Relyze Version 3.4.0 (15 Nov 2021)
Version 3.4.0 (15 Nov 2021)Analysis: Parse IMAGEDEBUGTYPEEXDLLCHARACTERISTICS entries.
GUI: Display the current selected address in each view below the navigation bar.
Bugfix/GUI: UI should display tab indexes starting at one and not zero.
Bugfix/GUI: Finding a node in the flow view should highlight the found node.
Bugfix/Analysis: Saving an analysis to disk is now 20% faster.
Bugfix/Analysis: Improve support for decompiling functions that call stack checking routines (eg. chkstk) as expected.
Bugfix/Diff: A differential analysis may never complete.
Bugfix/Diff: Use function symbol name signature for grouping and not matching.
Bugfix/Diff: Instructions leveraging RIP relative memory operands (x64) may be marked as unexpectedly modified.
Bugfix/Decompiler/TCG: Dead code elimination may occur unexpectedly after memory reads from imported data.
Bugfix/Decompiler/TCG: Calls to leaf functions may not clobber expected registers.
Bugfix/Decompiler/TCG: Do not coalesce stack locals that may be aliased.
比起IDA来还有点距离,也可能是我不会使用大一点的软件经常卡死 感谢wgz算码
wgz 也来帮我算一卦吧? 能不能共享一下注册机呀?非常感谢。 哈哈 小心被她看见哦~~~~ 老师您好, v2.5.3 Register for Nisy这个版本,QQ联系不上您 可以交流一下吗?