WinASO Registry Optimizer V3.0.9算法分析
【破文标题】WinASO Registry Optimizer V3.0.9算法分析【破解日期】96.09.20
【软件介绍】WinASO Registry Optimizer 是一个 Windows 优化工具和高级注册表清理工
具,它允许您以简单的鼠标单击来安全的清理及修复注册表故障。通过修复陈旧信息及调整 Windows 注册表参数,它对系统速度的提升是值得令人注意的。WinASO Registry Optimizer 被很好的设计为修复普遍的问题,例如对 Internet Explorer 页面的非法修改。我们已对此工具进行了实际测试来确保您的系统安全。我们没有收到过任何对系统稳定性的抱怨。
查無殼為Borland Delphi 6.0 以超級字符串搜尋無提示,祭出函數斷點BP bp MessageBoxA,欄下後看堆疊
0012F7BC 0056A7C2/CALL 到 MessageBoxA 來自 RegOpt.0056A7BD
0012F7C0 005F06FE|hOwner = 005F06FE ('Register
0012F7C4 015ED010|Text = "Sorry, that is an invalid license key. Please ensure you have
entered the license key exactly as provided."
0012F7C8 0164EDB8|Title = "Information"
0056A3AB|.51 push ecx ---下斷點
0056A3AC|.53 push ebx
0056A3AD|.56 push esi
0056A3AE|.57 push edi
0056A3AF|.8BD8 mov ebx,eax
0056A3B1|.33C0 xor eax,eax
0056A3B3|.55 push ebp
0056A3B4|.68 F4A95600 push RegOpt.0056A9F4
0056A3B9|.64:FF30 push dword ptr fs:
0056A3BC|.64:8920 mov dword ptr fs:,esp
0056A3BF|.8D45 FC lea eax,dword ptr ss:
0056A3C2|.8B15 84055A00 mov edx,dword ptr ds: ;RegOpt.005A55E0
0056A3C8|.8B92 70080000 mov edx,dword ptr ds:
0056A3CE|.E8 5DAEE9FF call RegOpt.00405230
0056A3D3|.8D55 F4 lea edx,dword ptr ss:
0056A3D6|.8B83 A4030000 mov eax,dword ptr ds:
0056A3DC|.E8 3BC9EEFF call RegOpt.00456D1C
0056A3E1|.8B45 F4 mov eax,dword ptr ss:
0056A3E4|.E8 9B45F6FF call RegOpt.004CE984
0056A3E9|.84C0 test al,al
0056A3EB|.75 2E jnz short RegOpt.0056A41B
0056A3ED|.6A 40 push 40
0056A3EF|.A1 84055A00 mov eax,dword ptr ds:
0056A3F4|.8B80 6C080000 mov eax,dword ptr ds:
0056A3FA|.E8 5DB2E9FF call RegOpt.0040565C
0056A3FF|.50 push eax
0056A400|.8B45 FC mov eax,dword ptr ss:
0056A403|.E8 54B2E9FF call RegOpt.0040565C
0056A408|.50 push eax
0056A409|.8BC3 mov eax,ebx
0056A40B|.E8 0C44EFFF call RegOpt.0045E81C
0056A410|.50 push eax ; |hOwner
0056A411|.E8 26DFE9FF call <jmp.&user32.MessageBoxA> ; \MessageBoxA
0056A416|.E9 6D050000 jmp RegOpt.0056A988
0056A41B|>8D55 F0 lea edx,dword ptr ss:
0056A41E|.8B83 A8030000 mov eax,dword ptr ds:
0056A424|.E8 F3C8EEFF call RegOpt.00456D1C
0056A429|.8B45 F0 mov eax,dword ptr ss:
0056A42C|.E8 5345F6FF call RegOpt.004CE984
0056A431|.84C0 test al,al
0056A433|.75 2E jnz short RegOpt.0056A463
0056A435|.6A 40 push 40
0056A437|.A1 84055A00 mov eax,dword ptr ds:
0056A43C|.8B80 6C080000 mov eax,dword ptr ds:
0056A442|.E8 15B2E9FF call RegOpt.0040565C
0056A447|.50 push eax
0056A448|.8B45 FC mov eax,dword ptr ss:
0056A44B|.E8 0CB2E9FF call RegOpt.0040565C
0056A450|.50 push eax
0056A451|.8BC3 mov eax,ebx
0056A453|.E8 C443EFFF call RegOpt.0045E81C
0056A458|.50 push eax ; |hOwner
0056A459|.E8 DEDEE9FF call <jmp.&user32.MessageBoxA> ; \MessageBoxA
0056A45E|.E9 25050000 jmp RegOpt.0056A988
0056A463|>8D55 EC lea edx,dword ptr ss:
0056A466|.8B83 AC030000 mov eax,dword ptr ds:
0056A46C|.E8 ABC8EEFF call RegOpt.00456D1C
0056A471|.8B45 EC mov eax,dword ptr ss:
0056A474|.E8 0B45F6FF call RegOpt.004CE984
0056A479|.84C0 test al,al
0056A47B|.75 2E jnz short RegOpt.0056A4AB
0056A47D|.6A 40 push 40
0056A47F|.A1 84055A00 mov eax,dword ptr ds:
0056A484|.8B80 6C080000 mov eax,dword ptr ds:
0056A48A|.E8 CDB1E9FF call RegOpt.0040565C
0056A48F|.50 push eax
0056A490|.8B45 FC mov eax,dword ptr ss:
0056A493|.E8 C4B1E9FF call RegOpt.0040565C
0056A498|.50 push eax
0056A499|.8BC3 mov eax,ebx
0056A49B|.E8 7C43EFFF call RegOpt.0045E81C
0056A4A0|.50 push eax ; |hOwner
0056A4A1|.E8 96DEE9FF call <jmp.&user32.MessageBoxA> ; \MessageBoxA
0056A4A6|.E9 DD040000 jmp RegOpt.0056A988
0056A4AB|>8D55 E8 lea edx,dword ptr ss:
0056A4AE|.8B83 B0030000 mov eax,dword ptr ds:
0056A4B4|.E8 63C8EEFF call RegOpt.00456D1C
0056A4B9|.8B45 E8 mov eax,dword ptr ss:
0056A4BC|.E8 C344F6FF call RegOpt.004CE984
0056A4C1|.84C0 test al,al
0056A4C3|.75 2E jnz short RegOpt.0056A4F3
0056A4C5|.6A 40 push 40
0056A4C7|.A1 84055A00 mov eax,dword ptr ds:
0056A4CC|.8B80 6C080000 mov eax,dword ptr ds:
0056A4D2|.E8 85B1E9FF call RegOpt.0040565C
0056A4D7|.50 push eax
0056A4D8|.8B45 FC mov eax,dword ptr ss:
0056A4DB|.E8 7CB1E9FF call RegOpt.0040565C
0056A4E0|.50 push eax
0056A4E1|.8BC3 mov eax,ebx
0056A4E3|.E8 3443EFFF call RegOpt.0045E81C
0056A4E8|.50 push eax ; |hOwner
0056A4E9|.E8 4EDEE9FF call <jmp.&user32.MessageBoxA> ; \MessageBoxA
0056A4EE|.E9 95040000 jmp RegOpt.0056A988
0056A4F3|>8D55 E4 lea edx,dword ptr ss:
0056A4F6|.8B83 B4030000 mov eax,dword ptr ds:
0056A4FC|.E8 1BC8EEFF call RegOpt.00456D1C
0056A501|.8B45 E4 mov eax,dword ptr ss:
0056A504|.E8 7B44F6FF call RegOpt.004CE984
0056A509|.84C0 test al,al
0056A50B|.75 2E jnz short RegOpt.0056A53B
0056A50D|.6A 40 push 40
0056A50F|.A1 84055A00 mov eax,dword ptr ds:
0056A514|.8B80 6C080000 mov eax,dword ptr ds:
0056A51A|.E8 3DB1E9FF call RegOpt.0040565C
0056A51F|.50 push eax
0056A520|.8B45 FC mov eax,dword ptr ss:
0056A523|.E8 34B1E9FF call RegOpt.0040565C
0056A528|.50 push eax
0056A529|.8BC3 mov eax,ebx
0056A52B|.E8 EC42EFFF call RegOpt.0045E81C
0056A530|.50 push eax ; |hOwner
0056A531|.E8 06DEE9FF call <jmp.&user32.MessageBoxA> ; \MessageBoxA
0056A536|.E9 4D040000 jmp RegOpt.0056A988
0056A53B|>8D55 E0 lea edx,dword ptr ss:
0056A53E|.8B83 A4030000 mov eax,dword ptr ds:
0056A544|.E8 D3C7EEFF call RegOpt.00456D1C
0056A549|.8B45 E0 mov eax,dword ptr ss: ;第1格
0056A54C|.8945 DC mov dword ptr ss:,eax
0056A54F|.8B45 DC mov eax,dword ptr ss:
0056A552|.85C0 test eax,eax
0056A554|.74 05 je short RegOpt.0056A55B
0056A556|.83E8 04 sub eax,4
0056A559|.8B00 mov eax,dword ptr ds:
0056A55B|>83F8 04 cmp eax,4
0056A55E|.74 2E je short RegOpt.0056A58E
0056A560|.6A 40 push 40
0056A562|.A1 84055A00 mov eax,dword ptr ds:
0056A567|.8B80 6C080000 mov eax,dword ptr ds:
0056A56D|.E8 EAB0E9FF call RegOpt.0040565C
0056A572|.50 push eax
0056A573|.8B45 FC mov eax,dword ptr ss:
0056A576|.E8 E1B0E9FF call RegOpt.0040565C
0056A57B|.50 push eax
0056A57C|.8BC3 mov eax,ebx
0056A57E|.E8 9942EFFF call RegOpt.0045E81C
0056A583|.50 push eax ; |hOwner
0056A584|.E8 B3DDE9FF call <jmp.&user32.MessageBoxA> ; \MessageBoxA
0056A589|.E9 FA030000 jmp RegOpt.0056A988
0056A58E|>8D55 D8 lea edx,dword ptr ss:
0056A591|.8B83 A8030000 mov eax,dword ptr ds:
0056A597|.E8 80C7EEFF call RegOpt.00456D1C
0056A59C|.8B45 D8 mov eax,dword ptr ss:
0056A59F|.8945 DC mov dword ptr ss:,eax
0056A5A2|.8B45 DC mov eax,dword ptr ss:
0056A5A5|.85C0 test eax,eax
0056A5A7|.74 05 je short RegOpt.0056A5AE
0056A5A9|.83E8 04 sub eax,4
0056A5AC|.8B00 mov eax,dword ptr ds:
0056A5AE|>83F8 04 cmp eax,4
0056A5B1|.74 2E je short RegOpt.0056A5E1
0056A5B3|.6A 40 push 40
0056A5B5|.A1 84055A00 mov eax,dword ptr ds:
0056A5BA|.8B80 6C080000 mov eax,dword ptr ds:
0056A5C0|.E8 97B0E9FF call RegOpt.0040565C
0056A5C5|.50 push eax
0056A5C6|.8B45 FC mov eax,dword ptr ss:
0056A5C9|.E8 8EB0E9FF call RegOpt.0040565C
0056A5CE|.50 push eax
0056A5CF|.8BC3 mov eax,ebx
0056A5D1|.E8 4642EFFF call RegOpt.0045E81C
0056A5D6|.50 push eax ; |hOwner
0056A5D7|.E8 60DDE9FF call <jmp.&user32.MessageBoxA> ; \MessageBoxA
0056A5DC|.E9 A7030000 jmp RegOpt.0056A988
0056A5E1|>8D55 D4 lea edx,dword ptr ss:
0056A5E4|.8B83 AC030000 mov eax,dword ptr ds:
0056A5EA|.E8 2DC7EEFF call RegOpt.00456D1C
0056A5EF|.8B45 D4 mov eax,dword ptr ss:
0056A5F2|.8945 DC mov dword ptr ss:,eax
0056A5F5|.8B45 DC mov eax,dword ptr ss:
0056A5F8|.85C0 test eax,eax
0056A5FA|.74 05 je short RegOpt.0056A601
0056A5FC|.83E8 04 sub eax,4
0056A5FF|.8B00 mov eax,dword ptr ds:
0056A601|>83F8 04 cmp eax,4
0056A604|.74 2E je short RegOpt.0056A634
0056A606|.6A 40 push 40
0056A608|.A1 84055A00 mov eax,dword ptr ds:
0056A60D|.8B80 6C080000 mov eax,dword ptr ds:
0056A613|.E8 44B0E9FF call RegOpt.0040565C
0056A618|.50 push eax
0056A619|.8B45 FC mov eax,dword ptr ss:
0056A61C|.E8 3BB0E9FF call RegOpt.0040565C
0056A621|.50 push eax
0056A622|.8BC3 mov eax,ebx
0056A624|.E8 F341EFFF call RegOpt.0045E81C
0056A629|.50 push eax ; |hOwner
0056A62A|.E8 0DDDE9FF call <jmp.&user32.MessageBoxA> ; \MessageBoxA
0056A62F|.E9 54030000 jmp RegOpt.0056A988
0056A634|>8D55 D0 lea edx,dword ptr ss:
0056A637|.8B83 B0030000 mov eax,dword ptr ds:
0056A63D|.E8 DAC6EEFF call RegOpt.00456D1C
0056A642|.8B45 D0 mov eax,dword ptr ss:
0056A645|.8945 DC mov dword ptr ss:,eax
0056A648|.8B45 DC mov eax,dword ptr ss:
0056A64B|.85C0 test eax,eax
0056A64D|.74 05 je short RegOpt.0056A654
0056A64F|.83E8 04 sub eax,4
0056A652|.8B00 mov eax,dword ptr ds:
0056A654|>83F8 04 cmp eax,4
0056A657|.74 2E je short RegOpt.0056A687
0056A659|.6A 40 push 40
0056A65B|.A1 84055A00 mov eax,dword ptr ds:
0056A660|.8B80 6C080000 mov eax,dword ptr ds:
0056A666|.E8 F1AFE9FF call RegOpt.0040565C
0056A66B|.50 push eax
0056A66C|.8B45 FC mov eax,dword ptr ss:
0056A66F|.E8 E8AFE9FF call RegOpt.0040565C
0056A674|.50 push eax
0056A675|.8BC3 mov eax,ebx
0056A677|.E8 A041EFFF call RegOpt.0045E81C
0056A67C|.50 push eax ; |hOwner
0056A67D|.E8 BADCE9FF call <jmp.&user32.MessageBoxA> ; \MessageBoxA
0056A682|.E9 01030000 jmp RegOpt.0056A988
0056A687|>8D55 CC lea edx,dword ptr ss:
0056A68A|.8B83 B4030000 mov eax,dword ptr ds:
0056A690|.E8 87C6EEFF call RegOpt.00456D1C
0056A695|.8B45 CC mov eax,dword ptr ss:
0056A698|.8945 DC mov dword ptr ss:,eax
0056A69B|.8B45 DC mov eax,dword ptr ss:
0056A69E|.85C0 test eax,eax
0056A6A0|.74 05 je short RegOpt.0056A6A7
0056A6A2|.83E8 04 sub eax,4
0056A6A5|.8B00 mov eax,dword ptr ds:
0056A6A7|>83F8 04 cmp eax,4
0056A6AA|.74 2E je short RegOpt.0056A6DA
0056A6AC|.6A 40 push 40
0056A6AE|.A1 84055A00 mov eax,dword ptr ds:
0056A6B3|.8B80 6C080000 mov eax,dword ptr ds:
0056A6B9|.E8 9EAFE9FF call RegOpt.0040565C
0056A6BE|.50 push eax
0056A6BF|.8B45 FC mov eax,dword ptr ss:
0056A6C2|.E8 95AFE9FF call RegOpt.0040565C
0056A6C7|.50 push eax
0056A6C8|.8BC3 mov eax,ebx
0056A6CA|.E8 4D41EFFF call RegOpt.0045E81C
0056A6CF|.50 push eax ; |hOwner
0056A6D0|.E8 67DCE9FF call <jmp.&user32.MessageBoxA> ; \MessageBoxA
0056A6D5|.E9 AE020000 jmp RegOpt.0056A988
0056A6DA|>8D55 C8 lea edx,dword ptr ss:
0056A6DD|.8B83 A4030000 mov eax,dword ptr ds:
0056A6E3|.E8 34C6EEFF call RegOpt.00456D1C
0056A6E8|.8B45 C8 mov eax,dword ptr ss:
0056A6EB|.E8 C4F7E9FF call RegOpt.00409EB4
0056A6F0|.8BF0 mov esi,eax ;457-s1
0056A6F2|.8D55 C4 lea edx,dword ptr ss:
0056A6F5|.8B83 A8030000 mov eax,dword ptr ds:
0056A6FB|.E8 1CC6EEFF call RegOpt.00456D1C
0056A700|.8B45 C4 mov eax,dword ptr ss:
0056A703|.E8 ACF7E9FF call RegOpt.00409EB4
0056A708|.8BF8 mov edi,eax ;8AE-s2
0056A70A|.8D55 C0 lea edx,dword ptr ss:
0056A70D|.8B83 AC030000 mov eax,dword ptr ds:
0056A713|.E8 04C6EEFF call RegOpt.00456D1C
0056A718|.8B45 C0 mov eax,dword ptr ss:
0056A71B|.E8 94F7E9FF call RegOpt.00409EB4
0056A720|.8945 F8 mov dword ptr ss:,eax ;D05-s3
0056A723|.0FAFF7 imul esi,edi ;s2*s1
0056A726|.81EE 2B060000 sub esi,62B
0056A72C|.81FE 10270000 cmp esi,2710 ;S2*S1-62B>10000---A1
0056A732|.7D 2E jge short RegOpt.0056A762
0056A734|.6A 40 push 40
0056A736|.A1 84055A00 mov eax,dword ptr ds:
0056A73B|.8B80 6C080000 mov eax,dword ptr ds:
0056A741|.E8 16AFE9FF call RegOpt.0040565C
0056A746|.50 push eax
0056A747|.8B45 FC mov eax,dword ptr ss:
0056A74A|.E8 0DAFE9FF call RegOpt.0040565C
0056A74F|.50 push eax
0056A750|.8BC3 mov eax,ebx
0056A752|.E8 C540EFFF call RegOpt.0045E81C
0056A757|.50 push eax ; |hOwner
0056A758|.E8 DFDBE9FF call <jmp.&user32.MessageBoxA> ; \MessageBoxA
0056A75D|.E9 26020000 jmp RegOpt.0056A988
0056A762|>8D55 B8 lea edx,dword ptr ss:
0056A765|.8BC6 mov eax,esi
0056A767|.E8 0CF6E9FF call RegOpt.00409D78
0056A76C|.8B45 B8 mov eax,dword ptr ss:
0056A76F|.8D4D BC lea ecx,dword ptr ss: ;取A1之前4位
0056A772|.BA 04000000 mov edx,4
0056A777|.E8 14DDEDFF call RegOpt.00448490
0056A77C|.8B45 BC mov eax,dword ptr ss: ;取A1第位=T1
0056A77F|.50 push eax
0056A780|.8D55 B4 lea edx,dword ptr ss:
0056A783|.8B83 B0030000 mov eax,dword ptr ds:
0056A789|.E8 8EC5EEFF call RegOpt.00456D1C
0056A78E|.8B55 B4 mov edx,dword ptr ss: ;比較第4格是否為T1的值
0056A791|.58 pop eax
0056A792|.E8 11AEE9FF call RegOpt.004055A8
0056A797|.74 2E je short RegOpt.0056A7C7
0056A799|.6A 40 push 40
0056A79B|.A1 84055A00 mov eax,dword ptr ds:
0056A7A0|.8B80 6C080000 mov eax,dword ptr ds:
0056A7A6|.E8 B1AEE9FF call RegOpt.0040565C
0056A7AB|.50 push eax
0056A7AC|.8B45 FC mov eax,dword ptr ss:
0056A7AF|.E8 A8AEE9FF call RegOpt.0040565C
0056A7B4|.50 push eax
0056A7B5|.8BC3 mov eax,ebx
0056A7B7|.E8 6040EFFF call RegOpt.0045E81C
0056A7BC|.50 push eax ; |hOwner
0056A7BD|.E8 7ADBE9FF call <jmp.&user32.MessageBoxA> ; \MessageBoxA
0056A7C2|.E9 C1010000 jmp RegOpt.0056A988
0056A7C7|>8B75 F8 mov esi,dword ptr ss:
0056A7CA|.81C6 01020000 add esi,201 ;s3+201..s4
0056A7D0|.0FAFF7 imul esi,edi ;s4*s2
0056A7D3|.81EE F50D0000 sub esi,0DF5 ;(s3+201)+(s4*s2)-DF5..A2
0056A7D9|.8D55 AC lea edx,dword ptr ss:
0056A7DC|.8BC6 mov eax,esi
0056A7DE|.E8 95F5E9FF call RegOpt.00409D78 ;要進入才能得到T2 ***要注意
0056A7E3|.8B45 AC mov eax,dword ptr ss:
0056A7E6|.8D4D B0 lea ecx,dword ptr ss:
0056A7E9|.BA 04000000 mov edx,4
0056A7EE|.E8 9DDCEDFF call RegOpt.00448490
0056A7F3|.8B45 B0 mov eax,dword ptr ss: ;取T2第後4位
0056A7F6|.50 push eax
0056A7F7|.8D55 A8 lea edx,dword ptr ss:
0056A7FA|.8B83 B4030000 mov eax,dword ptr ds:
0056A800|.E8 17C5EEFF call RegOpt.00456D1C
0056A805|.8B55 A8 mov edx,dword ptr ss: ;比較第5格是否為T2
0056A808|.58 pop eax
0056A809|.E8 9AADE9FF call RegOpt.004055A8
0056A80E|.74 2E je short RegOpt.0056A83E
0056A810|.6A 40 push 40
0056A812|.A1 84055A00 mov eax,dword ptr ds:
0056A817|.8B80 6C080000 mov eax,dword ptr ds:
0056A81D|.E8 3AAEE9FF call RegOpt.0040565C
0056A822|.50 push eax
0056A823|.8B45 FC mov eax,dword ptr ss:
0056A826|.E8 31AEE9FF call RegOpt.0040565C
0056A82B|.50 push eax
0056A82C|.8BC3 mov eax,ebx
0056A82E|.E8 E93FEFFF call RegOpt.0045E81C
0056A833|.50 push eax ; |hOwner
0056A834|.E8 03DBE9FF call <jmp.&user32.MessageBoxA> ; \MessageBoxA
一、該軟件有五格輸入框,只驗算第4格與第5格。前3格任意記為s1 s2 s3
應該是0822531F可是怎麼會是8542239不知道8542239是如何而來;後來我有追進0056A7DE call 就是不明白。
希望先進們予以指導 謝謝
[ 本帖最后由 chuan0326 于 2007-9-20 18:05 编辑 ] 很不错,大牛,学习一下,对比一下,:loveliness: 以前用优化大师优化坏了,就再也不用 优化大师有误清除的时候