dryzh 发表于 2018-4-27 22:51:51


本帖最后由 dryzh 于 2018-4-27 22:59 编辑

Detours is a software package for monitoring and instrumenting API calls on Windows. It is distributed in source code form.

Detours 4.0.1 supports x86, x64 and other Windows-compatible processors (IA64 and ARM). It includes support for either 32-bit or 64-bit processes.Detours 4.0 simplifies the licensing of Detours. Detours 3.0 was available in two versions. Detours Professional allowed commercial use.Detours Express allowed research, non-commercial, and non-production use. The two versions were identical except for their licenses.Detours 3.0 included the following new features over Detours 2.x:
[*]Support for 64-bit code on x64 and IA64 processors (Professional Edition only).
[*]Support for all Windows processors (Professional Edition only).
[*]Removed requirement for including detoured.dll in processes.
[*]Compatibility improvements for detouring APIs used by managed-code (MSIL) programs, especially on x64 processors.
[*]Addition of APIs to enumerate PE binary Imports and to determine the module referenced by a function pointer.

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三十三层天剑主 发表于 2018-7-26 15:51:42

本帖最后由 stormyyf 于 2018-7-26 21:50 编辑


small-q 发表于 2018-4-27 23:02:18


w470236189 发表于 2018-4-27 23:03:00

什么东西 看看哦

wgz001 发表于 2018-4-27 23:03:12


wangtao9206 发表于 2018-4-27 23:03:16

看不懂 嘿嘿 辛苦额

xdnice 发表于 2018-4-27 23:03:45


612731 发表于 2018-4-27 23:07:14

支持一下啊   感谢分享。。

ExcelFans 发表于 2018-4-27 23:10:50


hpindigo 发表于 2018-4-27 23:16:36


ylyn 发表于 2018-4-27 23:17:53

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查看完整版本: 54来临之际,分享个微软自家的好东西Detours,你绝对喜欢!不喜欢打我!