Nisy 发表于 2018-7-27 10:30:17

Cutter 1.6 - Codename "Arterial Incision" (Radare2 with GUI )

基于 Radare2 的引擎,增加了像IDA一样UI界面的反汇编分析工具。
A Qt and C++ GUI for radare2 reverse engineering framework (originally named Iaito).

Cutter 1.6 - Codename "Arterial Incision"
This is a smaller release than 1.5 with the primary goal to fix a bug on Windows, which caused the Functions, Strings and Console widgets to be unusable.

Updated radare2 to a98557b (after 2.7.0)
Use p- in VisualNavbar
Optimize VisualNavbar Stats Loading
Save last clicked tab in NewFileDialog
Added IO list to NewFileDialog
Enable sorting for plugin lists (#566)
AppVeyor: optimize python modules (#569)
Fixed unusable Functions, Strings and Console widgets on Windows by recent changes in radare2
Fix #562, replace ?d. by aod
Docker: Fix typo in, travis: fix image name (#564)
Remove unnecessary newline from VisualNavbar tooltip
Fix dont open any file option
Fix unwanted jumping from Hexdump to Disassembly
Fix empty IO
Fix HexDump HTML issues
Reorder starting AnalTask and showing Dialog
Do not show MainWindow if loading failed
Initialize settings earlier and disable jmptbl (#576)
Exclude python libs when using linuxdeployqt
Set r2 prefix before r_core_loadlibs()


蓝蓝深海 发表于 2018-7-27 10:54:40

功能感觉很强大   小白驾驭不了   已经在用

Anakin 发表于 2018-7-27 10:58:16


不苦小和尚 发表于 2018-7-27 11:03:01


不破不立 发表于 2018-7-27 12:25:49


LanslotChung 发表于 2018-7-30 09:10:07


disini 发表于 2018-7-30 09:32:05


kuray 发表于 2018-7-30 09:50:18

谢谢坛主, 工具很强大!

baixingjian8 发表于 2018-7-30 10:25:55

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查看完整版本: Cutter 1.6 - Codename "Arterial Incision" (Radare2 with GUI )