DE80 ; \USBTrace.0043DE80 ==》这个call要跟进
0043DDA3 |.8BF0 mov esi,eax ;eax是标志,应该为1
0043DDA5 |.85F6 test esi,esi
0043DDA7 |.74 3F je short USBTrace.0043DDE8
0043DDA9 |.8D4424 2>lea eax,dword ptr ss:
0043DDAD |.8D4C24 0>lea ecx,dword ptr ss:
0043DDB1 |.50 push eax
0043DDB2 |.E8 9F580>call USBTrace.00463656
0043DDB7 |.8D4C24 0>lea ecx,dword ptr ss:
0043DDBB |.51 push ecx
0043DDBC |.8BCF mov ecx,edi
0043DDBE |.E8 7D000>call USBTrace.0043DE40
F8过来之后,EAX 003F7028 ASCII "41*1-8*50-*43*",把Tls字符串都用**取代了。
0043DDC3 |.8D5424 0>lea edx,dword ptr ss:
0043DDC7 |.8BCF mov ecx,edi
0043DDC9 |.52 push edx
0043DDCA |.E8 71000>call USBTrace.0043DE40
F8过来,EAX 003F6F38 ASCII "1234567890",这是假注册码。
0043DDCF |.8B4424 0>mov eax,dword ptr ss:
0043DDD3 |.8B4C24 0>mov ecx,dword ptr ss:
0043DDD7 |.50 push eax ; /Arg2=假注册码
0043DDD8 |.51 push ecx ; |Arg1=真注册码
0043DDD9 |.E8 E8FC0>call USBTrace.0044DAC6 ; \USBTrace.0044DAC6
0043DDDE |.8BF0 mov esi,eax ;eax为1,正确;为0,错误
0043DDE0 |.83C4 08add esp,8
0043DDE3 |.F7DE neg esi
0043DDE5 |.1BF6 sbb esi,esi
0043DDE7 |.46 inc esi
0043DDE8 |>8D4C24 0>lea ecx,dword ptr ss:
0043DDEC |.C64424 1>mov byte ptr ss:,2
0043DDF1 |.E8 27570>call USBTrace.0046351D
0043DDF6 |.8D4C24 0>lea ecx,dword ptr ss:
0043DDFA |.C64424 1>mov byte ptr ss:,1
0043DDFF |.E8 19570>call USBTrace.0046351D
0043DE04 |.8D4C24 2>lea ecx,dword ptr ss:
0043DE08 |.C64424 1>mov byte ptr ss:,0
0043DE0D |.E8 0B570>call USBTrace.0046351D
0043DE12 |.8D4C24 2>lea ecx,dword ptr ss:
0043DE16 |.C74424 1>mov dword ptr ss:,-1
0043DE1E |.E8 FA560>call USBTrace.0046351D
0043DE23 |.8B4C24 1>mov ecx,dword ptr ss:
0043DE27 |.8BC6 mov eax,esi
0043DE29 |.5F pop edi
0043DE2A |.64:890D >mov dword ptr fs:,ecx
0043DE31 |.5E pop esi
0043DE32 |.83C4 18add esp,18
0043DE35 \.C2 0800retn 8
三、0043DE80 生成注册码的call:
0043DE80 /$6A FF push -1
0043DE82 |.68 A4134>push USBTrace.004813A4 ;SE handler installation
0043DE87 |.64:A1 00>mov eax,dword ptr fs:
0043DE8D |.50 push eax
0043DE8E |.64:8925 >mov dword ptr fs:,esp
0043DE95 |.81EC 300>sub esp,130
0043DE9B |.53 push ebx
0043DE9C |.55 push ebp
0043DE9D |.56 push esi
0043DE9E |.57 push edi
0043DE9F |.A1 A0DD4>mov eax,dword ptr ds:
0043DEA4 |.33F6 xor esi,esi
0043DEA6 |.89B424 4>mov dword ptr ss:,esi
0043DEAD |.33ED xor ebp,ebp
0043DEAF |.894424 3>mov dword ptr ss:,eax
0043DEB3 |.897424 2>mov dword ptr ss:,esi
0043DEB7 |.897424 2>mov dword ptr ss:,esi
0043DEBB |.897424 3>mov dword ptr ss:,esi
0043DEBF |.33FF xor edi,edi
0043DEC1 |.894424 1>mov dword ptr ss:,eax
0043DEC5 |.894424 1>mov dword ptr ss:,eax
0043DEC9 |.894424 1>mov dword ptr ss:,eax
0043DECD |.8B8424 5>mov eax,dword ptr ss:
0043DED4 |.C68424 4>mov byte ptr ss:,4
0043DEDC |.8B40 F8mov eax,dword ptr ds: ;用户名的长度
0043DEDF |.83F8 04cmp eax,4 ;长度要大于等于4
0043DEE2 |.0F8C F40>jl USBTrace.0043E0DC
0043DEE8 |.E8 03910>call USBTrace.00476FF0
0043DEED |.8B40 08mov eax,dword ptr ds: ;eax=00400000,上面call的返回值
0043DEF0 |.8D4C24 3>lea ecx,dword ptr ss:
0043DEF4 |.68 04010>push 104 ; /BufSize = 104 (260.)
0043DEF9 |.51 push ecx ; |PathBuffer=0012F228
0043DEFA |.50 push eax ; |hModule = 00400000 (USBTrace)
0043DEFB |.FF15 EC4>call dword ptr ds:[<&KERNEL32.GetModuleF>; \GetModuleFileNameA
The GetModuleFileName function retrieves the full path and filename for
the executable file containing the specified module.
0012F22843 3A 5C 50 72 6F 67 72C:\Progr
0012F23061 6D 20 46 69 6C 65 73am Files
0012F2385C 55 53 42 54 72 61 63\USBTrac
0012F24065 5C 55 53 42 54 72 61e\USBTra
0012F24863 65 2E 65 78 65 00 ce.exe.
可以对照"win32 programmer's reference"去理解。
0043DF01 |.85C0 test eax,eax
0043DF03 |.0F84 D30>je USBTrace.0043E0DC
0043DF09 |.8D5424 2>lea edx,dword ptr ss:
0043DF0D |.8D4424 3>lea eax,dword ptr ss:
0043DF11 |.52 push edx ; /pHandle
0043DF12 |.50 push eax ; |FileName
0043DF13 |.E8 84700>call <jmp.&VERSION.GetFileVersionInfoSiz>; \GetFileVersionInfoSizeA
0043DF18 |.8BD8 mov ebx,eax
0043DF1A |.85DB test ebx,ebx
0043DF1C |.0F84 BA0>je USBTrace.0043E0DC
0043DF22 |.53 push ebx
0043DF23 |.E8 27040>call USBTrace.0044E34F
0043DF28 |.83C4 04add esp,4
0043DF2B |.894424 2>mov dword ptr ss:,eax
0043DF2F |.85C0 test eax,eax
0043DF31 |.0F84 A50>je USBTrace.0043E0DC
0043DF37 |.8B4C24 2>mov ecx,dword ptr ss:
0043DF3B |.50 push eax ; /Buffer=003F82B0
0043DF3C |.53 push ebx ; |BufSize
0043DF3D |.8D5424 4>lea edx,dword ptr ss: ; |
0043DF41 |.51 push ecx ; |Reserved
0043DF42 |.52 push edx ; |FileName
0043DF43 |.E8 4E700>call <jmp.&VERSION.GetFileVersionInfoA>; \GetFileVersionInfoA
0043DF48 |.85C0 test eax,eax
0043DF4A |.0F84 7F0>je USBTrace.0043E0CF
0043DF50 |.8B5424 2>mov edx,dword ptr ss: ;003F82B0,Buffer
0043DF54 |.8D4424 3>lea eax,dword ptr ss:
0043DF58 |.8D4C24 2>lea ecx,dword ptr ss:
0043DF5C |.50 push eax ; /pValueSize
0043DF5D |.51 push ecx ; |ppValue
0043DF5E |.68 00E94>push USBTrace.0049E900 ; |pSubBlock = "\"
0043DF63 |.52 push edx ; |pBlock=003F82B0
0043DF64 |.E8 27700>call <jmp.&VERSION.VerQueryValueA> ; \VerQueryValueA
003F82B084 03 34 00 00 00 56 00?4...V.
003F82B853 00 5F 00 56 00 45 00S._.V.E.
003F82C052 00 53 00 49 00 4F 00R.S.I.O.
003F82C84E 00 5F 00 49 00 4E 00N._.I.N.
003F82D046 00 4F 00 00 00 00 00F.O.....
003F82D8BD 04 EF FE 00 00 01 00?稔...
003F82E000 00 01 00 02 00 00 00......
003F82E800 00 01 00 02 00 00 00......
003F82F03F 00 00 00 00 00 00 00?.......
003F82F804 00 00 00 01 00 00 00......
003F830000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00........
003F830800 00 00 00 E4 02 00 00....?..
WCHAR szKey[];
typedef struct _VS_FIXEDFILEINFO {// vsffi
DWORD dwSignature; //Contains the value 0xFEEFO4BD
DWORD dwStrucVersion;
DWORD dwFileVersionMS;
DWORD dwFileVersionLS;
DWORD dwProductVersionMS;
DWORD dwProductVersionLS;
DWORD dwFileFlagsMask;
DWORD dwFileFlags;
DWORD dwFileType;
DWORD dwFileSubtype;
DWORD dwFileDateMS;
DWORD dwFileDateLS;
0043DF69 |.85C0 test eax,eax
0043DF6B |.0F84 5E0>je USBTrace.0043E0CF
0043DF71 |.8B4424 2>mov eax,dword ptr ss: ;
0043DF75 |.33C9 xor ecx,ecx
0043DF77 |.8B50 14mov edx,dword ptr ds: ;取出dwProductVersionLS,00000002
0043DF7A |.66:8B48 >mov cx,word ptr ds: ;cx=0002,取低16位
0043DF7E |.C1EA 10shr edx,10 ;右移16位,实际上是取高16位
0043DF81 |.83C1 02add ecx,2
0043DF84 |.83C2 05add edx,5
0043DF87 |.51 push ecx ;压入参数4
0043DF88 |.52 push edx ;压入参数5
0043DF89 |.8B50 10mov edx,dword ptr ds: ;取出dwProductVersionMS,00010000
0043DF8C |.33C9 xor ecx,ecx
0043DF8E |.66:8B48 >mov cx,word ptr ds: ;cx=0000,取低16位
0043DF92 |.8D4424 2>lea eax,dword ptr ss:
0043DF96 |.C1EA 10shr edx,10 ;取高16位
0043DF99 |.41 inc ecx
0043DF9A |.83C2 03add edx,3
0043DF9D |.51 push ecx ;压入参数1
0043DF9E |.52 push edx ;压入参数4
0043DF9F |.68 90B74>push USBTrace.004AB790 ;ASCII "%d%d%d%d"
0043DFA4 |.50 push eax
0043DFA5 |.E8 53E90>call USBTrace.0045C8FD
ECX 003F89E8 ASCII "4154"
0043DFAA |.8BAC24 6>mov ebp,dword ptr ss:;EBP 003F7078 ASCII "winndy"
0043DFB1 |.83C4 18add esp,18
0043DFB4 |.33C9 xor ecx,ecx ;计数器
0043DFB6 |.8B55 F8mov edx,dword ptr ss: ;edx=6,这是用户名(winndy)的长度,
0043DFB9 |.85D2 test edx,edx
0043DFBB |.7E 14 jle short USBTrace.0043DFD1
0043DFBD |>0FBE0429 /movsx eax,byte ptr ds:
0043DFC1 |.8D1C80 |lea ebx,dword ptr ds:
0043DFC4 |.8D04D8 |lea eax,dword ptr ds:
0043DFC7 |.03F0 |add esi,eax
0043DFC9 |.41 |inc ecx
0043DFCA |.3BCA |cmp ecx,edx
0043DFCC |.8D3446 |lea esi,dword ptr ds:
0043DFCF |.^ 7C EC \jl short USBTrace.0043DFBD
用win32 asm 做注册机的话,直接拿去用就是了。
0043DFD1 |>8BC6 mov eax,esi
0043DFD3 |.33D2 xor edx,edx
0043DFD5 |.B9 0F270>mov ecx,270F ;270F的十进制是9999,对9999取模,保证长度为4
0043DFDA |.F7F1 div ecx
0043DFDC |.52 push edx ;压入余数
0043DFDD |.8D5424 2>lea edx,dword ptr ss:
0043DFE1 |.68 8CB74>push USBTrace.004AB78C ;ASCII "%4d"
0043DFE6 |.52 push edx
0043DFE7 |.E8 11E90>call USBTrace.0045C8FD ;函数功能:整数变为字符串
0043DFEC |.83C4 0Cadd esp,0C
0043DFEF |.8D4C24 1>lea ecx,dword ptr ss:
0043DFF3 |.68 84B74>push USBTrace.004AB784 ;ASCII "****"
0043DFF8 |.E8 A9560>call USBTrace.004636A6
0043DFFD |.6A 00 push 0
0043DFFF |.E8 28040>call USBTrace.0044E42C
0043E004 |.50 push eax
0043E005 |.E8 8DFA0>call USBTrace.0044DA97
0043E00A |.83C4 08add esp,8
0043E00D |.33F6 xor esi,esi
0043E00F |.B3 5A mov bl,5A
0043E011 |>E8 8EFA0>/call USBTrace.0044DAA4
0043E016 |.99 |cdq
0043E017 |.B9 1A000>|mov ecx,1A
0043E01C |.F7F9 |idiv ecx
0043E01E |.80C2 41|add dl,41
0043E021 |.3AD3 |cmp dl,bl
0043E023 |.885424 1>|mov byte ptr ss:,dl
0043E027 |.7E 04 |jle short USBTrace.0043E02D
0043E029 |.885C24 1>|mov byte ptr ss:,bl
0043E02D |>8B5424 1>|mov edx,dword ptr ss:
0043E031 |.8D4C24 1>|lea ecx,dword ptr ss:
0043E035 |.52 |push edx
0043E036 |.56 |push esi
0043E037 |.E8 275A0>|call USBTrace.00463A63
0043E03C |.46 |inc esi
0043E03D |.83FE 04|cmp esi,4
0043E040 |.^ 7C CF \jl short USBTrace.0043E011
0045116B |.FF35 E0F>push dword ptr ds: ; /TlsIndex = C
00451171 |.8BF8 mov edi,eax ; |
00451173 |.FF15 E84>call dword ptr ds:[<&KERNEL32.TlsG>; \TlsGetValue
The TlsGetValue function retrieves the value in the calling thread's thread local storage (TLS)
slot for a specified TLS index. Each thread of a process has its own slot for each TLS index.
If the function succeeds, the return value is the value stored in the calling thread's TLS slot
associated with the specified index.
If the function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended error information, call GetLastError.
0043E042 |.8BAC24 5>mov ebp,dword ptr ss:
0043E049 |.68 74B74>push USBTrace.004AB774 ;ASCII "************",注意长为12
0043E04E |.8BCD mov ecx,ebp
0043E050 |.E8 51560>call USBTrace.004636A6 ;先F8
0043E055 |.33F6 xor esi,esi
0043E057 |>8B4424 1>/mov eax,dword ptr ss: ;esp+18指向版本信息字符串
0043E05B |.8A0C30 |mov cl,byte ptr ds:
0043E05E |.8BC7 |mov eax,edi
0043E060 |.884C24 1>|mov byte ptr ss:,cl
0043E064 |.8BCD |mov ecx,ebp
0043E066 |.8B5424 1>|mov edx,dword ptr ss:
0043E06A |.47 |inc edi
0043E06B |.52 |push edx
0043E06C |.50 |push eax
0043E06D |.E8 F1590>|call USBTrace.00463A63 ;先F8,猜不出来再进去看,注意观察面板和寄存器
0043E072 |.8B4424 1>|mov eax,dword ptr ss:;esp+1C指向用户名得来的字符串
0043E076 |.8A0C30 |mov cl,byte ptr ds:
0043E079 |.8BC7 |mov eax,edi
0043E07B |.884C24 2>|mov byte ptr ss:,cl
0043E07F |.8BCD |mov ecx,ebp
0043E081 |.8B5424 2>|mov edx,dword ptr ss:
0043E085 |.47 |inc edi
0043E086 |.52 |push edx
0043E087 |.50 |push eax
0043E088 |.E8 D6590>|call USBTrace.00463A63
0043E08D |.8B4424 1>|mov eax,dword ptr ss:;esp+14指向Tls字符串
0043E091 |.8A0C30 |mov cl,byte ptr ds:
0043E094 |.8BC7 |mov eax,edi
0043E096 |.884C24 3>|mov byte ptr ss:,cl
0043E09A |.8BCD |mov ecx,ebp
0043E09C |.8B5424 3>|mov edx,dword ptr ss:
0043E0A0 |.47 |inc edi
0043E0A1 |.52 |push edx
0043E0A2 |.50 |push eax
0043E0A3 |.E8 BB590>|call USBTrace.00463A63
0043E0A8 |.46 |inc esi
0043E0A9 |.83FE 04|cmp esi,4
0043E0AC |.^ 7C A9 \jl short USBTrace.0043E057
EAX 003F7028 ASCII "41O18Z50N43Y"
0043E0AE |.68 14E74>push USBTrace.0049E714
0043E0B3 |.6A 04 push 4
0043E0B5 |.8BCD mov ecx,ebp
0043E0B7 |.E8 D6E00>call USBTrace.0045C192
0043E0BC |.68 14E74>push USBTrace.0049E714
0043E0C1 |.6A 09 push 9
0043E0C3 |.8BCD mov ecx,ebp
0043E0C5 |.E8 C8E00>call USBTrace.0045C192
0043E0CA |.BD 01000>mov ebp,1
0043E0CF |>8B4424 2>mov eax,dword ptr ss:
0043E0D3 |.50 push eax
0043E0D4 |.E8 2E020>call USBTrace.0044E307
0043E0D9 |.83C4 04add esp,4
0043E0DC |>8D4C24 1>lea ecx,dword ptr ss:
0043E0E0 |.C68424 4>mov byte ptr ss:,3
0043E0E8 |.E8 30540>call USBTrace.0046351D
0043E0ED |.8D4C24 1>lea ecx,dword ptr ss:
0043E0F1 |.C68424 4>mov byte ptr ss:,2
0043E0F9 |.E8 1F540>call USBTrace.0046351D
0043E0FE |.8D4C24 1>lea ecx,dword ptr ss:
0043E102 |.C68424 4>mov byte ptr ss:,1
0043E10A |.E8 0E540>call USBTrace.0046351D
0043E10F |.8D4C24 3>lea ecx,dword ptr ss:
0043E113 |.C68424 4>mov byte ptr ss:,0
0043E11B |.E8 FD530>call USBTrace.0046351D
0043E120 |.8D8C24 5>lea ecx,dword ptr ss:
0043E127 |.C78424 4>mov dword ptr ss:,-1
0043E132 |.E8 E6530>call USBTrace.0046351D
0043E137 |.8B8C24 4>mov ecx,dword ptr ss:
0043E13E |.5F pop edi
0043E13F |.8BC5 mov eax,ebp
0043E141 |.5E pop esi
0043E142 |.5D pop ebp
0043E143 |.5B pop ebx
0043E144 |.64:890D >mov dword ptr fs:,ecx
0043E14B |.81C4 3C0>add esp,13C
0043E151 \.C2 0800retn 8
一路F8过来,停到 retn 8
0012F338 0043DDA3 返回到 USBTrace.0043DDA3 来自 USBTrace.0043DE80
0012F33C 003F7078 ASCII "winndy"
0012F340 0012F350
0012F344 004B04C0 ASCII "8o?"
0012F348 004B0464 USBTrace.004B0464
0012F34C 004ADDB4 USBTrace.004ADDB4
0012F350 003F7028 ASCII "41O1-8Z50-N43Y"
0043E0B3 |.6A 04 push 4
0043E0C1 |.6A 09 push 9
retn 8执行后,返回继续看。
【感谢】all of you!~
【注册机】win32 asm source
[ 本帖最后由 winndy 于 2005-12-28 05:14 PM 编辑 ] 以后向winndy前辈多多学习~ 原帖由 pentacle 于 2005-12-28 22:15 发表
欢迎交流。 非常感谢,向你学习了 :) 牛人啊```向牛人看齐```学习中。。。 自己太莱了,看的不是很明白 原帖由 =随风= 于 2005-12-29 10:40 发表
有些地方没写详细,带过了。 厉害,学习中 牛人啊,学习中。。。