【圣诞礼物】VBto.Converter.v2.36.Cracked-KuNgBiMVBto Converter
Software for converting Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 project (including source code) to resource and source files MS VC++ MFC,VC .NET,VBNET,C#,J#,Borland C++ Builder,Borland Delphi.
Input MS VB 6.0 files: *.frm, *.frx, *.cls, *.bas project.vbp
Output MS VB.NET files: *.vb, *.resx project.vbproj, AssemblyInfo.vb VS 2002, 2003, 2005
Output MS C# .NET files: *.cs, *.resx project.csproj, AssemblyInfo.cs VS 2002, 2003, 2005
Output MS J# .NET files: *.jsl, *.resx project.vjsproj, AssemblyInfo.jsl VS 2005
Output MS VC .NET files: *.h, *.resx, *.cpp project.vcproj, AssemblyInfo.cpp VS 2005
Output MS VC++ MFC files: *.cpp, *.h project.dsp/.vcproj, project.rc, resource.h VS 6.0, 2002, 2003, 2005
Output Borland C++ Builder files:*.cpp, *.h, *.dfm project.bpr, project.cpp, project.res C++ Builder 6.0
Output Borland Delphi files: *.pas, *.dfm project.dpr, project.cfg, project.res Borland Delphi 6.0
You can freely download and install this software on your computer for evaluation:
Current Version:2.36
Release Date: 20 October 2007
File Size: 3 Mb
License Status: Shareware
Supported Platforms: Windows 98, ME, 2000, NT, XP
http://www.download.com/VBto-Converter/3000-2229-10368292.html 好东西,大家应该支持 能不能用中文说明一下呢?/:L