文件加密工具Cool File Encryption V2.4算号器
强大而华丽的(用了SUIPack,呵呵)加密工具『Cool File Encryption』是一款基于著名的AES算法的数据保护解决方案,具有简单方便的类似MAC的界面,能处理任何类型尺寸的文件,能一次加密多个文件,支持128/192/256位AES加密算法,支持Win全系列。不过目前未开放目录加/解密跟多数据库支持,不知是不是原作者尚未完工抑或准备留到Pro版中开放,期待ing...http://www.dreamflysoft.com/coolfileencryption/
The world's fastest and strongest Encryption tools for files.
Reliable and convenient encryption software for files, using strong AES algorithm. Protect your files and folders from unauthorized user.
请用英文名注册! 谢谢了:handshake :handshake 国人作品,值得信赖,看了楼主的介绍,说明国内的软件作者还是 /:good的 Name: Hunter
Code: 130110972117110116101
偶也提供一组注册码,嘿嘿,算法还没学会 Cool File Encryption V2.4不是国产的吧?
Call 888-447-1175 during normal business hours.(US and Canada only)
Call 952-646-5558 (International)
P.S.: Our server is safe and secure. If you have any problems, please let me know at [email protected], or call Emetrix, toll-FREE at 888-447-1175. Our friends at Emetrix, Inc., take care of the ordering questions for Cool File Encryption.™ 原帖由 jjdg 于 2008-1-19 12:59 发表 https://www.chinapyg.com/images/common/back.gif
Cool File Encryption V2.4不是国产的吧?
Call 888-447-1175 durin ...
靠,这个我也不知道,只是当初我完美汉化了他,发到汉化新世纪,结果被告知这是国产软件,不予收录。晕了 多多支持.....
谢谢..... 谢楼主分享啊