Binary Ninja v1.1.1344 (2018-10-05)
Binary Ninja is brought to you by Vector 35, a group of hackers who started to make games and reversing tools.
Or maybe they are game developers who still think they can hack? Either way, they're having fun doing it.
1.1.1344 (2018-10-05)
• Fix several issues with the Windows installer and updates
• Fix a potential deadlock when using calling conventions provided by a Python plugin
好特别的域名。前排支持,感谢及时更新。 来一发使用教程就好了。{:loveliness:} 校长bin呢来收藏一发啊 {:lol:} 支持下,太专业用不上 太专业了,看不懂。 Let me see see! 感谢楼主分享! 支持楼主 . 非常强大的工具,可惜只有DEMO