RadBuilder 4.0 & 和谐补丁
RadBuilder is a complete rapid application development (RAD) tool to create interactive multimedia applications, database applications and Web applications for Windows - without programming. You don’t have to be a programmer, but with RadBuilder you’ll feel like one. Even though it is very easy to learn and use, it has everything you need to develop professional software applications with a completely visual drag and drop environment.Create database applications
Create Web database applications for intranet and internet
Create interactive multimedia applications
Create professional CD menus
Product Information
Version: (10/12/2018)
Platform: Windows 2000/XP/2003/2008/Vista/7/8/10
License: Free to try, $299 to buy
File size: 15.6MB
原版链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1SbJKXgvuy8HSreBWPcH5oQ 提取码:prja
补丁链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/16nRSrXD18py1o01t7ts_KQ 提取码:19uq(解压码:PYG_rudEWAJYpUbAwU57_52PJ)
RadBuilder该软件不需要您精通编程语言和HTML开发技术,利用window交互式的图形创建技术,就可以轻松构建一个开发的框架,让您在设计数据类信息和创建web程序的时候以更加简单快捷的方式完成项目设计任务,本软件学习起来还是非常简单的,他只有几十M大小,相比其他开发软件来说,无论是设计流程还是设计方案都会简单得多;RadBuilder提供开发数据库和专业软件所需要的代码设计、调试、模拟运行等工具,让您在编辑软件的过程中更加方便。 开发软件?试试 感谢发布原创作品,PYG有你更精彩! 虽然不懂,但是看起来就好高端